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Posts posted by dhream

  1. How many times do thr brakes get the blame?

    This whole industry needs a overhaul from the ground up. Drivers, vehicles checking stations etc etc.

    Bugger the bloody billion dollar plus on submarines. Put the money to better programmes like this where it might actually save lives instead of a useless program that won't save one.

    Poor people use buses.

    Rich people order dubious 'defence' toys like subs and skim off a handsome 'fixers fee'.

    Everyone else jets to comment piontlessly on news story fora.

    And I think to myself. What a wonderful world.

  2. One day the lid will be ripped off the truth that the WOD is a cash cow for elites.

    It works so well because it's interconnected, yet no direct links exist.

    Kingpins are never arrested. Except in Mexico.

    Meanwhile Afghanistan. Colombia. India. Peru. China. Thailand and neighbours, Even North Korea all have industrial scale industries that are all indirectly linked to peasant growers or backyard chemists.

    And they meet at UN babble disproven nonsense and then fund more WOD destruction.

    The fear conditioned masses believe everything the media feed them. Even though google is overflowing with contrarian new evidence for a health and decrim approach. They 'just say no'. Nancy aparrently fooled some of the kids back then it seems, get em young enough, few have the capacity to rethink what they're taught at the knee. Their betters know this well.

  3. Every sensible nation should completely ignore US doctrine and stop waging a war on drugs. It is the greatest waste of resources, and results in millions behind bars, for non violent offenses. The war on drugs was started by a very ignorant couple, named Nancy and Ronald Reagan. They are gone now, and the world should move on. Nonsense is nonsense. Get a grip. Criminalizing drugs is half the appeal. Let people live their lives and drug not only will drug consumption drop overnight, but so will the power of the range and cartels who deal in drugs.

    It was said, a long time ago, if it is not working change something. This war on drugs failed a long, long time ago. Intelligent minds would look for an alternative solution. The Eric Holders and the Barack Obamas, and the George Bush Jr's, and the Prayuths of the world do not. They trod forward, trying hard to enact failed policies, when the lessons are right before their eyes.

    The criminal president Nixon started the WOD. Nancy was only known for her lame 'just say no' campaign.

    I had access to a fascinating chat with a young thai who claims about 60% of their campus use drugs besides tobacco and alcohol. In addition. The mom and dad hi so generation in particular, are also guzzling drugs. The size of hauls would bear this out. As well as the ridiculous assumption that all users are 'junkie' underachievers. How could they otherwise afford these drugs that sell for a small fortune?

  4. Let not forget that prostitution is not widely available here because of foreigners. Thais are using that all the time. Any Karaoke bar in most remote area of the country the Thai customer can take out the waitress or waiter. It is part of their culture. Husband play on the side is Thai typical. Foreigner using bars or prostitution services are a very small percentage compare to Thai people.

    Let's not forget that we're discussing the tourist minister here, so foreigners are most likely her main concern.

    You are completely incorrect. What you said could not possibly be further from the truth. She has no concern for foreigners. Her only concerns are for politics, appearances, keeping the tourist trade moving forward (a very convoluted affair, in her own mind, without the required experience in the tourism industry) promoting Thailand overseas, etc. No concern for tourists that are already here. If she had any concern there are dozens of ways she could express that concern, with policies that benefitted tourists. Such as:

    1. Public safety improvements.

    2. Traffic safety improvements.

    3. Setting up tourist information kiosks, that were not manned by someone selling a product, but rather an employee of the government, like you see in so many other countries that care, ready, willing, and able to provide useful information for tourists.

    4. Abolishing the two tier pricing system at the National Parks, which many of us will not visit, due to the extortioner practices on admission fees.

    5. Working on abolishing the scams that affect the industry.

    I could go on and on and on. There is so much that could be done, if she cared one iota.

    That seems to sum it up pretty well.


    Yeah, that 2 pricing system sucks,, make a foreigner pay 200B and a Thai 50B.. your forget the foreigner makes three times that amount in an hour for an average wage.. where a Thai makes 50B for 2 hours work,, and if your retired you probably collect a good pension, what to Thais get ??

    stop moaning,, and it goes on everywhere, in Auckland NZ, you can get in free to some things if you live in the city where as everyone else pays....

    get over it !!

    Remember the Thai minimum wage is 300 THB a day. How many Farangs would be able to live on this?

    Thais pay more than Brits for a China visa here. But Americans pay most of all (reciprocal fee charges at work)

    Also Thais visiting China need to show proof of funds to get visa. Farangs do not. Makes me smile...

  5. Outside of Africa, Chiang Mai, Thailand has more AIDS, per capital, than any other city in the world. More than Bangkok and others...

    A UN representative in Thailand admitted that the numbers were ballooned to receive more AIDS funding.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1392821

    hiv numbers have been cooked for a very long time, in africa they still diagnose people with hiv/aids without a blood test


    Chiang Mai, and surrounding provinces are indeed a known global HIV black spot.

    Fortunately. HIV is not as virulent as the man wants you to fear it is. This is globally self evident.

    However there's still no cure for stupid. Which is why Russian infections are exploding. Their preventive approach is primitive in spite of proven preventive advances elsewhere, which they ignore. This only accelerates their epidemic.

  6. The "strain" of HIV now predominant in Thailand (HIV 1 type E ? This strain does not require blood interchange for contamination of the new victim. It is capable of transfer through tissue contact ( ? ) alone.. Not a comfortable situation when you contemplate the reality of this........


    And contemplate further the very real complexities of deranged motivation whilst in pursuit of brief self satisfaction. Take care out there!

    Your comment about a 'superstrain' of HIV transmitting via tissue (unbroken skin) contact is utter nonsense.

    Bugchasing (dysfuctional unsafe behaviour to deliberately infect onself) is irrelevant to the discussion. And besides it's passive or receptive. Thus poses no risk to others in the pursuit of said infection.

    Sex workers are generally safer than the general (promiscuos) population in most countries where condoms are promoted, Thailand being one. Tons of data out there to back it up.

  7. If it wasn't for the sex industry cows would still roam in the single strip Don Muang airport. Totty brought all the business in, Thais should celebrate their status as the largest brothel in the world.

    I don't agree. Provide decent social support for poor Thais and the attraction of taking money to let Joe Farang satisfy his carnal needs using your body, will diminish.

    Prostitution exists everywhere, there's nothing one can do to stop it, anymore than you can stop dogs copulating in the sois. But the sex trade in Thailand needs to be reduced to a background noise consistent with the rest of the world, and Thailand badly needs to curtail its reputation for being a sex-tourist destination. Whilst probably only being indirectly linked, this would most likely also drastically reduce the incidence of paedophilia in Thailand, which is currently rampant, and the reputation that Thailand has for being more-or-less a safe haven for criminals of all descriptions.

    Many good things are likely to result, whether by design or not.


    Do you understand that someone on the UK dole still needs £12,000 a year extra to just scrape by? Thailand has zero chance of ever building a social network that even wealthy countries can no longer afford.

    Also, I'll wager the 'law of unintended consequences' would trump your 'many good things'. Or do you subscribe to the *winning the war on drugs* delusion as well?

    Noble sentiments. Destined to be unrealised hope.

  8. Please state how this is different? Apart from the fact 'justice' was sort of seen to be done?

    Stanford rape case anyone? Same judge just sent a latino service worker to jail for 3 years for a much lesser one time sexual assault.

    Fair isn't fair. Law 101. Everywhere.

    same old lame excuse.......please state the percentages of each country that "get away with it" just to give it some clarity

    Let me repeat that for you. Fair is not fair. Ask any 1st year law student.

  9. is this the kind of JUSTICE the PM spoke about ?

    money speaks, only poor sods & farangs go to jail

    what about a farang with money? There are some, you know!

    Yes, just ask the Aussie who murdered the bouncer in Phuket, and police dropped charges the because he agreed to pay the next of kin 1.2 million baht ($A48,000) in compensation a review of the exceedingly low resolution security camera footage of the incident exonerated him...

    Money didnt help the dutch millionaire (and his equally innocent Thai wife) for being jailed for decades for legally living of the proceeds of legal weed shops. Go figure.
  10. This just shows how detached Thailand is from the rest of the World.

    For a state prosecutor to say such ridiculous things and then run away is such a shameful thing to do. Prosecutors in other countries would hang their heads in shame.

    Thailand really is like a bubble, it has it's own rules that seem like they have been in place for a thousand years, but they look so out of place in the modern World. Just turning away from this is just not acceptable behaviour today, the guy did wrong and no matter how rich he is he should face justice.

    This thinking, along with Face, xenophobia and coupled with the political instability is why Thailand will lose out to the Philippines and Vietnam in the not too distant future. They are both already rapidly closing the gap and Thailand is going backwards dramatically in GDP whilst the Philippines will see 7% growth this year.

    Thailand needs to reform and grow up and do it quickly. If the military really want to gain some popularity they could intervene here and bring this guy to trial.

    Agree with you on all of this EXCEPT you seem to ignore the 'rest of the world' has all these problems. Selective justice? Yup. They've simply done the deal outside a courtroom here. Don't kid yourselves guys. You only look ignorant.
  11. I was in Pattaya recently, and all the hookers were complaining because now is low season so they have only little bit of customers.

    Some girls who didn't have a customer for 3 days looked seriously depressed because they needed money.

    (they make it up in high season, but since many are not smart savers, low season can be tough)

    If customers don't come, what are they gonna do? They clearly don't want to do anything else (normal job)

    They don't want to be "helped". They just want to have more customers for boomboom, so the big money keeps coming.

    They choose the path wathever they think is best for them. If other alternatives would be better or "less damaging" for them, they would choose that.

    Oviously the alternatives they know would mean more "suffering", if not, they would change immediately, because people tend to walk the path of least resistance.

    But there aren't any that they think is better, and not any of you judgemental people are offering new alternatives to these girls...

    Your judging doesn't help them, it only puts them down.

    You (gazz, johnny, ... dudes) have nothing to offer them, so there is nothing heroic in your preachings.

    Plainly spoken and very well articulated at that.

    Nobody hears from the silent majority of happy girls other than the punters themselves. The dissenters will of course air their grievances, and no one's disputing their view is their reality. But it's theirs. Not the next girls, or they'd all be out like Cosby accusers. It's just logic.

  12. Acually Gazzy, i am quite sensitive and have some experience in this area, I have known damaged people, I know many Thai girls are raped as children and crave a safe environment but turn off their emotions to survive in the bar scene, many are horny sanook girls that love the freedom and have multiple orgasms with their vigorous clients. Many men are affraid of intimacy and rejection. for good reason Some are now 'mgtows" to avoid the marriage trap and the femenazis.... it is a complex and nuanced world out there and nowhere near as simple (good and bad) as you seem to think. You are so wrong about so much, I do "give a shit" and think any girl, lady, woman or ladyboy that does not want to be in the trade should be given an opportunity to find alternate employment or education.

    It seems the real action these days is on tinder and Thai friendly, the bar scene is so 20th century.

    Agreed. The moral police unwittingly pander to the real evildoers.

    Ifor it was legal. Women would not be forced into it.

    They always conveniently forget many women who would have promiscuous sex for free. It's all about women's rights over their bodies UNTIL one of those women admits she enjoys her work (and for some it's not work at all). where are those women's rights to trade their company for a very good living relative to the average shop clerk?

    If all the girls Ivery met in the industry 'hated' it, then they're better actors than Meryl Streep or Dame Judy.

    Tired of fixing typos. It's a tiny phone.

  13. One of the most interesting threads ever on TV......a lot has been said that hasn't been well articulated before yet needed to be said.

    While I may disagree with how sex work is mismanaged by most societies.

    I found the angle on the men themselves to be quite revealing and there's no small element of truth in what was said by both the 'white knight' and the punters.

    I first came to Thailand as an innocent. I eventually dabbled. It's a commodity and it's traded like any other. My position on the morality of it has been aired. Legalisation is the antidote to trafficking. No problem was ever solved by driving it underground. Trafficking is a problem legal sex work is not.

  14. Well actually, yes I am saying it justifies the sex industry.

    In modern Thailand, no one needs to

    sell themselves.

    I'm not denying trafficking is evil. I'm not suggesting the way it's run is justifiable. But you cannot prohibit your way out of social problems. Sex drugs etc. Legalise shine light on the criminality and let workers and clients make their own choices.

  15. These sex addicts are, like all addicts, totally selfish and most are in denial.

    They don't care about ruining the young woman's life. I've seen first hand the problems these girls get into with drugs and alcohol as I worked voluntarily in a drug rehab centre.

    The best thing would be to start an SAA or sex anonymous meeting in Pattaya to try to help these old men.

    Your didn't seem to learn much about addiction during your selfless voluntary service it seems.

    If the 'old men' want 'help'. They can get it online and off. Thousands clearly don't.

    Thailand institutionalised sexual slavery for centuries. At least they get paid now. And they can work at McD any time they get tired of the megabucks in sex work.

    It's legal in Singapore that most pragmatic of places. Should be legal here too. Paradoxically it protects the workers. Prostitution here is a choice like any other job.

    Trafficking is a different animal.

  16. Let's consider airbnb will be an easy way to track these 'illegal' renters.

    They get busted. Condos get sold en masse in BKK etc. The laundry money built projects that already stand near empty in Chiang Mai to name but one, become valueless as their bank debt goes unpaid.

    Property market collapses, becomes jokingly known as the poverty market.

    What then Thailand?

    To the owners of private condos. Airbnb happily works for neighbours everywhere else in the world. But of course TIT.

  17. Haven't seen the story before so this article is really confusing. Who's being investigated, who's in custody, who's got a case to answer?

    Can't work out what is going on here.

    The outcry is because they were and are still banged up on false charges.

    No doubt the clear indication of attempted trafficking will be 'forgotten' as soon as too many 'names' are implicated.

    The Internet has changed everything forever, and the sooner the establishment gets it, and cleans up the entire stinking purifying mess they've made of their own society, the better off everyone will be.

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