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Posts posted by zaz

  1. off Topic as most of this thread is,but a pertinant question,if inflicting self harm is frowned upon,where does a suicide bomber stand as he is revered for doing something against the law of the QURAN .just curious ??

    A very valid question. Suicide is forbidden in Islam, full stop. Where suicide bombers strap themselves with explosives and place themselves amongst innocent people and kill them too is even more of a sin - they think they're martyrs but they've got a surprise waiting for them on the other side! There is no doubt and no danger of misunderstanding this in Islam. The only way suiciced bombers must be "recruited" is if they have little knowledge themselves and are just brainwashed.

  2. "Well ZAZ what did you want all is rosy and no problems exist with mixed marriages in Islam? Or is it that you have some kind of hang-up, with the raw truth?"

    Agreed, all is not at all rosy all of the time but is rosy for many most of the time.

    "You can read all about this in every major newspaper, the last I heard, is that a honor killing just took place in Pakistan I think they killed the whole family, to include an old woman?"

    "Honour" killings are a downright disgrace and are NOT part of Islam - Islam forbids any such act.

    "In Bangladesh they gang raped one girl that has been in the news for some time now."

    In no way Islamic at all - without a shadow of a doubt forbidden.

    "A fatwa was issued by the family of a boy that married a Jew, he was beheaded and hung remains on his in-laws door."

    Totally disgusting. Islam allows a man to marry a Jewish woman so how could this possibly have been a fatwa? (Not actually a question to you personally) So this was obviously wrong too.

    "Jerusalem times, News Week, Washington Post, Bangkok Post, Al-Jezera, Nile Daily. Want some more? Or do you want the URLs too?"

    No need to, I think everyone's doing a great job about "educating" the World about what they think Islam is all about.

    Anyway we're venturing too far off topic again.

  3. Mohammed (may he rest in peace),

    I thought the saying was "Peace be upon him"?

    And why do you say this planemad? From your post, i assumed that you was not a Muslim?


    edit/ change font colour

    "Peace be upon Him" is the correct phrase but I guess "May He rest in peace" isn't far from it and is perfectly acceptable.

    My hat off and a handshake to planemad also (if you are indeed a non-Muslim) for using the phrase and being very respectful. :o

  4. This is just my personal opinion (as a non-muslim with TW).

    #1. Taking a shower before the act is recommended.

    #2. Smoking before, during or after is optional.

    #3. Showering afterwards is compulsory (if you don't need a shower you surely can't be doing it right).

    My favoured solution to this dilemma is DO IT IN THE SHOWER, thus covering 1. and 3.

    However, if you take up my suggestion, #2. is not recommended.

    Have fun !

    :o Nice one Chickenlegs!!

    I am very impressed by the cleanliness of the Thais though and I think it adds to the pleasure. Having a shower immediately after is also very refreshing too - it feels just like a shower after being at the gym after a very hefty workout!! Also means following the recovery gap you can get straight onto the next....erm...workout... :D

  5. I believe that under Islamic law a child carries the religion of the father, hence the death penalty in many M.E. countries for a Muslim woman who bears the child of a Christian or a Jew since it is every Muslim's duty to propagate Islam and not another religion.

    I was told of this in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS when I worked in Abu Dhabi and it was thought that I was eyeing a Lebanese co-worker (I wasn't: she had more facial hair than me and a unibrow like a beaver's tail  :o )

    I don't know if the death penalty is mandated in the Koran

    That death penalty is news to me...However another fact of Islam is that every single newborn child, regardless of which family/race/religion he/she is born into is born as a Muslim. This is why when a non-Muslim adult later chooses to follow Islam he/she is referred to as a revert rather than a convert because he/she has reverted back to Islam.

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