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Mango Bob

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Posts posted by Mango Bob

  1. Have your bank lower your withdrawal limit and get sms messages from your bank whenever a withdrawal is made. This way you know within minutes if someone withdraw money from your account and you can contact your bank at once. Plus with a low daily withdrawal limit your lessen your losses.

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  2. Why are the anti government protester and there supports here so afraid of elections. You keep saying you have the support of a majority of the people. If this was so you would win an election. But deep down inside you know your never win because you don't have support of a majority of the people. And don't bring up the vote buying scheme. Because if your people believe in you no amount of money would change their vote.

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  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    They condemn gun attacks when it's convinient for them to. They appeared to be quite supportive of the gun attacks in 2010 to get rid of the red shirts. This video shows red shirts who were helping a wounded soldier being mercilessly shot by the army. Who are the aggressors, really?

    Red shirt caused 27 deaths Anti Government caused 0

    Who are the real murderers and criminals and enemies of democracy?- obvious to everyone!!!

    Except red shirt apologisers on TV!!

    So where is your prove? You should be going to the police with your prove that red shirts did it and not making wild statements here. Unless you have proof the Red Shirts did it you should shut up. Throwing out rumors is against the TV rules. Shame on you violating the rules.

  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The Thai people want their country back.This group of a handful of protestors and some elite friends are commandeering their country and they have had enough. The extremists will be the first to speak with actions when words are not loud enough, but eventually the usurped majority will stand up and take back and defend what is theirs if it continues to be denied them.

    So, PDRC, expect more, much more, if you continue to deny the people their democratic rights.

    Yes indeed the people want their country back.

    That is why the PDRC is out on the street.

    They have had enough of the Thaksin run PT Govt which has enriched themselves at the expense of the country and the people.

    Which tried to enact laws that would exempt themselves and their controller from crimes including more than 25,000 cases of corruption now before the NACC.

    The people want free and fair elections without intimidation, threats and bribery where every candidate can campaign freely in every electorate.

    They want politicians who do not have records of crime and corruption and will work for the people and the country and not for themselves.

    They want reforms to the education system so their children can have a world class education with a chance to compete in the world.

    They want a justice system that treats everyone as equal.

    They want a police force that is fair and impartial.

    They want a health system where everyone has the chance of the best care.

    They want an end to the corruption which has increased to a massive scale in the last 3 years.

    They want freedom of speech and a free press.

    That and other freedoms of a true democracy is what the people want and they are getting bombed and shot at on a daily basis by the forces who want things as they are for their own benefit.

    So now you speak for all Thai people. Amazing the farang who is the voice of the Thai people.

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