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Posts posted by choochoo

  1. op gf can want all she want(she want to be number 1 ) but lets look at reality. She found a guy who is leaving after a short time. It would have been better for her to be number 2 and take all the gifts and cash...............lol.

    Thailand is what it is. Girls are breed to TAKE CARE-of whomever. And that takes money. you cant eat love as they say.

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  2. I've run into a few western women with younger Thai boyfriends. None of the relationships lasted for the long haul, but then none of the women sent money to the family, built a new house, bought them a new car etc., etc.. I don't even recall any of them helping out with a sick buffalo, for that matter.

    Anyone ever go to see if a sick buffalo is really sick. I mean animals do get sick....................lol.

  3. Hate to break it to you, but most people who see you 2 together will think she's a prostitue. It's the image thailand has of old men with young girls.

    Actually, most Thai people think that any Thai woman with a farang is a prostitute (or was one before she met you) - young and beautiful or old and ugly - so why worry about it? Go for the young, hot one if that is what rings your bell.

    I'm with you. Who cares what other people you never say hello to think about what you do?

    I don't mind to admit that i'm a bit fat and i'm older now but only 50. when I was a kid I thought 40 was old but now i'm 50 I don't feel very old.

    In Australia I cant get a woman who is young or even a woman who looks much good at all. I got my own house, own business, good car and I'm not a bad bloke but no women here will hardly look at me. Maybe some who are fatter even than me and I'm 110 kilo

    First time I came to thailand I couldn't beleve all these guys my age and older than me with their hot young girlfriend. Really I thought I was dreaming

    Now I have a girlfriend for 2 years and she is 30 and smoking hot. I stay in Thailand for 6 months sometime and I'm happy whenever I go there.

    Just be happy and forget about all those people who are jealous

    Another deluSional case.

    So what does your gf do the 6 months you not there?

  4. The problem about having a young Thai wife is that you generally have no common interests.

    Sex is great, but it is not enough for a long term relationship

    Money is a common interest. You have it she wants it!

    Get real guys. Young beautiful office girls dont want farang 20 years her senoir for romance..................lol. I hope op didint meet his office girl in pattaya. Seems a lot of em go there on their vacations.............lol.

  5. ok, i really doubt it but what do i know.......................lol.

    Went today -end game retirement extension.

    I have 30 day visa exemp entry. I turned in all paperwork, all went well as i was charged 2000 baht. However instead of getting my non-o on the spot they told me to return on march 24. I will get 90 days which i can then turn into retirement extension. At least thats what i think lady told me.

    I havent seen any reports of this intermediary step of waiting 2 weeks for non -o. Can somene explain this.

    Also i saw some getting fingerprinted-is this a badge of honor? means you got your retirement visa.

  6. Are you saying your wife is deceased in about 5 years? And you asking if you should buy a non-existant condo........lol.

    Up 2 you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Im pissed i just moved into a brand new condo in bkk. The internet wasnt hooked up yet and after a short delay im thinking about walking away from my 2 month security deposit of $820.

    Its a good thing al gore invented the internet...........................lol. god bless the doofus.

  7. Go with the flow, there're some things that need to change, such as corruption etc which I think would improve the country but it is not my position to suggest such things. I view everything as different not wrong & don't let it make me mad

    without corruption thailand would be another singapore! do you really want that?

  8. Interestingly, it's pretty common for people to get wildly false information from front desk clerks at immigration from less than expert junior staff who also have language/terminology difficulties. At bigger offices, I don't feel it's the done thing to get access to the ACTUAL officials who really could provide definitive info. In that sense, the advice here is usually better than at immigration offices because you've got the pool of expertise and people who are on the spot to clarify confusion about terminology. Nothing's perfect though.

    these clueless imbeciles default answer is CANNOT when in actuality they dont know what you asking.

    Question....which line do i need to go to do something thats been done 10 million times. Lady say cannot. Lady next to her say CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. if ur only going for a border run why not just rent a car for under 1,200 baht??

    Gas would be another 1,200 or so in a honda or Toyota

    visa service companies were invented for this purpose. No offense but doing business with complete strangers is not worth the trubble to save a few baht.

    if you had a magic formula to cut out the hours of driving time i could be interested.....lol.

  10. Saw a farang guy repeatedly punch a Thai girl in the face in Robin Hood, a couple of months back. It was such a shock, that no-one did anything for the first minute as it was all a blur and you couldn't believe what you witnessed. The guy acted like he was some sort of legend, it was only when the rest of the male population of the bar moved in on the guy (all held back by their ladies by the way), that the guy was hurried out of the bar.

    Hooker bar?

    Anyway, op did a good thing. However im with the girl-stay out of it. Statistically -hours after the incident girl was probably making hot love to the guy and will probably be beaten another time. Domestic disputes are best handled by peo[ple who know whats actually happening.

    Funny op described guy as asian but not specifically thai. Could have been business dispute............lol. Some guys just dont want to pay.

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