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Posts posted by jobsworth

  1. I have a theory that this problem is due to a slower internet connection in Thailand.

    Firefox was developed by a network of people but mostly in the USA

    where they do not see how it runs if there is a hiccup in the internet connection.

    I notice many times on many different web sites that firefox and the machine just sit there for a while doing nothing

    just waiting to receive a few more packets.

    Wink wink on the router and everything returns to normal.

    I am sorry to say that IE8 is slightly better and does not do this so much.

    The software should be written so that firefox does not consume 100% of the cpu

    while it is waiting for the internet.

    It should sleep for a little bit and check every say 5 seconds - (polling rather than interrupting?).

    Of course since firefox is open source you could always rewrite it yourself to do exactly that.

    Well someone can. I am not that clever. It is irritating.

  2. My passport is also nearly full so I don't want full page stickers for Cambodia visas.

    So I also use the evisa service at http://www.mfaic.gov.kh/evisa/.

    The Khmers are very obliging and will put entry and exit stamps where you ask them to.

    Cambodia offers an excellent evisa service for $25 which I can recommend.

    You do need a scanned copy of a passport sized photo.

    You visit the web site, pay $25 with a credit card and then print 2 copies of the visa which they email you.

    One of them will be stapled to your passport when you enter Cambodia.

    (You might have to staple it yourself if they run out of staples).

    The Cambodia evisa cannot be used at all crossing points.

    It cannot be used at the Pailin (or Nam Ron in Thailand) crossing point,

    It can be used at Poipet (Aranyaprethet) and at Koh Kong (Klong Yai).

  3. I have read this thread with interest and agree with the advice given.

    I plan to visit the UK next year in May, after the royal wedding.

    What I am more interested in is the price of airline tickets.

    Whereas it is common to find return tickets from UK to Bangkok for about 400 pounds.

    Return tickets from Bangkok to UK are mostly 37,000 to 47,000 Thai Baht

    or about 800 to 900 pounds.

    There are not many Thais who want to take a holiday in the UK and so cut price tickets

    are not available.

    I believe that there was another thread about this.

    It occurs to me that it would be cheaper to buy a one way ticket from BK to UK

    and then a one way ticket from UK to BK.

    I will investigate further.

    And no Air Asia doen't work out much cheaper either

    unless you live in Kuala Lumpur (spelling?)

  4. I sold a condo for precisely this reason.

    It was difficult to sell and I did not get a good price.

    You have no control over who your neighbours are and what they might do.

    It is rather like staying in a bad hotel where you cannot checkout.

    It is much better to rent and then checkout if you don't like it.

    Have you thought about renting the condo opposite you?

    If you can get these people out first of course.

  5. Go on Holiday to Cambodia

    Post passport to friend at home via DHL

    They sent passport to Birmingham/Hull/Cardiff consulate for new VISA

    Friend post passport via DHL back to you in Cambodia

    Should take less than 2 weeks

    This is a story which is often told around the bars in Cambodia.

    2 Germans went to Cambodia and did exactly that.

    They received their passports with the new visas no problem.

    It is surprising that nobody noticed that they were not in England.

    Then, when they crossed back into Thailand, Thai immigration

    noticed that they had been in Cambodia and not England

    when the visas were issued.

    They were allowed to enter Thailand for the usual 15 days.

  6. Many Cambodians worked as porters on the Ho Chi Minh trail

    which ran through Cambodia and were sprayed every night

    by B52s with Agent Orange.

    In Cambodia also there are many strange births of babys

    with very large heads, white color and hair on the body.

    They do not usually live very long

    (some hours or some weeks)

    because such Agent Orange

    babys also have internal abnormalities as well

    typically the lungs.

    No I am not a doctor.

    I have just seen it and received similar reports.

    It only needs one family member to have been exposed

    and while their children may be ok

    their grand children may not be ok.

    The poison (Dioxin) carries on down through the generations.

    I fear that Dioxin may persist for a very long time.

  7. I am not a professional pool expert

    but I know a swimming pool in India

    where I saw a man replacing faulty bulbs underwater

    during the day while people were swimming around him.

    He explained to me that the system was low voltage and fed through

    an isolating transformer.

    The electricity was even switched on and the other bulbs were working.

    I think that low voltage/low current electricity

    does not flow through water much.

    Sounds like a tall story until you witness it.

    I survived swimming in that pool at that time.

  8. North Korea must have had some reason for shelling South Korea.

    Those of us who have spent time in south east Asia know that the thinking

    is completely different.

    Multiply that by 10 for an isolated Stalinist regime and

    you have total misunderstanding.

    After trawling the Internet I find reference to the Asia Foundation.

    They are yet another front for covert US activities.

    I wonder what they may have done this time

    however well intentioned they may have been.

    Sorry cannot be more specific.

    It really is a mystery.

    If anyone knows more or better please let us know.

  9. Why not just allow passengers to take off their clothes

    like a strip search in a US prison?

    Passengers don't like the machines because of the possibility of cancer.

    Passengers don't like the pat downs because of the inappropriate touching.

    In US prisons there is little touching.

    There is no time when there are so many people.

    Passengers could be instructed in how to display themselves.

    As has already been stated,

    the terrorists must be laughing because the present procedures

    are a blow for freedom against the great Satan.

  10. This is a very common problem and I do not have a definitive answer.

    I get asked all the time usually by Thai wives with English and Thai passports.

    It causes a lot of anxiety and there does not seem to be a definitive answer.

    Yet I see the same people next year and the problem seems to have gone away.

    So my advice is simply to play it by ear and not to worry about it too much.

  11. Unfortunately this terrible crime goes on all over Asia and a recent study in Cambodia reveals that most cases of sex abuse amongst children were actually committed by the Cambodians themselves and not by Foreigners as was first thought , in any case such as this the penalties should be made severe to act as a deterrent to others ! .


    But there is no money in prosecuting Cambodians.

    Now if you can set up a foreigner whether guilty or not then funding will be flowing.

    Pedophiles are all white don't you know.

  12. Guys - please do not get hung up on the 'humour' here.

    The beggars are very sad people and in a perfect world they would be looked after.

    However, this is not a perfect world (and I am not talking just about Samui - this happens ALL over the world).

    So - there is NOTHING that you, I or anyone else can do to help these people. They are being treated as commodities to be bought and sold by unscrupulous criminals and then used to collect cash from us - also victims in this scam. (The beggars get NONE of the money that you give.)

    Here we are - we cannot help the beggars. We cannot stop them from being exploited. We cannot stop the criminals exploiting them, and they invade our personal space and push themselves in front of us to scam our money from us.

    What can we do? We turn to humour and move on. It is called Black Humour and it is a part of our life.

    And by the way - yes some of these people are deformed on purpose - so that they make us feel more sorry for them and hopefully fall for their scams. A lot of them are from Cambodia - so called 'land mine' victims. I have worked in Cambodia along with a number of friends. They too may not be so innocent.

    It is common there for people (including children) to go looking for unexploded land mines and other ordinance. They then take these and try to use them to explode in a river or lake to blow up fish for food or to sell the ordinance in the local market. Guess what happens when you put an unexploded grenade or whatever in a shopping bag and then ride your motorbike or bicycle along a bumpy jungle track to the nearest market - with the bag banging against the metal frame of the bike?. BOOM! The other one is that they try to open the weapon with a hammer and nail to remove the explosive - yes BOOM It is so sad.

    None of what I have written is nice or pleasant. But I guarantee that it happens.

    I cannot fix it. I cannot stop it. I will not give money to criminals. It offends and frustrates me.

    So stop trying to take the moral high ground here. What is your solution to the problem? What are you doing to help them?

    Me, I cannot do anything so I will crack a joke and get on with my life.

    Thank you for an excellent post.

    The problem is a Cambodian problem.

    I am interested to know how these beggars travel from Cambodia to Thailand

    with neither passport nor visa.

    This is also an American problem.

    There are many NGO organizations working in Cambodia.

    They get money from the state department through USAID

    formerly from President George Bush and now from Hillary Clinton.

    The money all goes to faith based groups like World Vision

    who do little to alleviate the crushing poverty that is Cambodia.

    They rather spend the money on setting up foreign pedophiles of whom there are very few.

    There is a lot of publicity in that and hence more money to fund their lavish lifestyles.

    There is no money in helping poor people hence we see these Cambodian beggars on the streets

    of tourist resorts in Thailand.

  13. Re: Pattaya and Jomtien

    There are closed areas surrounded by orange and white marker buoys

    where swimmers can go and jet skis should not go but sometimes go.

    Most of the swimming areas are shared with tour boats and jet skis.

    If you swim at all far out like when the tide is low you become a target.

    It is really more like crossing a busy main road.

    You need to look left and right.

    Also some jet ski drivers deliberately target a swimmer

    and then turn away at the last moment.

  14. You need to open port 80 on your router.

    You need to open port 80 on your firewall. Incoming port 80 is usually blocked.

    You need to point incoming port 80 to the TCP/IP of your laptop (like

    called NAT (network address translation).

    If you do not have a private router it unlikely that you can host your own web site.

    You need a name server and a name.

    If you have a registered domain name you just point it at your current TCP/IP

    which may change from session to session.

    http://www.ip-adress.com/ will tell you what is your current TCP/IP like

    A good solution is to register free with dyndns.org

    where you can choose a name like henry.helpme.info (nothing fancy).

    It also comes with a program which will tell dyndns.org what is your TCP/IP.

    Some routers come with this facility built in like Zyxel.

    To access your own hosted web site from your own machine

    your router needs reverse NAT, that is the ability

    to translate TCP/IP both incoming and outgoing (Dlink does not).

    Hosting your own web site opens you to attack from China.

    There are script kiddies employed by the government to find open port 80's and conduct mischief.

    Personally I had a number of obscure viruses which were difficult to get rid of.

    I traced down my attacker and found that the Chinese ISP had a complaints service

    but they required more details than I had available.

    Apache is not too bad but PHP by default has many open doors which you need to close.

    If you run PHP add the line:-

    disable_functions = exec,passthru,shell_exec,system,proc_open,popen,curl_exec,curl_multi_exec,parse_ni_file,show_source

    to your php.ini file.

    I found out about this too late.

    Good luck but other than a bit of fun I don't know why you would want to do this.

    The cost of running a PC 24/7 exceeds the cost of professional web hosting.

    It really only makes sense if you are going to host a number of web sites.

  15. The ultimate scum farang.

    We had a farang come to our home poker game and turn us into the police. Around 10 of us arrested and kept in custody for 19 hours before we paid our 800 THB fine and left.

    We heard he was given 2,000 Baht for his work.

    Sounds like a tourist volunteer for World Vision.

    They get free airfare and lodging but not much spending money if any.

    Pattaya and Jomtien are full of them but nobody seems to be aware of them.

    Who else would have access to the regular police in this way.

    There is no point in photographing them and distributing the photos because

    they are only here for a month or so when they are replaced.

    They are fundamentalist Christians whose job is to be as nasty as possible

    since the end justifies the means.

  16. I don't think that this incident had anything to do with immigration.

    I am reminded of a similar visit to a house in Cambodia

    where I was mistaken for the householder.

    The question about children I find very suspicious.

    Also the photography of you and your passports I find very suspicious.

    Also the man in the suit who said and did nothing.

    He was probably some NGO worker.

    I suspect that your visitors were connected with some NGO group

    and checking you for human trafficking in children.

    After all it is only foreigners who do that sort of thing isn't it?

  17. I always enjoy eating some food at the food counter at Foodland in Pattaya on Pattaya Kang.

    There has never been a problem with the change.

    The cooking staff and the cashier have been there a long time.

    I was surprised 5 days ago at 6:30 am that an older management man was taking the orders and generally

    supervising the smooth operation of the ordering and serving of food.

    When it was time to pay my check bill I received in change some 20 Baht notes and some coins.

    The manager jumped on me and said just a moment please and rechecked the change.

    It was correct.

    2 days ago I again visited Foodland at about 8am and enjoyed some of their excellent cooking.

    The same manager was again there but a different cashier.

    When it was time to pay my check bill I received a pile of 100 Baht notes and some 20 Baht notes and some coins.

    The till receipt was not returned to me but I knew what I had and what it cost.

    Checking the money I calculated in my head that it was about 100 Baht short.

    But before I had time to say anything a second tray was delivered by the cashier

    with 2 50 Baht notes. I guess that she was looking to see if I would notice or not,

    There is something wrong in an otherwise highly respectable shop

    and the management cannot find it.

    Has anyone else had a similar experience in Foodland Pattaya?

  18. I can only offer one piece of advice. I can personally attest that the Perth, Australia Thai consulate is an easy place to get a one year O visa. I merely had to say that I had a Thai gf (copy of id card and address) and I was in business. Others agree. Perhaps a trip to sunny Perth?

    Perth is closing soon, I forgot the date, but the closing has been confirmed by their staff.

    October 10th. 2010 the consul in Perth is retiring after many years of service.

  19. While I am not the moderator can we please get back to the topic

    of why this poor man was bashed at the corner of Soi 6 and Pattaya 2,

    rather than the issues of violence in general and violence in Thailand in particular.

    The corner of Soi 6 and Pattaya 2 is a very safe area with many bars with ladies sitting outside.

    I suggest that he was a tourist volunteer working for World Vision,

    a fundamentalist Christian group who are very active in Pattaya.

    They are some of the nastiest people you will ever meet.

    They are opposed to sexual intercourse except between married couples for the purpose of procreation.

    That is why so many of them have become married couples with large gold wedding rings.

    I suggest that the victim was using his movie camera

    to record the action there.

    I suggest that the ladies did not like it and asked security

    to ask him to stop it.

    I suggest that the victim became aggressive and refused to comply.

    They are like that.

    I suggest that the Thais would take no more and let fly.

    Thai people are very peaceful but when provoked

    in their own country by a foreigner they will react.

    Otherwise I am at a loss to explain why the victim was attacked

    in a safe area of Pattaya.

  20. Not that I can help much

    but I was sitting in a cafe in Koh Kong Cambodia

    when I heard 3 men behind me talking in a language

    I had never heard before.

    When I asked them in English what was their language

    they replied, in perfect English, Burmese.

    They told me that they had come by boat to deliver cement.

    Then I asked them how were things in Burma and they became silent.

    I said that you are in Cambodia and you can speak freely about your country.

    This they declined to do.

    Yes, there is a lot of fear in Burma.

  21. I love all of the elephants.

    What a pity the elephant was removed from the Thai flag.

    Now elephants are scarce and regarded as a nuisance.

    Thank you for sharing these old photos.

    They may be yellow and brown but they have survived.

    What of today's digital photography?

    Will modern photos survive as well?

    Or will the old CD's and hard drives all become corrupted?

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