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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. Looking at the photo, I bet Mom and Dad are happy to spent their hard earn money to pay for this. Haven't they hear about needy people, let's say in Hatti. Oh! no walking street, stupid me or ping-pong shows.

  2. Actually, I earned 90k a year and worked and traveled in over 30 countries. I came here 28 years ago when Thai's were nice peope as were the tourist and yea, booze and the the girls are expensive. But, here I don't have to mingle with the locals unless I have too. Back home with over 400 million people, it's a bit crowded.

    Oh! i also was a teacher here earning 36k per month, how much do you earn and what level of education do you have that allow you to be employed around the world? Have you ever paid 37% tax on your earnings?

    Enough said. The only money spent on the citizens of Thailand to improve there live goes into the corrupt pockets, hey Taskin is having a fun time with the MONK with the private jet in Hawaii.

    "ironically most of the sExpats who cry foul the loudest and most often in Thailand would be off to the next cheapest 3rd world country which has cheap beer and girls on tap"

    First of all beer is not "cheap" in Thailand. Beer is an imported luxury product and is MORE EXPENSIVE in Thailand than America.

    Second of all, these Farangs you speak of don't have "good jobs" in Thailand nor did they have "good jobs" back home.

    People who have good jobs back home that scrimp and save their whole lives don't move to Thailand and blow their savings on Booze and Broads.


  3. You'll open a can of worms and you will pay the price. As for teaching 5-12 year old's, well you have no degree, TEFL, TESOL certificates and no experience. I trained and taught in the Navy, Saudi Arabia, Singapore and Japan total 25 years on a chalk board from technical to nursery. I taught 3 years here and required, English, Math, Science, Occupational Technologies, Health and Chemistry fro M1- M4 If you know what this is and my average class size 28-55. Besides, they'll see through you and if you cause embarrasses or the kids complain to their parents, well to save face the school will cover it's own ass first.

    A mate of mine rooted one of the teachers at his school.

    He considered it a fling, she didn't.

    She called up immigration to report him for working on a Tourist Visa.

    They came, took him out of the school, fined him 500 baht, and off you go.

    That's the only experience that I can offer on the subject. I would suspect that plenty more posters will have all sorts of hearsay and rumors. Off with them. smile.png

    Thanks for your honesty mate. You can actually root them? hahaha. Im thinking maybe worth the risk now (only joking!)

  4. They were doing drugs and alcohol way before earning a income in the sex trade to support their habits and family. I never gave them YABA and in fact most girls outside of the requirement to drink with bar customers don't drink once spending time with you. There are hard core ones who drink, smoke, gamble but I never played with them. Most are very nice woman, I date woman 30 and up, not underage which I AGREE is creepy.

    These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.
    They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.
    The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

  5. I guess for thousands of girls who where removed from poverty and got homes built, farms, open businesses, put her children through college, And for the short time girls they buy new motorbikes, etc.. Do you believe they are all innocent? You seriously believe in today's new generation in the West most women marry for life or is it a meal ticket or don't butterfly on their husband with a younger man or today another woman?

    Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

    What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?
    Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.

    You have obviously never been a lonely man.

    That is if you are a man at all.

    Come on - just because you are lonely doesn't give you the right to buy sex from hungry, desperate girls.

    Think of the damage you are doing them and not your own selfish lust.

  6. DO NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT. You'll find out able real life after being checked into a nursing home by your children and grandchildren waiting to know what's in your will and who gets the house and car. As for me, I'm spending my money and time left on me. This is not the Walton's or Little house on the Prairie.

    Living and being alone and lonely is not a pleasant feeling and a retreat making money for them, sorry Tony Roberts or monks did not earn my money for over 50 years of hard work.

    Seriously? Blokes get old. Yes they could be lonely. Wife could be gone, kids have moved on, plenty of mates dead. That's life but we would you rather be? In some pub or RSL in Sydney on your pat? Or halfway up some bird in Pattaya? Gee let me think....

    What about doing a meditations retreat or taking your grand kids to the park?
    Sex tourists are social misfits, don't try to justify they are normal.
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