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Posts posted by gyrosman

  1. I taught M1 and that is 7th grade and average age is 10-11 and they are little guys 3 feet tall, please the teacher must of been on knees.

    Why is he not in the cells?

    Why because the school director is trying to protect the good name of the school.

    Get the police arrest/ charge him. Too many times institutions protecting their good name.

    According to the internet an M1 student is around 12-13 years old.

    In the country where i come from they only look you up (before the court case) if you are a flight risk, or if its needed for the investigation or if the crime is real serious with a lot of jail time.

    Now.. most countries would not lock a kid this age up.. plus here in Thailand assault does not carry a lengthy jail time.. so starting to lock him up now does not make any sense.

    To say that this is the schools doing is just crazy, have you always been such a grumpy old git ?

    Of course this is a bad crime.. but to imply that its the school keeping the boy out of jail, this is just how the penal system works in Thailand.. comment on that not on something that has nothing to do with it.

  2. Yes, a very careless stupid rider. Bad-ass for all of 13 mins, thinks he quick, right. Myself and my boys rode the STP : Seattle to Portland 200s like miles in one day. My time 12 hours and 13 minutes. RAMROD Ride around Mt. Rainer one day 165 miles with a 11,000 foot climb from sea level . Cheekie little skinny guyS like him wasted on the side of the road 1/2 through these rides out of legs.

    Want to show off, ride with people who can spin, not showing off in front of Thai's riding 30k and think their LANCE ARMSTRONG.

  3. China can be super power only when they respect the boundaries of other countries and stop encroaching the lands which are not belong to them. Also start respecting your own land, and don't exploit the form lands for trade and that causes lot of environmental issues.

    It will be good for the world, if China is slowing down with economy and population.

    Like the US and Russia you mean ?....how they have respected the boundaries of other countries ? not encroached on land which doesn't belong to them ? and they have never exploited the lands for trade ? and never caused any environmental issues ?

    Your a funny person...

    History is a great teacher like the British , Spain, France, Japan, China and Russia who for 100's of year had colonies around the globe. France and Britain slicing up the Middle East after WW1. Russia who built the BERLIN WALL and took territory in all of Eastern Europe. The USA was founded on freedom of choice. We have been sucked into mistakes those countries made, we supported China when Japan was invading them. The French who screwed-up Vietnam and we got stuck after theY withdrew in the late fifties letting the communist to take hold. Funny North KOREA and backer China. Russia supporting BARREL bombing in Syria. Does the name Crimea invasion mean anything? Building artificial islands off the coast of other Asia countries with military force. Yes, the USA is every where BUT we are invited for security reasons and pay for that pledge of security. If you had read the Chinese response to the decision where they stated only CHINA is a true ASIA country. So, what is Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Japan , European countries? Name a country in which the USA HAS USED MILITARY FORCE AND TAKEN OVER A COUNTRY AND IT'S PEOPLE? Last time I checked Canada is still Canada and South America is still independent and we bought Alaska not invade it.

  4. China can be super power only when they respect the boundaries of other countries and stop encroaching the lands which are not belong to them. Also start respecting your own land, and don't exploit the form lands for trade and that causes lot of environmental issues.

    It will be good for the world, if China is slowing down with economy and population.

    Like the US and Russia you mean ?....how they have respected the boundaries of other countries ? not encroached on land which doesn't belong to them ? and they have never exploited the lands for trade ? and never caused any environmental issues ?

    Your a funny person...

    History is a great teacher like the British , Spain, France, Japan, China and Russia who for 100's of year had colonies around the globe. France and Britain slicing up the Middle East after WW1. Russia who built the BERLIN WALL and took territory in all of Eastern Europe. The USA was founded on freedom of choice. We have been sucked into mistakes those countries made, we supported China when Japan was invading them. The French who screwed-up Vietnam and we got stuck after then withdrew in the late fifties letting the communist to take hold. Funny North KOREA and backer China. Russia supporting BARREL bombing in Syria. Does the name Crimea invasion mean anything? Building artificial island off the coast of other Asia countries with military force. Yes, the USA is every where BUT we are invited for security reasons and pay for that pledge of security. If you had read the Chinese response to the decision where they stated only CHINA is a true ASIA country. So, what is Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Korea, Japan or European countries? Name a country in which the USA HAS USED MILITARY FORCE AND TAKEN OVER A COUNTRY AND IT'S PEOPLE?

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