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Posts posted by choochoo

  1. if op were my son id tell him the same thing. Op has no passion to run houses like you do. He just wants little extra money to get by.

    I think a paper route might do the trick..................lol.

    Im surprised simon recommended an eatery to feed these visa runners. No way is feeding the guests in a 4-8 room house financially viable-unless wife does it for free and all they serve is rice.............lol.

  2. such lac of understanding of business here.

    If op said his lifelong dream was to run a gh -then im all for it. But he didnt. He said what kind of business without being specific(i wonder if porn shop was recommended would he go for that.................lol) was open for making little money just to get by.

    If op said he was going to antartica and what kind of business should he get into Simon woul say guesthouses............lol.

  3. I keep as little as poss in banks ,Im a firm believer that banks & government agencies can't be trusted .I stay here on a tourist visa because I refuse to reveal any wealth to get a visa where I need not go on visa runs. I have turned my runs into top trips rather than missions. However it is my misstrust & the certainty that officials when then know you have something want to get their grubby hands on it.

    The banks are the same just different scam. I couldn't believe they charged for putting money in one of their own accounts robbing Bs

    so do you keep your money under your mattress? dont invite ladyboys home thats the first place they look....lol.

    • Like 1
  4. [quiote]

    Beer bars and guest houses need a regular supply of customers

    And you have them! A daily stream of visa-runners. How many rooms would the GH have? 4? 8? All you have to do is to persuade a few of those visa-runners to spend a single night at your GH, eat your food, drink your beer. Then repeat the next day.

    You could do a commission deal with the visarun minivan services.

    Some of you have half-empty glasses - Mine are always half-full or overflowing... smile.png

    Simon the problem is your actions dont jibe with your words.

    Why are you teaching in myannmar if guesthouse are such a great deal???????????????????????

  5. I wonder how many English guys that read the OP will be thinking "Is that me he's on about"?

    A lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Is thaivisa going in a NEW direction. This thread would never have gotten this far not to long ago.

  6. "so many other men are willing to offer her up to 20,000 a day for sex (I've seen the texts)"

    From her mates, the oldest trick in the book and you bought it. laugh.png

    Ah no….it was guys from internet dating sites. You want to know what they looked like? I saw their profiles…..mid 50s, officer manager type of look, actually pretty normal which surprised me as why would they have to offer that kind of money? You could see a guy in a wheelchair or disfigured having to ante in 20K but not a normal looking older guy.

    Its possible the offers werent real. A hooker would go for the cash. She should know better than i.

    If she offered to be yours for 30k a month she probably wasnt in demand like you say.

  7. Simon also had to flee to Burma to escape two ex-wives that own those businesses while stealing his money.

    The best advice I can give about a guesthouse business is NOT to rent an existing building on a short lease, but to long-lease a suitable land plot for say 20 years, paying nothing 'up-front' and only paying a small rent per month. A half-rai plot should cost you no more than 20,000 baht/month. Register the lease at the land office and build your little hotel/guesthouse for say 2 million baht. You then have many years to recoup your capital investment and to earn a decent profit, whilst being able to live in your business premises.


    Simon means well but is just mis-guided.

    Op is not a young man. He doesn't have many years left to recoup a DUBIOUS venture . And he has NO experience.

    Thanks for the guys who think its a waste of time. Does a sticks, hillbilly type of place need another guesthouse?

    Im a bit direct but I don't believe in babying silly people and their half cocked ideas of grandeur. OP would do well just to lose a little money. Go live there if you want but that's all.

    Leave business for real business people!

    • Like 1
  8. Now we getting somewhere. You dont want to put up a lot. You just want a plaything then. Go do it. Im sure lots of people would sell you a gh thats going nowhere(financially) to you in a second.

    Seriously i cant remember the last time i chose a place to stay because of a personable owner................lol. You want to socialize buy a BEER BAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ps i was under impression you were looking at prime land so that indicated you were thinking serious money.....SORRY!

  9. No offense but anyone looking for serious business advice here automatically qualifies them as a bad bet for doing business. Most of us have no idea-myself included.......lol.

    Its just that the premises are so cluckked up. Its ez to see big red flags.

    Thai visa is great for visa info. Absolutely zero value for those looking to start a mundane cookie cutter business.

    Again- who opens a business for socilaizing... you got to be insane willing to put up a few $100,000 to do that.

    • Like 1
  10. This should bring out the knockers...


    Yeah, another troll thread meant to bring out the haters. The poll doesn't even make any sense. Most of the countries at the top are South American and mired in poverty. And at the very bottom, South Korea and Japan? Whatever.

    So according to you, money makes you happy?

    The question does money make you happy is flawed. What if you asked does NOT having money make you happy...................lol.

    What have you learned if all answers you get is NO?

  11. I have a situation that I believe is fairly unique here in The Royal Kingdom. I married a girl, built a house in the village and then, when said girl started up with her Thai boyfriends, I kicked her out of the house, kept it and now share it with the in-laws (her mother and my step-daughter plus various related visitors). I have done this for the last five years and all seem pretty happy about it. Her mother gave me her blessings when I bounced the wife and treats me like another son, though she is only 4 yrs. my senior and she waits on me and cooks for me, etc. Whenever she is here (she goes to school in SIseket; our village is in Surin), Step-daughter does the same (and is a better cook than "Momma" but don't mention that to momma!). I do my part by handling most (but not all) of the monthly expenses and share the cost (with ex-) of step-daughter's schooling.

    No one else in the village speaks English and my Thai is only passable, but improving, however I have developed many friendships with people that live here.

    Anyone else in such a situation, or know of such a person. I would be interested in comparing notes....

    Dont be this guy.............lol. Mother in law only 4 years older!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good thing ages not disclosed-i might die laughing!

  12. very basic.

    Why doesnt girl have to pay for the car SHE bought? They not married.

    op is being taken to the cleaners and is making alll kinds of excuses to make us believe he isnt. There really cant be guys like this..................lol.

    Low risk business is like selling gums packs to SEX tourists. is that what op is looking for.? lol!!!

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