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Mango Bob

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Posts posted by Mango Bob

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

    Wow... explains a lot... Haha...A Frigging septic tank... Let me also tell you something Mango Bob.. at every international airport in the good old USA, there are long queues of peoples all heading home to somewhere else .. many times more than queing up at your embassy to go. And most of the peoples queuing up at you US Embassy are Americans wanting extra pages in their passports so they do not have to go back to your good old USA............ alt=clap2.gif>

    This the dumbest reply I got from this question. Americans don't have to que outside maybe the Brit embassy you do, but from what I read even the brits hate it's own embassy.

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

    Why are you then in Thailand and not in America. Thai's must be doing something right.

    No she is doing something right. How about you with 3 post you must have been reborn from another suspension.

  3. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Then why ever morning at the American Embassy their are long lines of people who want to come to this country. Answer that. We must be doing something right.

    Why then, whenever I go out to a tourist area I run into Americans ?? Answer that. jerk.gif.pagespeed.ce.TMGfqs4Lzz.gif

    I don't consider the places you go like

    soi cowboy or Nana tourist places. You see a hell of a lot more drunk brits and aussie than you will Americans. That's for damn sure. You Brits and Aussies need to come down off your high horse.


  4. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "The NACC has considered the request at its meeting on Thursday and disapproved it, citing concerns over the potential impact on the political conflict."

    What the hell does that suppose to mean? Sounds like some lame excuse.

    Hi M BOB, another photo copy of Fab alt=thumbsup.gif> smile.

    It sounds to me like the lame excuse is coming from Yingluck, why defend her if she was the chairperson she has to take the rap. unless you think "she did nothing wrong"

    Every thing is Red and Yellow to you. Instead try to answer my question what the hell is concerns over the potential impact on the political conflict Have to do with calling for additional witnesses. And please don't give another lame excuse.

    Sorry if you cannot read or remember I am of no colour, told you 50 times--you have this thing tattooed in your head.

    Whoever made the statement hell knows , all I know is that they are collating everything together-I assume that they have all the scam evidence they need, and wish only any other important statements to add.

    They don't want all and sundry adding to the stack of papers--Yingluck has had ample time to write down anything that will help her---LIKE 3 years of experience but never chaired the rice committee meeting ???

    Have you heard of the PTP Shin excuse --Politically motivated ??? Think they want to keep the objections to a minimum and get the case sorted, without too much political interference/conflict, as it is a touchy subject to some people. Maybe you Bob.??

    The General told us to be happy I finding it very hard to do.

    p.s. You still gave me a yellow excuse. biggrin.png

  5. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    "The NACC has considered the request at its meeting on Thursday and disapproved it, citing concerns over the potential impact on the political conflict."

    What the hell does that suppose to mean? Sounds like some lame excuse.

    Hi M BOB, another photo copy of Fab alt=thumbsup.gif> smile.

    It sounds to me like the lame excuse is coming from Yingluck, why defend her if she was the chairperson she has to take the rap. unless you think "she did nothing wrong"

    Every thing is Red and Yellow to you. Instead try to answer my question what the hell is concerns over the potential impact on the political conflict Have to do with calling for additional witnesses. And please don't give another lame excuse.

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