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Posts posted by zaz

  1. And there was me trying to defend em from some of the abuse they were getting, but not even I like em that much...!!

    I think we all get the jist of it anyway - live and let live and all that.

    What more can there be said...?

  2. Hello!! I'm looking to dig my heals into something to make me a living so that I can start planning my future in Thailand. I would like to live and work either in Bangkok or Koh Samui but will consider other areas.

    In summary I am an accountant by profession (last 10 years) and would ideally like to run (jointly perhaps) a private business. Number-crunching is obviously my forte but I can confidently take on anything. I have been considering purchasing a business (looking at the Sunbelt Asia website) and like many of the ideas that are there. As usual it's the money aspect that's the main obstacle as I will not have mega bucks to bring with me.

    I am honest, very reliable, very quick to learn and a very ambitious and hard-working individual with a professional approach to business. I currently work as a financial analyst in a major IT related worldwide company with a global turnover of $19.8 billion for our last financial year.

    I will consider anything (except the bar business...!)


  3. I think when it comes to religion, when you step over a particluar line then surely you can't be classed as being a Muslim or Christian etc. For example a Muslim who drinks alchohol and eats pork etc etc in my opinion is not a Muslim at all. He/she certainly won't pray 5 times a day or fast during the month of Ramadan while doing those things too so what's the point in classifying that person as a Muslim?

    I myself am in a very confusing predicament of late. My personal circumstances have been particularly difficult over the past few years, which I haven't yet gone into the details of on any forum. Due to this my "religiousness" has suffered, but, I still believe in God and fear from Him and know what's right and wrong. Without going too far off topic, the fact that one starts to make allowances for things that are particularly required or forbidden by one's religion surely takes that further away from being associated with their religion?

    Q: How far would a Christian/Jew/Buddhist need to go before you would say he/she isn't a Christian/Jew/Buddhist at all?

  4. What do you usually wear in public places and why?

    A good post, made me laugh too as I think the same of poorly dressed Brits, it's also quite embarrassing!

    I only just get myself to wear boxer shorts on the beach since I heard the comment "the last time I saw legs like yours they were dangling out of a nest" - made me realise shorts weren't the best to myself justice....

    In public usually jeans and t-shirt. I'm very conscious of my appearance and like to look smart and presentable most of the time.

  5. In answer to a couple of queries above, firstly, a Muslim guy can only marry a Christian or a Jew mainly because they believe in a God (that's the primary reason, there may be other factors also). The most important thing in Islam is to believe in God (one God) which is why the non-Muslim wife is preferred to come from one of the other mainstream religions.

    Pork is from the "forbidden" animal. There are many reason why we cannot eat it and these reasons, incidentally, are exactly the same as the reasons given in Judaism i.e. it is a disgusting animal, eats anything and everything etc etc

    True also that we are not permitted to drink alchohol either, the reasons for which are very obvious. I'm not sure about smoking though, I think this would probably come under the category of inflicting self harm, which of course is also frowned upon.

    I don't eat pork, never have never will, I don't drink, never had a single drop (except on the lips of a lady....) I do however smoke...

  6. Well it sounds to me that the couple are both broad-minded individuals. As far as the Muslim (note spelling..) guy is concerned - a professional - he's cool about his Buddhist g/f keeping her beliefs and also any future child to choose his/her own. Maybe he's not a religious/devout Muslim? You can be religious/devout and still be cool/modern. As far as their future is concerned it depends on their individual personalities rather than the fact that he is Muslim and she is Buddhist. There are hundreds of cases of mixed religion marriages e.g. (if I may take Muslim as one side) Muslim+Jew/Christian/Sikh/Hindu and so on (fact). In Thailand their will have been hundreds of Muslim+Buddhist already.

    I am a Muslim and who knows one day I will fall in love with a Thai girl (still waiting...hint hint...) and maybe marry her - I'm ok with whatever she wants to do - except I won't kiss her after she's eaten pork:o ...she'll have to wash her mouth out first ha ha!! :o:D

    ps strictly speaking according to Islam a Muslim guy cannot marry a non-Muslim girl unless she is a Jew or Christian...

  7. Seonai - have you had any moderation/councelling from anyone close on your side? I guess if you're in a slightly "isolated" place it would be difficult but maybe you guys would benefit from someone sitting with both of you to talk about it?

    Although the situation seems too far down the line I somehow feel you still want to be with him?

  8. He's Muslim

    He's violent

    He's held a knife to your throat.

    He's hit you SIX times!

    But this sounds like you might get lucky, as he's no doubt in training, and should be  leaving for Iraq -- or maybe pilot school -- in the near future. Your problems -- and burqua -- will be history.

    Frankly -- and seriously -- if you can't leave him, the next best thing is him leaving you.

    Oh I seeeeeeeeeeee....Seonai, it's because he's a MUSLIM that's what the problem is according to this plank........it's not like any non-Muslim guys are wife-bashers are there?


    JimGant - PATHETIC simply narrow-minded, baseless bull***t comments like that are just pathetic and seonai doesn't need that right now.

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