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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Well, I have to defend the Thai police on this one. Number I lived and worked in the Middle East for 9 years and they are nice people however; when they don't get it their way they can be very defensive. Let's start with: THEY DO NOT DRIVE MOTORBIKES IN THE M.E.( NO EXPERIENCE), AND THEY DRIVE ON THE SAME SIDE OF THE ROAD AS AMERICANS. that being said they drink here which is not new to them as we had make our own alcohol there and they like booze too. Not knowing road rules, no experience and they drive as wild as a normal Thai does here, wrong direction aganist traffic, speeding, no helmet, lights, license etc... I'm sure these indivuals had more than 1 problem with the Thai police in Pattaya which their fines equaled the crime, especially since they had to pay at the station. If the police wanted to shake them down they would have taken the fine money on the street into their pockets.

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  2. I'vo taught 3 years here and now retired. I saw 15 teachers come and go at my school some from 2 days to weeks to only 1 semester. Point being, your probation period is the time used to process your paper work ie; B visa ? WP etc license. So, if your on a tourist visa at this time you are illegally working anyway. But, if you don't have a work permit but here is the important part " IF YOU ARE ON A COMPANY "B" VISA AND YOU QUIT OR DISMISSED YOU HAVE 7 DAYS TO GET YOUR OWN PROPER TOURIST VISA IF YOU WISH TO STAY IN KINGDOM. THE COMPANY DOES CANCEL THEIR "B" VISA QUICKLY.

    However; If you don't have a company "B" visa which means you don't have a work permit walk away and let them kiss you, you know where. They threaten blacklist, bullshit, no such thing on less you go to another school they have contracts with. There are hundreds of companies short on teachers, I suggest SINE is a modern multi media school system company that is progessive in learning technics.

    Last point, I bought 2 teachers to the Cambodia because 1 was fired and the other quit. At the border they were confused as both had "B" visa's with about 2 months left on them before the 90 check-in period. The border officer informed them if they crossed into Cam. their "B" visa is finished. It took time to explain they quit the school that day and wanted to get a 15 day land crossing visa. Well, they crossed into Cam, voided the company "B" visa and proceeded to get normal tourist visa and hunnted for a new school.

    Hope this helps.

  3. Some of you cracked about Thai politeness, my ass. I was in SiSaKet by the train station when a polite Thai parked 4 deep to go to the 7-11 was blocking the street,so, I honked my horn and this animal kicked in my door and I could not exit my car as others where pushing on the door as he contined to damage my car. As an American I find your people thinking they all tough guys watching the crap on your TV. Had I gotten out of the car I would of beat his ass into the ground with no second thought.

    Just because this is Thailand that does not give you the right to injury or damage others. Try that stuff in the USA and the man with the knife would receive about 5-7 years in a prison not a jail and once they found out inside he attacked an American his time would be cut short.

    The next encounter I have with a hot headed Thai on Yaba or just stupid I carry a surprise for them.

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  4. Yes, this data about internet is fairly correct. I'm retired now (2014), from teaching 3 years here. I taught many subjects and during classroom time I would spend 15 mins. of that time taking phones from the students who think Facebook is their life to be. At lunch time and free time these 10-16 years were on Facebook. Some of my co-Teachers would be in the back of the room on Facebook or playing games.


    I quit teaching as Thailand remains in the dark ages using technologies correctly and its productively to enhance their future and leave the rice farm and explore new high tech careers that is needed in the 21st century or remain simple minded,  ASEAN is coming and people from Singapore and the such will chew this place up. I've been an educator in Tech fields/ Military and school systems around the world, so, for those of you who defend Thailands progress, you need to take a better look in the mirror and see where your country is headed.

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