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Posts posted by jobsworth

  1. I almost never go to walking street

    and when I do I certainly don't enter the Insomnia club.

    In the early evening their bouncers are to be seen outside the club looking for trouble.

    Either by following behind people as they walk up the street

    or standing on the opposite side of the street menacing the people as they walk by.

    Why anybody would want to enter such an environment beats me.

  2. I would be curious to see some pictures of beach road and Walking Street. Any pics of there ? The water should flow and evacuate into the sea...


    This was the day after.

    It looks wet but there dose not seem to have been any flooding.

  3. Worst so far this year ?

    Brilliant Pictures, 'johng' - because the light would have been fairly suspect at that time. Please let us know what kind of camera you used: I shall rush-out and purchase one right away ! (seriously !)

    The camera is a Canon Powershot A590 IS I set it to auto but forced the flash off.

    Some of the pics where blurred ( didn't upload those ones ) because the auto focus had a hard time.

    The flood subsided after about 3 hours,this morning its raining again :)

    I purchased my Canon Powershot A590 IS from a shop on the second floor of Carrefour in Pattaya

    (about 5,000 to 6,000 Baht)

    to replace a earlier model Canon Powershot which was stolen in Cambodia.

    I also use auto with the flash forced off.

    Picture quality does vary and yes this is a particularly good camera.

    Do check before you buy because they are not all the same. Picture quality does vary.

  4. It does matter how you pronounce Thai places.

    First time I came here I wanted to go to Trat pronounced as in tart but I pronounced it as in rat.

    I finished up in Khorat.

    The Thais even wrote down the name in Thai to make it clear to me how it should be pronounced.

  5. Execution is now by lethal injection. What was this silly fool thinking??? Australia's airports have some of the toughest security measures in the world.They've even made a TV series about it. He never saw the show??? I dont believe it. Every passenger coming off a flight from Asia or Sth America must walk past one of the little sniffer dogs in the baggage hall. Impossible to avoid them because officials are watching you. He was never ever going to get through. Zero chance particularly a flight from Bangkok which is probably the NO 1 watch flight for customs officials. Incredible.

    Please tell us more. What TV series? What little sniffer dog?

    Why did they slit open the Velcro fastenings inside my luggage (on a journey from Bangkok to Perth)?

  6. Seems Maxnets latest trick is they have blocked opendns from being used, change back to obtain DNS automatically on a friends service to get him back working again, this seems to be only on Indy and not premier.

    I thought so. I emailed opendns who told me that my firewall was blocking opendns.

    So I removed my firewall and opendns was still blocked. It was maxnet. Thought so.

    C:\>nslookup -vc -type=txt which.opendns.com.

    Server: resolver1.opendns.com


    Non-authoratitave answer:

    which.opendns.com text =



    In other words "You are seeing our second resolver in Palo Alto being blocked by your firewall."

    (email from opendns). I have Indy.

  7. are farangs aware a gun - colt or smith wesson - is sold for as cheap as 500 baht in downtown pattaya? sniff around and you will know where they are readily available. :)

    500 Baht you say.

    I hope that the automatic is not the one with the crack on the slider which had been expertly welded.

    I hope that the revolver is not the one with the broken latch on the revolving chambers

    such that when it was fired the bullet traveled alongside the barrel rather than through it.

    Both weapons I have fired at the shooting range in Pattaya about 10 years ago.

    I am lucky to still have my hand.

  8. I've done 12 hours in a public bus in Nepal on mountain roads. Nothing in Thailand comes close to that experience. CM to BKK by bus is simply boring,

    Bah that's nothing.

    When I was in Nepal in 1970 there were no mountain roads only footpaths.

    You had to walk.

    It took 10 days from Kathmandu to Pokhara.

  9. I would love to watch TV over my internet connection.

    CNN video is blocked, so is Thai TV.

    BBC video works sometimes.

    BBC iplayer will not work to an overseas connection even with all of the hacks.

    They have all been blocked.

    If these TV connections were unblocked users could consume

    too much of the limited bandwidth available in Thailand.

    They simply don't have the infrastructure to enable these services.

    I don't think that it is anything political.

  10. Is anyone getting upload speeds greater than 400 or 500 kbps with TT&T? I'm not even getting that. I am paying for 2MB download an 1MB upload. I have never gotten anywhere near 1MB upload; currently, I am getting 200-300 kpbs, if that. I am sure the service has deteriorated in the last few months because now I have trouble backing up my files (which I do over the internet) whereas I never had these problems before. The stories of incompetence at TT&T are legion. Two "engineers" spent two fruitless hours at my house yesterday. They did not know what they were doing. In the end, they said that my problems were due to the fact that I have two computers running off the same router! Other people have been told that there is something wrong with their router (when in fact it was perfectly fine). I now that TIT, but this is getting ridiculous.

    Yes I had a similar problem. A hacker from China broke into my system and destroyed my WINSOCK.

    At least you still have an internet connection.

    Could somebody have altered your router settings in some way?

    The speed you buy is the maximum speed you could have.

    It has little to do with the actual speed you are given.

    I think TT&T are better than most.

    A 1MB upload speed is asking a lot in Thailand.

    Speeds do depend on the time of day and hence the number of users.

    The evenings and the night have always been faster unless Maxnet are doing housekeeping

    when the service can stop for a while.

    A problem is that tt&t are a telephone company and very good at supplying

    phone lines and internet connections.

    Behind the staff that you give your money to there must be the techs

    who run the internet. These people you will never get to meet.

    They understand Maxnet better than you or I.

    I was unable to connect to any web site.

    Firstly Maxnet told me that my router was broken. So I purchased another one and it was the same.

    Then I asked the techs to call which they did.

    They carry a small ADSL modem and a mini laptop.

    They proved to me that my Maxnet connection was good.

    They told me that my computer was broken and that I should return it to the shop.

    I then installed Ubuntu Linux,which I had previously downloaded, and all worked well.

    To repair my router I switched it on and held down the reset button for 30 seconds.

    I then had to re-enter my Maxnet username and password.

    I then changed my router password.

    To repair my WINSOCK I googled for WINSOCK FIX XP and downloaded a small program

    which restored my corrupted registry.

    There are 2 firewalls - one on the router and one on the computer. Of course I run anti-virus.

    The settings on the firewalls were incorrect.

    Also I had not changed the password on the router.

    Most people have username Admin and password Admin or 1234 or the defaults.

    So anybody can change your router settings without you knowing.

    The hacker tried for a longtime to TELNET port 23 on the modem.

    When that failed he used other methods such as just asking me.

    Please can connect to Ok I typed.

    I know that this post is a bit jumbled but other than now all works well I cannot be certain about anything.

    I hope that it might give you a clue as to your problem

    because I do not believe that I am the only one with my problem.

    Maxnet are a great ISP but the techs are overloaded with requests about customer problems.

    I tried telephoning them to thank them for what they had done

    and to explain to them what the problem was but they did not want to know.

    I don't blame them.

  11. What is the penalty for Treason - if found guilty?

    as you likely know, most of Thai law is based on English law and treason was a capital offence

    although hanging was abolished in 1965, treason remained on the statute as a hanging offence

    i suspect it still may be, but i am not 100% sure

    certainly its not been used as a punishment for treason for many years

    i would guess its still on the thai statute.

    In England the death penalty has not been abolished.

    There is still a working gallows at Wandsworth jail.

    And presumably there is still a hangman on a retainer.

    The death penalty has been abolished for murder.

    The death penalty is still there for treason.

    I think. Please correct me if I am wrong.

  12. What follows is my grossly oversimplified explanation of modern Buddhism.

    Please correct me if I am wrong and I am sure that there are many errors.

    Lord Buddha was a man, named Siddhartha Gautama, who lived in north India about 2,500 years ago.

    After fathering many children he left his extended family to seek enlightenment in the forests

    around Patna and Bodh Gaya where he lived.

    Read the book, watch the movie, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse.

    When Buddha died (or left his body) he said to his disciples that now you are on your own

    and must forget everything that I have taught you.

    You must work it out for yourselves.

    Many chose to do so and eventually they formed the Hinayana sect of his religion.

    Hinayana means northern. It was considered the more liberal version.

    They wear dark red maroon robes like the Dalai Lama.

    All of India was Buddhist at one time.

    Hinayana Buddhism was taken from India to China by Bodhidharma, the fat one who is always laughing.

    It was then taken south into what is now Thailand and Cambodia.

    It finished at about the time of the fall of Angkor Wat, which was part Hindu.

    The temple complex of Angkor Wat was built by the Khmer king to house his collection of Shiva Linga.

    Shiva Linga are a part of the modern Indian religion Hinduism.

    Indians traded through the port of Funan what is now Saigon or Ho Chi Minh city

    and then moved up the Mekong river.

    The conservative sect of Buddhism was called Mahayana which means southern.

    They are now called the Theravada's.

    They wear the saffron robes with which we are now so familiar.

    The Theravada's have written down everything that Buddha said during his lifetime.

    His teaching known as the Darma is exactly that with all of the accompanying ceremonies and rituals.

    Today there are two sects of Buddhism, Hinayana and Theravada.

    There are even Hinayana wats (temples) in the west.

    One of them is England with a daughter house in Thailand.

    Theravada is no longer known as Mahayana.

    The Theravada's look down on the Hinayana's as the lesser sect.

    Theravada Buddhism was taken by missionaries from Thailand to Sri Lanka.

    Subsequently Buddhism died out in Thailand and Cambodia.

    Missionaries then introduced Theravada Buddhism into Thailand from Sri Lanka.

    Sri Lanka has sacred relics like the tooth of Lord Buddha in Kandy.

    It must be remembered that India, Thailand and Cambodia were very different from what we see today.

    They were mostly tropical rain forests filled with lions and tigers and uninhabited by humans.

    Most areas were just too dangerous to visit.

    Most of what is now Thailand, Burma, Cambodia and Vietnam was sparsely inhabited by Mon Khmer people.

    The Chinese tell us that they wore no clothes and were very black.

    This is the claim by modern Cambodia to most of Thailand.

    There is very little in common between modern Cambodia and Mon Khmer.

    Khmer is spoken by some of the tribes in the Andaman Nicobar islands,

    off the coast of Burma, which now belong to India.

    It is a syllabic language (one character represents one syllable) and the closest to Sanskrit.

    Modern Cambodia exists only because of the French empire and Pol Pot.

    Otherwise it would have been swallowed up by Siam (Thailand) and Vietnam.

    Thai, Burmese and Vietnamese people migrated south from China forced out by Genghis Khan.

    These people migrations explain the religious migrations.

    Hinayana Buddhism was the religion of India and then China and then Mon Khmer.

    Theravada Buddhism was introduced from Sri Lanka.

  13. PoorSucker


    The things one can learn by reading this forum.

    I like the sound of it.

    Naturally I signed up but I have not yet switched my dns servers.

    I don't think that was my problem.

    It would be nice to have opendns built in to the router firmware like dyndns on Zyxel.

    But that is for hosting a web site where the dns keeps changing. That too works great.

    About a week ago I too had a problem with slow internet from Maxnet in Pattaya.

    I could not access anything for about 3 days.

    I visited the lovely ladies in Carrefour who informed me that they were upgrading their system.

    I don't know if it is just me because I spoke to them but now it is better than ever.

    I guess that it is different for different people and for different locations.

  14. kujirasan is giving good advise.

    My pc started crashing about a week ago.

    The climate has got much hotter and more humid.

    I do not have air con.

    The solution is to remove the top cover (the left hand side of the metal box.)

    Then take a room fan and blow air directly into the case.

    Now all is good.

    I don't think that it is just the hard drive.

    It is the cpu, the motherboard, the ram, the video card,...

    Everything is affected by the heat.

    Do you remember the man who built a copper tube and sat it on top of his cpu

    and then filled it with liquid oxygen (I think it was)?

    He managed to run a 3MHZ cpu at 5MHZ.

  15. I believe that the Australian customs service have agents at Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport.

    On a recent trip to Perth when I retrieved my suitcase the double zips were in a different position.

    My suitcase came on the carousel very fast at Perth so there was not time for an inspection there.

    Apart from a smashed wheel the only damage was that someone had unpicked the stitching

    on a Velcro fastening on a side pocket of a pair of trousers.

    Also I noticed that the check in lady for Singapore airlines made a telephone call while I was checking in at Bangkok.

    All sorts of funny things can happen to your checked in luggage without your knowledge and in the name of security.

    Any one else have a similar experience?

  16. Cambodia women almost never have a Caesarian.

    There is neither the money nor the expertise.

    The hospitals are mostly run by Christian NGO groups such as CARE.

    They routinely perform antiquated butchery known as an Episotomy,

    in which one or more cuts are made from the anus to the vagina.

    The excuse for this is that it makes the 2nd. child easier to deliver.

    The reality is extreme pain and lasting disfigurement.

    Cambodia people have a high tolerance for pain and suffering.

    You are lucky to be talking about Thailand which has a more enlightened policy.

  17. I visit Cambodia a lot and I am always impressed

    how both the Thai and Khmer immigration manage to squeeze 8 stamps per side in my passport.

    One stamp for an entrance and one stamp for an exit and all neatly paired off.

    That is apart from the whole side Khmer and Thai stickers for a one year visa.

    I am interested to know whether it will still be possible to fit 8 stamps per side in my passport.

    My passport is getting full and I don't want the trouble of applying for a new one.

    Anybody know how big these new mini stickers will be?

  18. I'm sure there are many others on this forum who, like me, remember not so long ago when Bangkok had no BTS, MRT or even metered taxis. All of these modes of transportation are (relatively speaking) rather new to Thailand. Give it a few more years and it won't be any different here than anywhere else. In the meantime I suggest we all try to teach by example.

    Ah those were the days.

    When your Mercedes Limousine driver would meet you at the airport

    and take you everywhere for less than 500 Baht per day.

    It was such an honour for a driver to have a Falung.

    He would clean and polish the interior and the exterior of his car.

    It was rather like a bar girl has a Falung for his holiday.

    1986 - yes 23 years ago.

  19. As a new user of Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex I question whether a hard copy instruction manual is really helpful.

    I think that it must be akin to "Windows for Dummies".

    It would be helpful if you were a dummy but you are not.

    Ubuntu 8.10 comes with a simple help button - the blue circle with the question mark.

    There is also an extensive online help

    and if you still need help there is an online forum.

    As a former Windows XP user I am most impressed by Ubuntu 8.10,

    especially after trying and failing with earlier versions of Linux like Red Hat and Suse.

    It is possible to do most things and it is free!

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