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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Yup there's another one for sure.... R.I.P where ever you are....11yrs here for me now and I hate this country, my plans to return home are coming soon....it's a bitter and brutal country once you look deeper into the people who live here.....bye bye Lieland

    This place is dangerous if you dobt wise up fast. But I'd consider anyplace but my assorted prior western homelands if and when I depart. They're expensive, their population are pissed off, or have their heads up rheir arse. And guys still get <deleted> over, just by uglier women than here.
  2. The "authorities" could do a much better job on the production side, clamping down on the trade in precursors, which seem to literally fall off the truck here.

    That would be fixed once-and-for-all with legalization and regulation of drugs. I've suggested a number of times over the years that the Government Pharmaceutical Organization could produce some of the drugs that are currently illegal. They already produce sildenafil ("Sidegra", generic version of Viagra) which is widely used recreationally for enhancement of sexual experiences largely without problem.

    The Royal Society for Public Health's "Taking a new line on drugs" report mirrors what I've been suggesting for years. One is that recreational use of all drugs (and not just caffeine, sildenafil, ethanol and nicotine) should become an accepted, or at least tolerated, activity in society. Harm reduction should be the focus of resources to prevent problems and to tackle problems that arise from drug consumption when they do. Additionally, I would suggest that the usage of the term "drug abuse" should cease because there is actually no such thing as "abuse" of drugs if we accept that drugs can be used for a multitude of reasons or purposes. e.g. ethanol is used as a disinfectant, chemical solvent, as fuel for motor vehicles, and consumed as a recreational drug. I would replace "abuse" simply with the word "consumption". Pharmaceutical drugs should not have to be only for treating disease, and I'm sure many of you satisfied consumers of sildenafil would agree.

    The report was good at highlighting the fact that different drugs have different kinds and levels of potential harm. their suggested "harm profiles" approach should act as the basis for an overhaul of drug policy, because the silly drug classification system (e.g. "Class A", "Class B") has no correlation with harm, yet many people still incorrectly believe that class A drugs are the most dangerous.

    The report should have expanded a little more on information dissemination and education to prevent harm. This is important in a world in which anyone could easily and freely buy any drug after legalization, some of which may be quite harmful depending on how they're consumed. My suggestion is to do something similar to how pharmaceutical drugs are sold - with detailed information slips on optimal dosage, safest ways to consume the drug, dangerous interactions with other drugs, things to be careful of whilst experiencing the effects, and what to do in case of emergency. A lot of drug-consumption-related deaths in the past could have been prevented if the users had been better informed. Even today, millions of people consume ethanol without such knowledge, and in the process may damage their health (in both the short and long term) or even die (either suddenly from overdose or eventually from disease caused by chronic high consumption). It is not entirely the peoples' fault that they aren't well-informed about how to safely consume ethanol or other drugs. Major responsibility should lie with the drug producers to adequately inform their customers, just as pharmaceutical companies inform their customers with information in or on the box. So why don't ethanol producers currently provide any safe consumption guidelines for their customers? Probably because they don't care, and they may think that it would hurt profits if they start writing about the very real potential dangers of their products, and the law does not currently require it. This needs to change.

    Excellent post. I'm not sure the anti camp possess the intellect to get beyond the fact that you're not writing a fear diatribe. Then they just scroll down to post babble like

    'Ice is more dangerous than meth' that sums it up for those monkeys with keyboards. Sadly.

  3. He claimed that, in medical science, methamphitamines are less hazardous to health than cigarettes and liquor but the society at large accept cigarettes and liquor as normal.

    What... ??

    I do not condone alcohol or cigarettes but I have not ever seen an alcoholic or chronic smoker get skin sores loose excessive amounts of weight let alone other forms of poor health caused directly from the abuse of the substance in such a short period of time.

    It takes years to get lung or liver problems while a meth binge of only a few weeks will show drastic reduction in health.

    Not to mention the "crazy" behavior, they do not call it "ya baa" for nothing you know... !!

    I still can not get used to the incredibly stupid comments and actions of supposed "educated" people in this country and others... =[

    I guess it has not crossed your mind that if government supplied cocaine was available not to mention other chemicals much less harmful than meth. Such as yaabaa *speed* not meth. That meth would actually stop being made and sold.

    You guys are so one track and unimaginative when it comes to your arguments that perhaps a little acid trip would free your mousetrap minds for once. 555

    When was the last time you saw a wealthy weekend cocaine user with sores all over them? You would have no idea they even used unless they told you on Monday morning. 555

    Who cares what you condone? Everyone should have the ability to choose their own poison. My body not yours.

  4. It's kind of weird to see half of the thread's participants saying it's the stupidest idea they have ever heard (probably while drinking their 5th pint of beer of the day btw) while they other agree that it makes sense.

    It's generally a division between the informed and the ignorant.
    Amen to that. They NEVER read anything that contradicts their tired old loser anti-drug argument.

    The measure of a man is his ability to admit he was wrong. And seek to expand his understanding of the world.

  5. Drugs and driving. You can't legislate for that until you've actually tested drivers under controlled conditions.

    Any of you anti geniuses paused to consider how many millions of people drive while using pharmaceuticals that warn MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS DO NOT OPERATE HEAVY MACHINERY hate to break it to you but a motosai qualifies as heavy machinery.

    So where is the moral panic about that then. Meh! idiots basing their arguments on the politics of irrational fear and disproven propaganda.

  6. It is interesting that Microsoft want in to the now lucrative Ganja business since many US states have decriminalised it....

    Drugs are dangerous as is the legal and illegal business behind them.

    There is enough death on the roads in Thailand without more drug crazed people roaming he pavements....


    Im all for a rethink on the ridiculous unwinnable war on narcotics, however Im wondering what the criterion for driving with narcotics in your blood stream will be? Difficult one with ganja as apparently it hangs around for weeks.!!

    Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    usually work on a figure of 2 or 3 days for meth and ice.

    ice is a far more frightening thing than meth.

    ICE is meth. 555 and you guys want a voice in the debate?

    If this is representative of the anti drug lobbYS drug knowledge were all doomed. Not by drugs but by ignorance passing as a basis for policy.

  7. The "authorities" could do a much better job on the production side, clamping down on the trade in precursors, which seem to literally fall off the truck here.

    And they could also look a bit harder for the larger-volume traffickers.

    But suspect both of these are 'controlled' by well paying interests?

    This is a tough nut to crack (no pun), there is no one single magic solution, but it's certainly a good idea to have discussions, debate ideas and come up with treatment/education/support plans.

    They are losing generations, and just can't keep building juvenile detention facilities and prisons.

    You're half right.

    Prohibition at every level is unworkable. Or it would have worked by now! But I guess that's too much common sense for some to grasp.

    Surrender to win. When the government and big alcohol and tobacco control production and supply, not prohibit, but realistically control the market, the problem will be controlled as well.

    Everyone assumes ending prohibition would mean chaos.

    It is prohibition that has created chaos. Thailand overwhelmed. Australia overwhelmed. Indonesia overwhelmed.

    Portugal doing just fine.

    What part of that reality don't the 'authorites' understand.

  8. You can be for or against drug liberisation.

    But you can't make reality go away by wheeling out a lost drug war as 'they're not being tough enough' or worse blocking out logic and science.

    Both the firing squad and the 'kid glove' approach have been tried and tested in real life.

    I'm delighted to report that the 'bleeding hearts' have carried the day.

    You see, when you stop panicking like a ten year old girl with bubble gum in her pony tail, you discover that legalising drugs would be no better or worse than alcohol and cigs.

    There will always be problem drinkers. But does that mean we should all be teetotal?

    The addictive potential of all drugs is overrated.

    Harm is done by dirty unscientific dosages. Just like moonshine does the same.

    If drugs are the domain of the desperate loser class. Where are they getting the billions to finance the trade? By stealing your DVD player?

    Do wise up.

    who is more likely to sell your kids drugs? A dealer or a licenced pharmacy?

    If your kid ODs at a party wold you rather their mates called an ambulance or ran away leaving them to die for fear of the police?

    DIRTY needles not drugs spread HIV to addicts who then spread it to the community via sex workers or innocent spouses.

    Meth is the unintended consequence of the moral panic on cocaine, a very desirable drug worldwide. Well done tough guys! What a spectacular own goal.

    LSD and weed and ecstasy all have important legitimate medical applications that are being stifled by sheer stupid groundless moral panic.

    LSD is virtually harmless if used responsibly. As is weed. Ecstasy is manageable when legally dosed.

    Let's not even get started on the sideshow of organised crime reaping Billions the Taliban financing terror selling poppy's while governments forgo billions in legal 'sin tax' drug revenues.

    Conservatives love to wave 'Common sense' as their battle flag. When are they going to apply it to a problem that not only can't be beat. It's beating them.

    Pride cometh before a fall.

  9. Ok Mr. smarty pants minister, and while you at it, deregulate and exclude heroin, cocaine and all other dangers drugs

    Try doing some research about the drugs you demonize.

    'Common sense' and science has proved addicts would be no more visible on the streets than drunken bums.

    Portugal and the Czech Republic decriminalized EVERYTHING over a decade ago. Both their drug problems and HIV have plummeted. Explain that smarty pants ezzra.

    using the same common sense, and how about excluding all other crimes hoping that the all criminals

    will see the error of their ways and become law abiding citizens again.....

    this last bit of your comment is idiotic - not an argument.
  10. But he brought it on himself buy being cute with the taxman.

    He brought it on himself by living in Thailand. He should have known if he had assests and they could be stripped, then the Thai police woudl not hesitate to do exactly that. That is something any Thai will tell you.Good summation of the Force by the way ...

    Corruption is institutionalized in the police force in the form of extra-budgetary payments to police officer’s welfare funds, holiday banquets, office renovations, bribe-taking, and extortion. Police are poorly paid. A patronage system, in which beat police, funnel money to their superiors is institutionalized.

    According to a Petchaboon Examiner editorial: The National Police Office’s fundamental problems are “widespread nepotism, corruption, lax law enforcement and disrespect for the rule of law. Nepotsim is particularly deeply entrenched. It is a known fact that capability, resourcefulness and seniority—the standard yardsicks for promotion in a government bureaucracy—are not enough to be promoted without the right connections or enough money to kick up to their superiors. There is a great deal of truth to the rumor that the post of chief inspector at a “good” police station costs about 500,000 baht.

    Not disputing any of that. Regardless where this guy expatriated to, anyone not paying 'Caesar' these days can expect no rest. All Governments are on the back foot and make examples of tax evaders. They also cooperate, or coerce those states who don't to 'see reason'.
  11. Can't see why they need further research into cosmetics, as most asians (especially Thais) appear to have only one goal when using cosmetics.

    This product meets all their needs and is available almost everywhere.

    Now Now BBG.

    The cosmetics industry.

    A total scam and many women are so vain they'll pay anything and believe everything.

    The only way to get "younger looking skin" is to build a time machine and go back to the past.

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