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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. We can allow more of the privilege people to run President from the same family but can't allow retired Lt. Gen. Micheal Flynn become Secretary of defense for 8 years after retirement from the military who's experience clearly outweighs Clinton empty time in Washington. But OBAMA made her Secretary of State? ISIL will vote for her in NOV. I'm sure.

  2. I live in the part of town where the Kuwaitis do. I was surprised to see this article today. Yesterday while walking some of them roared past me and for two seconds I thought of complaining

    to the police. Then I thought that would be a waste of time. Also these kids are just having fun. They are not doing anything mean or illegal other than driving to fast. There are quite a few of them. When your driving if they are in the way a small beep on the horn and they quickly and politely get out of your way. Just young guys having some fun. And as we all know if you give a young man a motorcycle he is going to drive to fast. Just like me and you when we were that age

    Yes, unlike Thai teenagers that if you beep your horn will stop and fight you.

  3. Socialist women, let's the rest of American CITIZENS pay for all of the Illegals who use the system so well. Sorry, I HAVEN'T learn to shit extra money after paying my rent and taxes.

    MAYBE we should put her in Syria and see how she's feels, oh how about being blown up in France during a festival, but she has protection service lucky girl huh? who lives in the real streets of life.

    She paraded Spanish speaking Illegals during the convention and blew off Senator Sanders proposals , a real insider. Funny, all that education and she doesn't speak Spanish, don't they teach that at Yale? ( Oh Hispanics didn't qualify),Can she order Taco's at TACO BELL drive through in San Diego in Spanish?

    Yes,Trump has a big mouth for the truth of the the broken system, like all people in power they never like to let go.

  4. She only wants you to get involved to get the possessions she got during her time with him. You get involved you have a big chance of being KILL.

    Go now and never have contact with her again, even if after that the Thai guy will try to find you. If your on a tourist visa, I MAKE it a short holiday.

  5. call me stupid, passport control and ticket check-in to your designation and seat assignment. They arrive unless you jumped out of the jet you go through passport control, tracking called INTERPOL. Ok you say private jet, yea flight plan, fuel, pilots only Thailand couldn't find their private parts with 2 hands on it or they don't want to. What you say? It has to start at the top.

    The government should shut down the RED BULL factories and when he runs out of money he'll show up. Again, dreaming in Thailand, have another beer.

  6. sometimes, I am just embarrassed for Thailand.

    mind you, I feel the same about Trump, but this kind of stuff is just so mickey mouse. it is like a portion of the occupants of the country are stunted at intellectual and emotional maturity of 11 years of age

    I would and embarrass that a person like the CLINTONS blowing smoke up everyone's ass. As least Trump has some balls to tell it like it is. It's about time someone does.

    Look at TURKEY, the president did a good job of purging, Hillary would hide behind her husband's skirt or is that MONICA?

  7. She's funny, THAI culture, run down temples, dirty wash rooms, dirty food handlers, thieves, not 1 person speaks English at my local LOTUS store, under trained technicians, underage drinking, kids on motorbikes, 15 people in the back of a pick-up, trucks and buses crashing every day.

    Take away the income for the sex trade, no more new motorbikes bought for girlfriends, no new houses or farms and education for their kids because the lazy Thai man who knocks-up a girl and then leaves her with the kids.

    Please Ms. TOURIST police get a grip on what is real. I BET you have a nice 20 million baht house, good job, where did all that money come from.

    SHE would be a great girlfriend for Clinton, both live in the clouds.

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