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Posts posted by zaz

  1. Ah right I see, so the loan is treated separately from the company and is just an agreement between the two parties - plus legally binding documents with clause specifying the pref shares as security?? That makes sense. However, on default of payments if the shares are then seized by me then am I not back to square one as being the majority share owner? I'll then need a Thai owner to take over those seized shares again?

  2. Ok so we can have a mix of ordinary and preference and/or other class A, B etc shares if necessary all of which have their own individual voting/dividend etc entitlements. However, if the foreigner is the only party who has all the capital to inject into the company and the Thai parties have none and benefit from gaining shares then in actual fact they have gained that share in the company for free?

  3. While researching share/company ownership I came across some suggestions that although a particular company has to be majority Thai owned there are ways in which the foreigner can still have majority control over it.

    I understand that some shares can have voting rights and others not, but would this situation still constitute majority Thai ownership?

    Can you guys perhaps give an example of what types of shares a company can set up in order that the control of the company is still with the foreigner along with majority Thai shareholding. Does it work in practice?

    Also, where can I see more about restricted activities etc.?

    Many thanks


  4. Well I'm a bit old fashioned and as far as kids and nooky is concerned I think they should not even have sx before marriage anyway. However, it's all down to how responsibly the child either learns about it or is taught it.

    I certainly don't think teenagers are mature or responsible enough to have children and therefore shouldn't even expose themselves to the risk of having them. Some adults can't cope with children never mind teenagers.

    With regards to voting rights I think the age of voting should perhaps be brought down to 16. Kids are begining to think about the real world at that age and should be more involved in politics.

    Appropriate ages for marriage etc difficult to say, depends on how ready they feel but again shouldn't be exposed to the risk of ruining their lives.

    Kids are so varied in their adolescence it's very difficult to apply a standard to suit them all.

  5. Yes I'm definitely addicted. I used to be addicted to a BMW owners forum but now that's taken a back seat and the members here are much more wacky!! :o

    Also makes me feel better when I know I'm talking to people who are where I wanna be!!

  6. Thanks guys that's helpful.

    Let's say the company in question is not a small one and it isn't being setup for sole ownership by a farang, as far as the farang owning the shares is concerned are there any restrictions/requirements for him/her except for the % of the total share capital he/she purchases? I am really comparing share/equity ownership to property/real eastate ownership in Thailand where a farang can only purchase property in 3 ways i.e. (1) by setting up a Ltd company, (2) by lease or (3) by registering in their Thai spouse's name. So my query is if share ownership has any requirements such as these?


  7. Anyone travelled BKK to Phuket/Samui by bus/train? Or even into Malaysia/Singapore?

    I was thinking of visiting a friend in Singapore. Thought about flying from BKK-SIN on Tiger Airways (very cheap!!). I would fly back from SIN to Phuket and get a bus over to Koh Samui. Any ideas of cost from Phuket to Samui (I guess this would actually be to Surat Thani plus ferry), thanks.

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