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tom yum goong

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Posts posted by tom yum goong

  1. what a paranoid nonsense :D

    I'm not saying that I give credence to his theory but anyone who believes international sports, with the huge sums of money involved, is on the level is kidding themselves.

    Look at the scandal in Italy, not the first time this has come to light, and all the dodgy dealings by Blatter and his minions at FIFA. Fair play my @ss! :D

    How about the IOC? They would give Thai politicians a run for their money. :o

  2. 2-1 to England, after trailing by an early goal.

    I can see this happening, England conceding first and then coming to life to win a tight game. I just hope it stays 11 v 11 but thats probably expecting too much from an Argentinian ref :D

    Ever the optimist, i have predicted a 3-0 drubbing for the Portuguese.

    Come on England! :o

  3. You can also get Golden Virginia, Samson and a few other brands of rolling tobacco at Central, as well as plenty of papers (king skins) and pipe tobacco.

    However, now they have banned displays of tobacco it will be even harder to find. You wouldn't think to look there but they sell it in the mens clothing section, near the shoes, wallets and keychains. Look for where they sell Zippo lighters.

  4. If you are coming in August, there's no question you should go to Samui. This is not because i think Samui is nicer than Phuket, nor are there more things to do. The only important factor is the weather. August is the rainy season for Phuket, whereas its the high season in Samui.

    So unless you like rain and rough seas, go to Samui.

  5. Adriano could have been blown up for being offside twice. Not saying he was. the first pass he wasn't interfering with play. the cross for the goal he was inches in front (no clear daylight, give the advantage to the attacker etc.)

    However, plenty of offsides given for less.

    1-1 would be a fairer result at half time.

  6. I thought it was a great game. But i hope the officials look closely at the replays. Diving everwhere.

    As for Figo, how did he get away with just a yellow for that headbutt :o And i believe that under fifa rules, you can't be punished twice for the same offence. So i don't think they can ban him for it now.

    Bring em on :D

    just heard on the news that Figo has been cleared to play. If he tries anything like that against England i hope we give him a good kicking.

    By the way i dont believe Chon is Scottish. :D

  7. to be honest it didn't look like England could score. the free kick was the first Beckham has scored for England in 3 years, which hasn't been through lack of attempts.

    oh well, bring on the Portuguese! Even though they could be missing 3 or 4 key players (Deco, Costinha, Figo ?, Ronaldo ?) England will have to play a lot better to get through. Our record against Portugal, and indeed Scolari, in recent tournaments (Euro 2000, WC 2002, Euro 2004) doesn't inspire confidence.

  8. Yeah, come on the Socceroos!

    I had a bet on for Oz to beat Brazil in the group stage game, which I thought they were unlucky to lose. It would be great if they could send the Italians home after a good spanking :o

  9. Well, i hope you're right.

    I recall seeing an article by a doctor who made my comments . . . . he believes Rooney has the body type to just expand and expand. He looks like one of those pudgy pugnacious Brits you see wandering around Pattaya . .all barrell chest and no neck, a 40 year old torso on a 28 year old guy.

    I hope I'm wrong. He has a great attitude and tremendous skill, but i genuinely dont think he has a long career in front of him.

    another barrel chested footballer is Diego Maradonna, one of the greatest footballers ever.

  10. My guess is its "the shakes" caused by drinking too much alcohol.

    However, in addition to Tywais's post, shaking hands could be symptoms of the following:

    Essential Tremor

    From Wikipedia:

    neurological disorder characterized by shaking of hands (and sometimes other parts of the body including the head), evoked by intentional movements. The incidence is unknown, but is estimated to be as common as one person in 20, and it is the most common type of tremor and also the most commonly observed movement disorder.


    Essential tremor (ET) generally presents as a rhythmic tremor (4-12 Hz) that is present only when the affected muscle is exerting effort (i.e., it is not present at rest).


    or Benign Fasciculation

    From Wikipedia:

    Benign fasciculation syndrome (BFS) is a neurological disorder characterized by fasciculation of various voluntary muscles in the body. The twitching can occur in any voluntary muscle group but is most common in the eyelids, arms, legs, and feet.


    I have BFS every now and then when i haven't had enough sleep and am stressed out. Causes my neck to spasm/twitch which is quite debilitating (try reading something when your field of vision is shaking) but thankfully its not something serious like ALS or MS, and can be treated by going to bed early and avoiding stress. Cutting down on alcohol helps too :o

  11. i'm not sure about Mexico not being in England's class.

    I think they would give England a very good game (they can actually pass to their own players for a start), and i wouldn't bet on England walking away with 3 points.

  12. what i have found when comparing computer parts prices between Thailand and the US is that once something in the US becomes even slightly outdated, i.e. they have brought at a bigger/better model, the price drops very fast. Whereas in Thailand the price dosen't drop by as much.

  13. Thanks for the info, sounds like you where in the same position as me, maybe ? anyway I have a new baby no motor bike now!! you bought new i'm sure you did your homework, where from which dealer? what did you buy ? I favour a toyota but well open to a cost affective alternative ..

    I guess it all depends on your budget and needs. I spent a fair amount of time looking around before i bought a Honda Jazz for around 600k. I got 1 years free insurance and a few extras thrown in.

    Like I said before if you want a better deal buy the car in Bangkok and drive it down. You should be able to get better discount or a lot of extras thrown in compared to Phuket.

    About the new car dealers, there isn't much choice as there is only one dealer per manufacturer in Phuket, and even then some dealerships are owned by the same company - Anuphas & Sons own the Honda, Ford and Mazda dealerships (among many other businesses).

    In Thailand you pretty much can't go wrong with Toyota or Honda. Reliable, cheap and plentiful parts and they hold their value well.

    So far i've got no complaints with Honda but then I've only had my car for 6 months.

    Forgot to add, lots of useful information here you should check out:


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