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Posts posted by zaz

  1. I don't currently live in Thailand but I was also thinking of posting this topic to see why you guys live there so a good post Voo Doo. I would like to live in Thailand, so why?

    Well....I guess it's not just one thing. The thing is when you go on holiday somewhere and you like it some people always say "Oh I wish I lived here" etc etc but I know living in some place is not the same as being on holiday there permanently! I like the food, the weather, I like the diversity of Bangkok. When I first came to Thailand I was surprised to see how "modern" BKK actually was, the high rise buildings, the big shopping centres, stylish men and women, the existence of posh cars (not to be condesending with that comment). I certainly like how inexpensive everything is but of course this is only relative and things wouldn't seem cheap if I actually had to earn a living there. I've been to Samui and would like to live there as my first staying point, but from other posts I have been put off by some of the comments - I don't think it's changed my mind though.

    But I'll be honest with you guys and gals because I'm like that - one main factor of being so attracted to Thailand is ...........the indeginous population of the female species of the human race some of which I find really rather attractive!!

    Now don't kick me off and start labelling me as a pervert or a troll or a sexpat etc etc because I'm not like that!! :o

  2. Bluuuurrrgghhh....oh excuse me all this talk about investing is making me throw up!! It brings back some painful memories of not too long ago when I decided to jump on the dot com revolution of buying IT stocks/shares...oh dear..oh dear. Well the thing is I like rollercoasters, especially when you're right at the very top just before you come speeding down down down....and before you know it it's shaken your flippin wits out!! Well that's what happened with my stocks, I ended up buying them right at the top and just sat there watching them go down down down thinking "they can't go any further surely..." but they did!!!

    I lost...a lot of money. I even started to buy/sell shares on short term trades and at it's peak I was buying and selling £30k per month - it was getting too addictive and although I still lost money I was fortunate enough to stop myself, unlike some people I know who carried on greedily and lost absolutley everything.

    The trick with trading is to know when to cut your losses or when to take your profits - be desciplined, draw a line and don't cross it, set yourself a profit level or a loss level and stick to it.

    Me? I said screw this I can think of better ways of throwing away money so since then I've been driving BMWs and fast motorbikes!!! Money? Investments? Naaaah bllx to it, it's made for spending and enjoying!!! If I have nothing to show for it tomorrow then at least I smiled yesterday!! :D:D:o

  3. By the sounds of it perhaps those Arabs you guys have had first hand encounters with are down right louts - but do you reckon a similar description can be said of our good old football hooligans and lager louts when they're abroad representing the Union Jack? I wonder if people look at them in disgust and anger and say "Those English people..."

    Agree with mrbojanlges, in the MidEast countries they do look down on foreigners from other Asian countries - this just highlights their arrogance.

    At the end of the day what can you do? A difficult one.

  4. All my life I've done some things only to please others. Some of them have been of benefit to me but others have practically ruined my life. You can never turn back the time and make changes but sometimes you can be forgiven for being a bit selfish and doing what you really want to do for yourself. I really want to come and live in Thailand and hopefully will one day soon. It's what I really want to do but, of course, there are people around me with their arms folded telling me it's not what I should be thinking about. I don't know what I'm going to do in LOS yet which is why I'm still sat here in my office crunching numbers, but, this time I'm just going to raise my hand and say "I'm going. Goodbye"

  5. I also doubt this is a "Muslim" issue. Agree with most of the posts above that this is more a tradition/culture mis-match really. These guys treat their women because "that's how it's done there" and any different to that and it makes him angry. He can change from that but maybe he's not open to change and that's why he wants to leave you. Seonai, some people just cannot change regardless of how much you try, it's a sad fact. I know from experience. You seem to be a nice, self-sacrificial person but you need to be a bit selfish sometimes and do whats' in your own interest too.

  6. I think communication and compromise between partners from any background is very important. However, when you are both from different backgrounds it is very difficult and this can put an obvious strain on your relationship. Language barriers, cultural differences etc are all obstacles.

    It seems to me that your husband can't understand why you are asking questions for whatever reason and maybe feels threatened that you are trying to change things. Maybe he's new to the fact that he's being challenged by you on some things. There could be several issues.

    For it to work he has to give a little too. It can't continue if its just you who's making the effort. You'll only last a certain length of time before you'll ask yourself whether it's worth it or not.

  7. I type a lot when chatting on internet forums. Great exercise for the fingers!!

    But seriously though, I bought a rowing machine a few months back. It's one of the best types of exercise - arms, back, legs. But I get a bit lazy and haven't used it for a while. I don't have a weight or figure problem but it's nice to keep trim, but, my motto is this - if I can't be bothered to exercise then don't eat the crap that will put me out of shape. Seems to work. Life without chocolate, doughnuts, sweets, ice cream etc is just flippin great..... :o

  8. I often go to the persian restaurants and eat because I like persian and arabian food.

    The majority of the arabs that roam the bars near Marine are rude and ignorant and do not know how to respect the women etc (especially the french/ arabs). If I encounter rude people I return with the same treatment, If someone is polite then i will be polite back.

    Arabs are allowed in The Blues Factory I have no reason to not let them in, They normally come in and look around and then walk out again. Most gogo's will not let them in.

    I've grown up around Arabs and also worked with them, I have a very good friend who is a Saudi Sheik (he's more westernised) and a great guy.

    And as for Zaz :o

    My comments are based on my experience of owning a bar on the edge of the arab section, if you are'nt happy with my comments then I suppose i'll get over it.

    It's not personal Dave. I do actually agree with most of what you say. I also think it's just in their very nature to be arrogant and not know that they're being arrogant if you know what I mean. Arab history also shows that their men have always shown little respect for women too so that doesn't surprise me either.

    At the end of the day we're all here together and if we make an effort to get on we all can and will get on. Being cold towards people of particular descent for the sake of it isn't really the way forward. Of course it can be difficult sometimes. There are people of particular regions that I don't like (!) but I also bear in mind that they're not all the same and therefore let them get on woth it.

    The great thing about multi-cultural environments is that you can learn more from each other and know what everyone is really like and even talk about things that you may not like about each other too so that people may change their ways if they feel it can make a big difference.

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