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  1. Whoa whoa steady on son! That requires lateral thinking
  2. These politicians have the attention span or indepth thinking of a chicken Even a 5yr old could think of that and probably an 8yr old to understand that effects would be smaller or short term
  3. They'd have to call Greenpeace for removal of a beached whale!
  4. Well you know. Traffic is pretty difficult Red=stop, green=go Throw in the yellow! Things get complicated
  5. Ill bet even if there was a video of him getting killed by someone else, the thai police will be like "after a lengthy investigation, its suicide"
  6. It was probably a prostitue who hadnt found her customer for the night and lashed out
  7. I think its becauae theyre doing it in the ocean. If it waa in the bush on the side of the road, no one would care
  8. I thought divorce in the western world = defrauding the male
  9. Love it how they show a pic of her clothed and a pic of an iced tea, and no footage of her running around naked
  10. Sounds pretty sophisticated, assuming she had real estate emails, forged credentials etc. Sympathy for the guy
  11. Incorrect. I am not trying to positivify or negatify Thailand, however when i read all these incidents , and think "this place is dangerous for tourists" thats when it either is becoming more dangerous or the media is selectively reporting these
  12. Is it just me, but so much news out of thailand is drama Tourists getting killed by other tourists Tourists getting killed by locals Tourists getting killed by animals Tourists getting killed by traffic Tourists getting killed by accidents Paints a poor picture
  13. I suppose thats a way to watch live porn
  14. Definitely not limited to Thai/young men/poor people. Seems to be for anyone wanting their 15 mins of fame by doing something dumb and dangerous for likes on social media. In fact id say it appears to be more of a thing in the US
  15. God is telling you something if the lobby coffee table breaks when doing it
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