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Everything posted by hellohello123

  1. he's got a long way to go for certificates and medals to be as recognised as these guys
  2. Give him a certificate of corruption, as well
  3. Wow, who would have thought, build and chair, and think about what its going to feel lile on a hot day. Thats far too much common sense Might as well made them with razor blades , with sharp edges
  4. Is that box underneath supposed to imitate a slot machine and it's buttons??,
  5. In Australia, after the 20 permits required to fix/pave a road, On top of that they need - a person holding a sign saying "stop" or "danger" getting paid $100k-$200k per year - another person holding another sign at the other end notifying you its the end of the roadworks also on $100k-$200k - site supervisor, getting paid more to oversee the job - 1 person doing the actual job - 2 people standing around doing nothing complaining how underpaid they are And penalty rates if there is any rain, late nights, actual people on the road!
  6. Looks like the guy has been reading up on the thai men dating etiquette manual
  7. Yep, definitely some Cat Ass S*&t
  8. Hth do you rank happiness? Some poor guy living in the slums with enough food and family might be happy While some rich guy might be miserable because he missed out on the latest gold lamborghini
  9. If youre a squilllionaire why cant you pay them a fair wage? Or the fact i think like that just proves that im not rich??
  10. Wasnt pattaya number one according to last week/month rank?
  11. But but, she liked him for his personality and charm....
  12. "Its the first time ive used this fake meter" = "im not a hooker, im just the receptionist at this gogobar"
  13. Remove the batteries....... You win.... flawless victory
  14. Whoa! Steady on! Thats called lateral thinking
  15. https://sgdbs6pn.r.eu-west-1.awstrack.me/L0/https:%2F%2Faseannow.com%2Ftopic%2F1327416-ladyboy-duo-nabbed-for-stealing-gold-necklace-from-indian-tourist%2F/2/0102018f8389bb39-f05b4252-1c74-4b3e-bfde-fa19d4f5cb03-000000/VF-p2IfQRG_hmAY3j2K_pTlkMCU=374 WHAT TIMING!😁😁😁😁 You couldnt even make it up
  16. The article forgot to mention how long this crackdown is going for ? Seconds, minutes, hours?
  17. Quality journalism there. I rememebr my mum telling me to reread anything i write .....in primary school
  18. Well they all are "independant women" and "business women" Of course they're always going to charge more for any random reason
  19. Stealing a bike and joy riding it in a tourist area is what a drunk aussie bogan does in bali!
  20. And if the baby had miscarried her fine would have been 501baht
  21. This is just so amateur and dumb on So many levels They should be focussing on certain areas or types of crime So their logic, if a thai and a foreigner are robbing a 7-11, theyre all going after the foreigner while ignoring the thai
  22. Another day, another farang behaving badly.....
  23. Oops note to self Learn that Sweden and switzerland are not the same... just brothers
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