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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. I guess the difference is the levels of mental.illness
  2. Shes not a bargirl, shes the secretary! And you are her first customer! Youve hit the jackpot
  3. "While the Thai government acknowledges its existence" Holy smokes, they did what!?
  4. A bit confused by what you believe their intentions were Are you suggesting they hired you to fill a farang quota? Or hired you as a language teacher on the outsidr but wanted you to do other stuff?
  5. What is it with ladyboys and car accidents, theft and assaults (both ways)!
  6. Thai Police: "we are trying very hard to find where the man lives"
  7. Thailand really needs a try before you buy scheme, or a money back guarantee
  8. Youve got some issues if you get criticised by a filipino woman
  9. Maybe they took a page out of the American Woke Mindset and said "hey 90% feels like a good number, it FEELS right, yep, lets go with it"
  10. So cops until now would ignore if they saw a crime in progress done by a foreigner?
  11. Damn! 2 months of dating and she's using a knife and elec shock device Thats one crazy bitch
  12. Dont expose this loop hole! Or else all the masseues will start raising their prices!
  13. Why legalise something that doesnt exist......
  14. Thats some disturbing numbers Husband 67 years Wife 48 Grand daughter 14 Age gap between husband/wife: 19yrs Wife/grand daughter: 34 years, (could be stepgrandmother)
  15. Sounds like modern journalism done by an dumb influencer Oh he is watching porn, wow he is harassing women, Think of the children
  16. An economist predicting sea levels!?! I guess i may have a chance of being a brain surgeon in Thailand
  17. Who would have thought, a casino in Thailand frequented by Thai people
  18. Thai government: "Theyre not Adult video actresses, they're audio visual actresses"
  19. Guy revs bike aggressively and challenges to a fight Kid gets angry and drunk, cuts guys arm off Thats some serious anger, What a waste of 2 lives
  20. If only he ran harder for 1 more day...he would have hit 1600 days
  21. He unfortunately/unexpectantly won the lottery, Matching balls, fainted
  22. So is this the 4th rebranding this year? Or is it this month?
  23. Welcome to any third world asian country, let alone a food stall Owner probably will charge you extra for the special extra
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