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Posts posted by BadBouy

  1. "I feel that he’s been demonized and I feel that perhaps it’s slightly unfair. I would like to see some media coverage that is less biased,"

    It's about a media that takes sides and is now seen as biased by many. Journalism is about getting at the truth not the truth the media supports. No one side is always right or wrong, too often different points of view are not considered. Media is often guilty of omition. If you get your news from one source you are not getting all the facts. It is sad the media has lost the confidence of many people.

    I miss Tim Rusert, did his research and asked everyone tough questions, if your from the US you probably understand where I'm coming from.

  2. I have met a number of people in my life who are not happy unless they are complaining about something. Best thing to do is ignore them, complaining about them only gives them relevence. Enjoying yourself because they are enjoying coplaining about what ever you are doing.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif

    • Like 1
  3. I've seen recently, two very dodgy white guys ... weren't around a few months ago.

    attachicon.gifP4080397 LLR.JPG






    OK ... I know what you mean ... facepalm.gif

    We live outside the typical 'tourist' areas of Bangkok ... but the BTS is creeping out our way and yes, a definite increase ... but only where the Westerner feels comfortable.

    ... so, in the TESCO - YES ... in the local markets - NO

    Quality tourists!

  4. After being exposed to western critical thought will these student then be able to stand working in Thai companies that are based on hiercy rather than ability? Will they be offered positions over seas and chose to not return home causing a loss of capable people in Thailand? Thailand does little if anything to draw these students from around the world to come and work in Thailand and make it a better place. For the students given this opportunity I wish them the best.

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  5. Now you can see why Detroit is a Ghost Town. Greedy, Western Manufacturers are all coming to Thailand and other developing Countries, in order to take advantage of slave wages and poor worker safety standards, in order to make more profits.

    I was wondering why Germany and Japan were building cars in the US, and all because of you I know why "slave wages" clap2.gif

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