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  1. "What a cool salami" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  2. Might as well put foreigners in a cage and put them on display with a "do not poke" sign
  3. I guess thailand makes you more Hansum but not more like mike tyson, especially at 62
  4. Why does every thai proposal include the words " foreign" and " crackdown"
  5. Next rule change: we will decrease the minimum number of ice cubes per drink from 5 to 4. This will revolutionse the night life industry
  6. Whoa whoa steady on son! That requires lateral thinking
  7. These politicians have the attention span or indepth thinking of a chicken Even a 5yr old could think of that and probably an 8yr old to understand that effects would be smaller or short term
  8. They'd have to call Greenpeace for removal of a beached whale!
  9. Well you know. Traffic is pretty difficult Red=stop, green=go Throw in the yellow! Things get complicated
  10. Ill bet even if there was a video of him getting killed by someone else, the thai police will be like "after a lengthy investigation, its suicide"
  11. It was probably a prostitue who hadnt found her customer for the night and lashed out
  12. I think its becauae theyre doing it in the ocean. If it waa in the bush on the side of the road, no one would care
  13. I thought divorce in the western world = defrauding the male
  14. Love it how they show a pic of her clothed and a pic of an iced tea, and no footage of her running around naked
  15. Sounds pretty sophisticated, assuming she had real estate emails, forged credentials etc. Sympathy for the guy
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