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Posts posted by ManofReason

  1. The problem with that scenario if it's true is you could end up with virtually a one party state. Whether someone else would come along to challenge and win might be down to how much the PTP allow a new opposition to participate. They might act fairly but then again they might not.

    That is entirely correct. The quasi one party rule period is a necessary phase of the growing process the country has to go through to mature into a fully fledged first world open society. The day the Reds get tossed out of power democratically will be one of the greatest in this nations history as it will signify its coming of age. All the coups are doing nothing but delaying this much anticipated day.

  2. This place is insane. Surely the government can hire and fire these appointed positions as they see fit. Abhisit copped one of these ridiculous verdicts himself in the last few days. He was ordered to re-instate a police officer he fired years ago. How the hell can he do what is asked of him by the idiotic court - remember Abhisit is currently unemployed himself. Loopy indeed.

    • Like 2
  3. Of course the hypocrites are going to blame the protestors for bombing themselves. They hide behind 'reason' but the fact of the matter is, their side can do no wrong and the real victims are always the ones that are 'bombing themselves!' clap2.gif

    I think the reds have suffered far more deaths and injuries over the last decade than the Yellows.

    It is sad that there should be any casualties at all, especially when all this could have been resolved through the acceptance by the losers of the results of elections.

    If you're going to count bodies then why don't you mention the fella who has the most blood on his hands? I think he's responsible for more deaths in the last CENTURY than anyone else.

    No need for exaggerations. the facts speak for themselves finely.

  4. ManofReason, on 07 Mar 2014 - 10:51, said:

    Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Yeh, consequences, you blow a whistle, you get bombs thrown at your house.

    Thais should open their eyes and learn more from these actions.

    Pretty much.

    You tease a dog, you're going to get bitten.

    This is true the world over.

    Why the surprise?

    What makes you think the violence would only occur in one direction?

    Blowing whistles isn't violent, dummy.

    The video of the incident is clear evidence of an assault on a citizen going about their personal business in a public space. No society could function if such activities were tolerated as normal behaviour, one could not enter a public environment without fear of harrassment. The whistle blowers actions are viewed as illegal in almost any country on the planet that you would care to visit.

    • Like 1
  5. Intimidation of people with the use of grenades and this fella here voices neither approval or disapproval. It's typical of the red sympathizers. If the anti government protestors did this, they would jump on it calling them 'thugs' and 'fascists'. When reds to do it, we neither approve nor disapprove. What a bunch of hypocritical scum.

    We don't know who it is that has been using grenades.

    There have been no arrests and no convictions. In all the instances of grenade throwing that I am aware of a decent argument could be made against either side being the criminal party (with the exception of the grenade the PDRC launched at the brave police officers on Feb 18).

    My gut tells me that the PDRC leadership have been bombing their own houses with dud grenades, but I'm self aware enough to recognise my own bias and acknowledge the distinct lack of evidence so don't claim this opinion as a fact.

    There is no hypocrisy here my friend - only a man of reason.

    Of course the hypocrites are going to blame the protestors for bombing themselves. They hide behind 'reason' but the fact of the matter is, their side can do no wrong and the real victims are always the ones that are 'bombing themselves!' clap2.gif

    I think the reds have suffered far more deaths and injuries over the last decade than the Yellows.

    It is sad that there should be any casualties at all, especially when all this could have been resolved through the acceptance by the losers of the results of elections.

  6. " Why are we singling out Sehgal? The answer is, because it is easy and that is what bullies do. "

    ​This is the perfect summation of a fabulous article. Indeed, it is worse than even that. This man's deportation order was also signed by Charupong who was not only present at the UDD rally that promoted secession, but he made a statement promising his support for the implementation of the UDD's platform, which included secession. For a man like that to be free to sign a deportation order for someone who never advocated for such things shows everything that we ever needed to know about the former Yingluck administration.

    Q. Why are we singling Sehgal out?

    A. Because he was fool enough to take to the stage set up by an illegal mob in a foreign country.

  7. What's the plan here - persistent false accusations and a refusal to accept facts.

    A play right out of Sutheps' book if ever there was one.

    237 posts in a week - most engaging in a battle with long time members.

    Not the mark of a newbie me thinks.

    The battle is not with long time members, but with the irrational, no matter what guise its origins.

    I am the ManofReason and yes I wear a cape.

    • Like 1
  8. How about dealing with calls for overthrow of a sitting government by groups in Bangkok?

    The article is about secession calls by red shirt individuals or groups...!

    One of the reasons that they said they wanted secession was that they felt the courts were handing down rulings in favour of the protesters (e.g. that they were "not trying to overthrow the government" and that they were "nonviolent").

    Sent from my IS11T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Just like in the west those that criticize the legal system - the courts - the police etc are usually those that are breaking the law or have broken it - this government and it's MP's and PM are prolific law breakers on so many levels it's a disgrace, the PM has already stated several times she will not be stepping down - I assume that means she is going to ignore any future court rulings - if the police were doing their job "upholding the law" she should already have been arrested. The law and the constitution are the backbone of any democracy yet here we have a countries PM already stating she is ignoring it, if the police don't arrest her then the army should

    Interesting line of thinking.

    The bulk of the criticism of the courts is from the Reds but the bulk of the criticism of the police is from the Yellows. Using your logic, it follows that this government and its MP's and PM are not the only lawbreaking disgrace deserving of your vitriol.

    "The law and the constitution are the backbone of any democracy" - which section of the constitution states that if you don't like the government of the day you should take to the streets and sabotage elections.

  9. Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Think about what you have just said...!! You are advocating bombings of even those who are not directly involved in any of the current mess.

    I don't know who you are a reincarnation of (possible Jacksh1t, who went missing some weeks ago) but you are treading on dangerous ground here.

    Most of us here are able to adopt a mature, balanced perspective of the current situation in Thailand; we do not need extremists in our midst...!!

    I'm not advocating anything, it's false of you to suggest that I am.

    I am stating what is common knowledge.

    Actions have consequences.

    I have voiced neither approval or disapproval of either the actions or the consequences in the referenced situation.

    Nobody operates in a vacuum, what we do affects others which in turn affects the way they act towards us.

    In life the best course of action is to follow the golden rule i.e. Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.

    Blowing whistles in someones ear or firing a rifle hidden within a popcorn bag is going to provoke a response that you will be, at the very least, partially responsible for.

    Don't try and weasel out of your comment, your meaning was quiet clear and understood by most people.

    What's the plan here - persistent false accusations and a refusal to accept facts.

    A play right out of Sutheps' book if ever there was one.

    • Like 1
  10. The quicker this illegitimate government is removed the better it will be for the Thai economy as a whole. They are ruining it by stubbornly allowing the unelectable thaksin to continue to run the country.

    Time to listen to the majority even if you don't like it accept it.

    How exactly are the majority making their wishes known to you?

    Usually the voice of the majority is heard through elections.

    Out of fear, the Democrats and the Yellow mini mob has denied them that avenue of expression.

    What's your alternative?

    How do you claim to know what the majority want?

    • Like 2
  11. Maybe it was her friends, maybe it was Sutheps' friends or maybe Elvis isn't really dead and is out running amok on the streets of Bangkok. We just don't know as there has been no arrests and no convictions for any of the grenade throwing that has been going on.

    Any of the participants in the current events should be fully aware of the 20 or more deaths that have occurred and should realise that it is not a game and should seriously think about whatever actions they are going to take before taking them.

    So you default to "nobody saw us, you can't prove it". And not only are there no arrests or convictions, it appears there is very little investigation when the answer might be the "wrong" one.

    My default position is "innocent until proven guilty".

    I believe the world would be a better place if everyone thought likewise - don't you?

  12. Instead of devising ways to beat the PDRC, the red shirts opened themselves up for attack just by floating an idea.

    Sorry but as far as I am concerned, this is just another confirmation that these people are 'buffalo'.

    No need to devise a way to beat the PDRC, it's already fading away into nothingness by itself.

    The yellows are the ones making a big song and dance about secession because without this issue they have nothing.

    The have lost every single confrontation with Yingluck to date reducing them to a hollow empty unsupported embarrassment.

    All they can do now is try frantically to build straw men that they can then attempt to knock down.

    Could somebody please remind Suthep to turn the lights out once the 6 wheelchairs seniors are safely on their way back to the south.

    This contest is over.

  13. If massively escalated violence is an expected consequence, would you recommend Pojaman and her ex- start wearing bullet-proof vests?

    Massively escalated violence is not an expected consequence.... - it is merely one of many possible consequences that one would be wise to acknowledge given the current climate in Bangkok.

    Thaksin ex can do whatever she wants.

    If I were her though, I would most definitely be keeping a low profile by amongst other things avoiding the local Gucci outlet. I would also probably head to Paris for the spring, but alas I didn't have the good fortune to marry a super successful business person as she did.

    But her "friends" have massively escalated the violence, and repercussions are to be expected, right?

    BTW Pojaman didn't just "marry a super successful business person", she was his assistant in his crimes which made him rich. In fact Daddy, as Chief of Police, gave the approval to his first scam, and she was an active participant in the crime for which he was sentenced. In between we had asset concealment cases and a divorce to protect the family wealth.

    Maybe it was her friends, maybe it was Sutheps' friends or maybe Elvis isn't really dead and is out running amok on the streets of Bangkok. We just don't know as there has been no arrests and no convictions for any of the grenade throwing that has been going on.

    Any of the participants in the current events should be fully aware of the 20 or more deaths that have occurred and should realise that it is not a game and should seriously think about whatever actions they are going to take before taking them.

  14. Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Sorry I don't get you.

    You mean blowing whistle (action) = bomb and shooting attacks (consequences)?

    That's exactly what this lady is claiming.

    She blew her whistle in someones ear and believes that because of that action "someone" threw a bomb at her house.

    She also hopes that the action of her suspending her protesting will as a consequence prevent further such attacks against her from occurring.

    If massively escalated violence is an expected consequence, would you recommend Pojaman and her ex- start wearing bullet-proof vests?

    Massively escalated violence is not an expected consequence.... - it is merely one of many possible consequences that one would be wise to acknowledge given the current climate in Bangkok.

    Thaksin ex can do whatever she wants.

    If I were her though, I would most definitely be keeping a low profile by amongst other things avoiding the local Gucci outlet. I would also probably head to Paris for the spring, but alas I didn't have the good fortune to marry a super successful business person as she did.

  15. How is it disingenuous?

    It appears that any Red government (poor or not) will lead to a coup.

    If anything is disingenuous here it is the justification you give for the (failed) attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the country.

    The government did the right thing by the voters, it dissolved itself and called for elections i.e. returned power to the people.

    There was / is no need for a coup. All the other mob has to do is front up to elections and accept the result.

    If they win, power is theirs - legally.

    This I would very much accept.

    Woah dude -

    Who said there will be a coup? Who was talking about removing a legitimate government?

    I was just agreeing with your argument that actions have consequence. An idea which you seemed perfectly happy with 30 minutes ago!

    Sorry mate, sometimes it hard to decipher the meaning of many of the posts here.

    I mistakenly took your statement that (alleged) poor governance justifies a coup literally.

    Easy mistake given a large segment of the people posting here are actually of that frame of mind


  16. Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Sorry I don't get you.

    You mean blowing whistle (action) = bomb and shooting attacks (consequences)?

    That's exactly what this lady is claiming.

    She blew her whistle in someones ear and believes that because of that action "someone" threw a bomb at her house.

    She also hopes that the action of her suspending her protesting will as a consequence prevent further such attacks against her from occurring.

  17. Clearly she is the best premier the nation has ever had.

    I never realised the bar was set that low.

    Decades of unelected dictators tends to have an adverse effect on the quality of political leadership.

    But don't worry too much, ever since 2001 things have been on the way up.

    Shins get elected but most are THROWN out of office---again follow the family history of bans-thrown out. it is a good indicator of their reason for office.

    No. It's a good indication of one sides refusal to accept the will of the people.

  18. Go off topic?! For Christ's sake! You clowns are the ones who level everything down to "it's Thaksin's fault!" As I have said before, this isn't a protest to bring down a faulty government; it's an attempt to exorcise the evil Thaksin!

    Speaking of agendas, ...

    The general has been biting his tongue, waiting for some excuse to come down on the "opposition to the opposition". This has given him his excuse.

    As far as peaceful, lawful protests goes, this fiasco has crossed the line, numerous times, and continues to do so.

    The reds have voiced the possibility of "secession". Suthep, and the protesters, are actually the ones that have always been guilty of "sedition".

    The military is it's own, autonomous branch of the Thai hierarchy. This doesn't mean, however, they are "neutral".

    Anyone who believes we are looking at a level playing field, is truly delusional….

    I empathise with your frustration. They do make it hard.

    • Like 1
  19. You are again incorrect.

    I did not state that the "same" response is to be expected for blowing a whistle or firing a rifle.

    I simply stated that "a" response, for which you would at the very least be partially responsible for, is to be expected.

    Please try and stick to facts.

    Without getting sidetracked MOR I'm interested in you opinion as you seem to be big on action = consequence. Do you think having a grenade thrown at your house is a reasonable consequence of of blowing a whistle at someone.

    Absolutely not. Both are crimes, granted that one is much more severe than the other. Actions do have consequences and unfortunately the consequences are not always proportional to the action that birthed them. All the more reason to think before acting.

    • Like 1
  20. Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Think about what you have just said...!! You are advocating bombings of even those who are not directly involved in any of the current mess.

    I don't know who you are a reincarnation of (possible Jacksh1t, who went missing some weeks ago) but you are treading on dangerous ground here.

    Most of us here are able to adopt a mature, balanced perspective of the current situation in Thailand; we do not need extremists in our midst...!!

    I'm not advocating anything, it's false of you to suggest that I am.

    I am stating what is common knowledge.

    Actions have consequences.

    I have voiced neither approval or disapproval of either the actions or the consequences in the referenced situation.

    Nobody operates in a vacuum, what we do affects others which in turn affects the way they act towards us.

    In life the best course of action is to follow the golden rule i.e. Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.

    Blowing whistles in someones ear or firing a rifle hidden within a popcorn bag is going to provoke a response that you will be, at the very least, partially responsible for.

    Intimidation of people with the use of grenades and this fella here voices neither approval or disapproval. It's typical of the red sympathizers. If the anti government protestors did this, they would jump on it calling them 'thugs' and 'fascists'. When reds to do it, we neither approve nor disapprove. What a bunch of hypocritical scum.

    We don't know who it is that has been using grenades.

    There have been no arrests and no convictions. In all the instances of grenade throwing that I am aware of a decent argument could be made against either side being the criminal party (with the exception of the grenade the PDRC launched at the brave police officers on Feb 18).

    My gut tells me that the PDRC leadership have been bombing their own houses with dud grenades, but I'm self aware enough to recognise my own bias and acknowledge the distinct lack of evidence so don't claim this opinion as a fact.

    There is no hypocrisy here my friend - only a man of reason.

    • Like 1
  21. Yet another Thai learning that actions have consequences.

    Think about what you have just said...!! You are advocating bombings of even those who are not directly involved in any of the current mess.

    I don't know who you are a reincarnation of (possible Jacksh1t, who went missing some weeks ago) but you are treading on dangerous ground here.

    Most of us here are able to adopt a mature, balanced perspective of the current situation in Thailand; we do not need extremists in our midst...!!

    I'm not advocating anything, it's false of you to suggest that I am.

    I am stating what is common knowledge.

    Actions have consequences.

    I have voiced neither approval or disapproval of either the actions or the consequences in the referenced situation.

    Nobody operates in a vacuum, what we do affects others which in turn affects the way they act towards us.

    In life the best course of action is to follow the golden rule i.e. Do unto others as you wish them to do unto you.

    Blowing whistles in someones ear or firing a rifle hidden within a popcorn bag is going to provoke a response that you will be, at the very least, partially responsible for.

    Whilst what you say is true it is also slightly disingenuous - one could, using your argument of ' another Thai learning that actions have consequences' apply this to other situations such as: poor governance and widespread corruption leads to coup.

    I doubt very much that you would as accepting of that truth would you?

    How is it disingenuous?

    It appears that any Red government (poor or not) will lead to a coup.

    If anything is disingenuous here it is the justification you give for the (failed) attempt to overthrow the legitimate government of the country.

    The government did the right thing by the voters, it dissolved itself and called for elections i.e. returned power to the people.

    There was / is no need for a coup. All the other mob has to do is front up to elections and accept the result.

    If they win, power is theirs - legally.

    This I would very much accept.

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