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Posts posted by choochoo

  1. I love bargirls but they are just not marriage materiall. You guys do know good thai boys wont marry a prostitute..................lol.

    Generally, I'd agree with you, but, I do know exceptions to that rule.

    STOP with the expections thing. They are called exceptions for a reason. You cant go thru life going for the exception.

    Stickman contributor on successes helping girls with business. One in 10 years- and that one looked questionable-she had a farang sponsor also.

    The point I'm trying to make here and which apparently has gone over your head, is that not all good girls are good and not all bad girls are bad.

    Each are individuals and should be treated as such.........geddit?

    for purposes of forums we cannot go person by person! Im sure if your daughter brought home an ISIS member you would be suspicious......................lol.

  2. I love bargirls but they are just not marriage materiall. You guys do know good thai boys wont marry a prostitute..................lol.

    Generally, I'd agree with you, but, I do know exceptions to that rule.

    STOP with the expections thing. They are called exceptions for a reason. You cant go thru life going for the exception.

    Stickman contributor on successes helping girls with business. One in 10 years- and that one looked questionable-she had a farang sponsor also.

  3. i like that article from a middle class thai girls point of view. She says good girls arent found on internet dating sites and bar areas.

    Why cant guys understand this. That little girl you found at InSAnity disco is not a good girl......................lol. In conclusion-dont marry them.

  4. how can it be the same man. No passing off as beauties avg to below avg looking thai bar girls.

    my BAD this feature is still there.

    God awful teeth on one of them............lol. The worst teeth belong to a Rainbow 4 dancer- hands down.....lol. She would need complete destruction and then restoration-yet she does get farang customers-go figgure.

    Its not the same man! anyways sex sells-elephants dont!

  5. the simplest solution is to offer $5,000 to crackpot and tell her to get lost. $10,000 if need be.

    What is so hard ? No need to play games once youve found out you were the pigeon.

    Own up to your mistake and move on!

    Cray guy, pay nothing say nothing offer nothing, as if she could afford an airfare and hotel for a month trying to screw the ex in England plus lawyers fees.

    All i offered my ex was her airfare home and we were on very good terms, she declined, and i got her to pay for the divorce as well its the least she could have done after my many trips to see her plus her visa etc in moving her to AU.

    Some of you guys are basket cases, but it does make for amusing reading.

    i do see your point . just cut off all contact. PROBlem is i think op enjoys the drama!

    is a marriage recorded at some amphur in the hicks of thailand going to show up in other country'S records? does it affect you if you wanted to marry a laos village girl?

  6. Im not saying you have to offer prostitutes just feMAIL hosts...................lol.

    I'll pay more to go to a bar that doesn't have hookers / bar girls in it. Most of them are annoying chancers.

    And I couldn't care less if the waitresses are female or male.

    I'm a straight man too before anyone says anything.

    I go to a bar to either drink with friends or take a girl out.

    I don't need the staff to be female for it to be an enjoyable experience.

    say you go to a bar to take a girl out as you said. You looking for a hi-so thai chinese reading the asian wall st journal at the next table or what?

    Men waiters in a girlie bar just doesnt seem right......................lol.

  7. Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

    Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

    NO GOOD . boys want girls. even ugly ones...............lol.


    Because there seem to be rather a lot of successful bars that don't revolve around prostitution.

    If you say so.

    Im not saying you have to offer prostitutes just feMAIL hosts...................lol.

  8. Best option for stickman would be to take on a co-writer/staff to work on the site while stick is in NZ- stick himself could then review the content each week, check editorial style while the new staff does the leg work.

    Other option ,would be to stay and open a bar using his name- Stickman's Bar- with focus on good ambiance/drink/food rather than girls.

    NO GOOD . boys want girls. even ugly ones...............lol.

  9. Why do you want to give money away...?

    Thousands of falangs give away billions of baht every year. Look how many threads are started here and how many posters defend the paying of sinsod.

    How many clowns do you know that pay sinsod for their wife who has previously been married or has children?

    I can immediately think of six............

    ... seven if you count the one where the children didn't come out of the woodwork until months after the wedding smile.png

    oh lord!

    out of the 7 marriages how many were for true love? you know what i mean.

  10. True that. One of the issues here, is that so many men come here from emotionally turbulent backgrounds, to say the least. They are so used to having to jump over such high hurdles to maintain a relationship in the west, that they kind of lose their minds once they arrive here. Some do not realize how different the world is here, and allow the woman to start dominating them from day one. Others do not make that grievous error, but do not set their sights high enough. Still others, who have little to no self esteem, allow themselves to get involved with extremely poor choices, that are carrying around heavy amounts of emotional baggage, and are very needy both emotionally, and financially. The reality is, that if we come from an emotionally healthy background, have good self esteem, are intelligent, have some wisdom, and have some vision, and are willing to take out time, we can find really exceptional gals here to devote ourselves to. If not, well what can one say?

    There are no great girls 30+ available in Thailand (or anywhere else).

    If they are single at that age, there is something already horribly damaged/used/wrong about them.

    I would go so far as to say, if you haven't met the right girl by (her) age 25, it ain't gonna happen.

    lets be more specific-in esan there are NO great girls past 20s................lol.

    Lots of great girls over 30 available-in many places. Who actually want a good life to share, with a nice man. who isnt 30 years their senoir.

  11. If the land belongs to her mother I am afraid you can't really do anything.

    he could cut the house in half and haul his share away.

    This marriage and divorce section is really DEPressing.

  12. I think I'll stick to your first post which was the nearest to the truth. What I saw of her family was real as was their home. I know this because I have Thai friends who had to visit her home for something when I was in the UK. Nothing was any different from when I was there. She herself faked things as you said, and she even said that to me, but this is all about her not her family, in this instance anyway.

    Thai friends?

    Nope, they would have lied too, not wanting to upset you with the truth.

    I lie to my foreign pals about their women too, nobody wants to know the truth really.


    You have either lived it or have friends going through it, either way, sounds like you talk from experience.

    I have a friend now who is on a merry-go-round with his bird. Like a Thai TV soapie. I just know what will happen but he fails to take one bit of advice on board or see the truth.

    People only believe what they want to hear or see.

    Why am I seeing stuff he isn't???


    You are a HATER thats why. im being fecetious, btw!

    • Like 1
  13. Western countries tend to have that effect on normal people, especially when living on a budget - they come to Western countries expecting total bliss, but they see the reality is that everything is either forbidden or too expensive and shops offer no service in addition of being closed most of the time...

    I wish it had been that simple Manarak, but really she had ample of everything, without necessarily spending a lot of money, including sending money home every month which was not far from double what she made from her job before she came here.... albeit sent to a family who got rid of money faster than you and I could on a roulette wheel. Whilst there were numerous factors involved, one which didn't help at all was them telling her almost daily down the phone they've no money. With hindsight I would disconnect my cheap Skype phone package so these type of calls couldn't be made except maybe once a week. The sensible thing for them to do would have been to lay off her and give her 6 months to find a job to reduce the pressure on her, but firstly they appeared to have zero common sense to think past tomorrow and secondly their budgeting skills were on a par with a chimpanzee with learning difficulties. Example: when we left Thailand to come to UK in March, I gave them 12,000 thinking that will at least keep them out her face to give her 2 or 3 weeks to settle in the UK. Outcome? Day 7 after our plane landed.......NO MONEY. I explained to her that 12k is £250 and that people here where everything costs about double or more than what it does in Issan could eat and pay minimum bills off that for longer than they managed. She didn't seem able to explain why they shipped money like a casino gambler apart from repaying debt to other people, but it stressed her out and she'd been here only 1 week.

    I certainly blame them partly for what happened, unfortunately I think there were more problems inside her head as well as these ridiculous money demands. I've been to her home and village 3 times, nobody was sitting on wooden boxes in threadbare clothes with nothing to eatbiggrin.png . One local guy around 40 who was lying in a hammock told me he didn't bother working apart from helping out on a farm 1 or 2 days a week, because the city was too far from the villagebiggrin.png . It's actually about 40 minutes away and 30 baht each way on the bus. It takes me more than 40 minutes to get to work in the UK some days. It's laughable.

    Obvious she only married you for you GENEROSITY(show her the munney AND BY GOLLY you did.. wake up MAN!'

    Theres a RumoUr in the AIR that 1000s if not 10s of 1000s hi so thai chines women are looking for kind farangs to marry. Why you pick an old lady from issan with 2 almost teenagers in tow?

    I read the whole thread and i must conclude this is a troll. Sends 15,000 a month to family coz they need it................lol.

    "WHY WHY WHY"... And that remains the question or should that be a host of question, here's 2:

    Why marry them at all.. [of course, it's because they want to [get the sin sod] & you want to respect their customs and cultures. Good percentage of guys here marrying these woman come from broken marriages, yet they dive straight back into the thick of it all.. ]

    Worse still, WHY choose a partner with kids - [now you've signed up to support multiple people - this one has got me beat!]. Then we wonder WHY there is no end to money demands.

    Why ask Why? maybe they do it so we can ask WHY they do what they do.

  14. TheMarriage between us has been all about money and how much she can get out of me, I am only relieved I am getting out of it before all my money was gone. I love Thailand and my only worry is I will have problems on entering Thailand, obviously by the sounds of things there is nothing she can sue me for as there are no assets would I be right in saying that.?

    God bless you

    You realizing what happened will lead to to the land of bliss.

    This bring up an interesting conundrum. EZ to tell if family is poor. But how poor? In debt poor is difficult to determine.

  15. I hired a private investigator but so far was not able to get any evidence. After all there's always a chance I'm wrong (we all can be wrong), there may be an explanation to her behaviour, but as of right now, all I can think of is cheating.

    Riveting thread better than non-fiction. and now op admits he may just be making all this infidelity nonsense up.............................lol.

    I feel like a fool!

  16. theres a good chance the father is a cheater too. Its expected! be careful man you playing with people you cant even talk too-you said you dont speak same language.

    I thought of telling her to hand over the cash nicely, once I have good evidence (working on it), then I'd just disappear and she can tell her parents whatever she wants and save her face, or else I'd go back and talk to her parents and inform them what sort of woman their daughter is. They may or may not care, I don't know. Her dad and I have a good relationship even though none of us speaks a common language, I think he'd be very disappointed but I don't know if that will make any difference...

    So long as it doesn't raise suspicion, my Merkin friend has a good idea.

    To win this thing you need to pander to their wants and fears. I used ghosts and superstition at one point.

    What do you think folks?

    Speaking with her parents and telling them that she has been unfaithful is one of the most powerful things you can do; using this as your threatening/bargaining chip could be extremely effective in getting what you want from a Thai girl. Her Thai parents would likely be extremely disappointed to hear about her behavior and could bring great shame to her and her family. Certainly I don't know if this will work but it is more powerful than if you had a farang wife, by about a million-fold.

    What if father is a cheater too? He may join forces with daughter in having you eliminated.....................lol.

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