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Posts posted by dhream

  1. Phra Control to Monker Tom

    Take your yaba pill and put your saffron on


    Here am I jerking in a tin can.

    miles above the earth


    And the papers want to know which brand you wear, now it's time to show the wrapper if you dare...

    Phra Control to Monker Tom you're going to jail there's something wrong

    Can you hear me monger Tom can you here am I sitting on a shit can, tapping out this tune....

    RIP Bowie.

  2. What's happening in the Monkhood?

    Same as has always happened. But why the surprise? There have been many studies which show that most people masturbate, and others which show that Thai monks are not the ascetic people they pretend to be.

    The problem as reported is 90% humbug, and 10% an opportunity to vilify someone you don't like or who opposes you.

    Look at the policemen in th picture,. You think they don't masturbate when nobody is looking? Dream on, get real.


    Yes true, but how many of us have lethal weapons and deal drugs? Oh wait... the BIB do that too. My bad!

  3. "Thongchai said that he had been at the temple for 18 years and been selling ice for a long time. He got his drugs from an agent he knew as Ek"

    By Ek!.

    Ice and wanking.

    Ice and wanking

    there's no better when it comes to spanking.

    Asia has discovered

    You can't have one without the other.

    Now do all those massive drug hauls, no matter how 'hard' they make war, make sense?


  4. An Airbus A380 = 850 passengers ;

    For 10 millions visitors they need 11765 full A380 ,

    or 32 landind each day ...tongue.png

    Keep on dreaming TAT Thailand clap2.gif

    you quote an all economy A380 configuration. So they'd need two thirds more aircraft again.

    Unless they plan to send a fleet of supersized cruise ships every other week.

    Also, they have no clue what people really come here for.

    Spa sex shopping sand & sport (golf)

    It's NOT culture and Tradition. That's Europe's gig.

    Maybe they should actually ASK their markets, instead of presuming what TAT bigwigs are into is what everyone else is into.

    Wrong. But (altogether now) what's new?

  5. Hmm. I was caned at school. In some cases it was just power abuse. Drunken housemaster, appropriately named Mr. Beer!

    Never complained. He'd be fired today. Hope he died alone.

    Totally unacceptable for a male teacher to touch a female student without permission. Let alone beat her over the head, of all places.

    The girls have a right to dress in trousers if they suspect their modesty would be compromised.

    If he touched my hypothetical daughter he'd want good health insurance.

    another post that condems violence,, with more violence... Lets all stay on the merry go round folks !!!!
    Who mentioned Violence? Health insurance covers all sorts of mishaps, tummy upsets, mechanical failures, anthrax...
  6. Dear Journalist person,

    The plural of individual crew is crew. The plural for a group of people sub divided into crews (for each aircraft) is crews.

    Crew is not a singular. It describes two or more crewmembers.

    It reads like this: The aircraft and its crew. That's one aircraft and one crew (of more than one person).

    Or The aircraft and their crews. That's more than one aircraft and more than one crew.

    God I'm bored Today!

    Wouldn't it actually be 'the aircrafts' and crew'?
    No never. No matter what the media print. They're wrong. But what's new?
  7. In my country the teachers hands are tied children have to be disciplined most of them are impertinent brats with no discipline at home either. Here we had a little pup break the teachers jaw and he could do nothing about it if this carries on we will have nothing only complete anarchy both at home and in schools

    You are confusing discipline with violence.

    Schools need discipline, however this does mean they have to use violence.

    Discipline vs violence ... a debate that's been going on awhile now, and not just in schools. Right now there's a mother in Louisiana who's been arrested for "whipping" (with an electrical cord or belt according to the sheriff) her 3 kids because they broke into a neighbor's house and stole stuff. The husband/father is currently doing time in prison, and she says she didn't want that for her kids. She's actually receiving a lot of moral support at the moment, including from state officials praising her for doing the right thing. And so the debate about child discipline rages.

    Which is more "damaging"? The effects of a "whipping", or ending up a jailbird. Which is more damaging to society? Appropriate corporal punishment that teaches discipline at an early age, or having to house, clothe and feed (rinse & repeat) career criminals? But WRT discipline in schools, if parents were doing their job at home, it wouldn't even have to come up. It's not enough however that we prevent teachers from exercising any discipline in the classroom, some of us have to stick our noses into family affairs and tell parents that they can't discipline their kids at home. Genuine abuse is one thing, but a few welts from a belt is reasonable and for most kids necessary at one time or another. (If done early enough, I think you find in most cases that any further need for it disappears because the child has learned.)

    There are many many ways to impose discipline.

    My ex (who went on to have kids with another bloke) talked calmly but firmly to her brood. Further disobedience was punished with removal of allowances. TV etc.

    They are now adults anyone would be proud of.

    I hate unruly brats.

    But whacking is abuse.

    I dont care if thats how your folks did it.

    Mine did too, they didnt know better but that didnt make it right.

    And this US story? Well the location tells you all you need to know.

    Cue the 'Deliverance' banjo theme.

  8. Hmm. I was caned at school. In some cases it was just power abuse. Drunken housemaster, appropriately named Mr. Beer!

    Never complained. He'd be fired today. Hope he died alone.

    Totally unacceptable for a male teacher to touch a female student without permission. Let alone beat her over the head, of all places.

    The girls have a right to dress in trousers if they suspect their modesty would be compromised.

    If he touched my hypothetical daughter he'd want good health insurance.

  9. Dear Journalist person,

    The plural of individual crew is crew. The plural for a group of people sub divided into crews (for each aircraft) is crews.

    Crew is not a singular. It describes two or more crewmembers.

    It reads like this: The aircraft and its crew. That's one aircraft and one crew (of more than one person).

    Or The aircraft and their crews. That's more than one aircraft and more than one crew.

    God I'm bored Today!

  10. Here we go again, another 100 posts on why it happened.

    Only 100 ? more like 1,000,, your very conservative.. wink.png

    Well here's 1,001....Bet 50 baht that the autopsy show drugs in her system....I would think that a lawyer can afford nose dust and any other HiSo drug on the street....

    50 baht. Hi roller. Lo IQ
  11. Legalizing drugs paradoxically gives the government all the control and all the money.

    Alcohol as has been proved over and over is horrendous when misused. Addictive potential is high. Cold turkey can be fatal.

    We do not all rush to the shop or bar on a Friday and drink to oblivion.

    And drugs are no more worse than that if used responsibly and in moderation.

    Why is this common sense reality just ignored.

    That government controlled sales of drugs ends the crime and hands control to consumers. Just like whisky.

    There are alcoholics and there are also junkies. There always will be.

    Put them in hospital.

    The only reason junkies recruit junkies is because it's illegal.

    When was the last time anyone tried to recruit anyone to become an alcoholic?

    Addiction is the same. Post operative patients get drugs more powerful and 'addictive' than heroin. So why aren't they addicts after recovery?

    Because all this one hit and you're hooked stuff is a total nonsense.

    Just ask any nicotine addict. They had to work hard to get hooked, tobacco is vile to a newbie user.

    It takes determination.

    Let's have some enlightened debate.

    Nobody is saying drugs are great here. The discussion is about accepting you can't force people to do or not do anything. And that the prohibition stance does more harm than good.

    To families. To users and to governments who could do better things with the money than wage a war against substances that are no worse than alcohol.

  12. I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

    Or do you always pick and choose your

    Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

    Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

    I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

    Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

    "I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs." at time of Buddha there were no such powerful artificial drugs. but now we know that those who sell them cause much harm. that's why there is no choice but kill them all. and I would be gladly pull the trigger myself.

    "feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once." and what if I refuse to be fed by it? will you force me?

    Nothing I would force you to do. All I ask is the same human dignity. But unlikely to get it from you.

    Educate yourself. Your silly ranting is becoming tiresome.

    Coca (cocaine plant) cannabis, opium, and peyote, magic mushrooms, etc etc. Not only used for centuries, but used for RELIGIOUS reasons by the shamans (priests) as well as to just have harmless (not a typo) fun.

    Crystal meth was used by armies in Ww2 to keep soldiers alert and not need to eat.

    It was revived in response to Cocaine prohibition. Proving that prohibition only made things very much worse for the authorities themselves.

    As are all the 'designer drugs' that have unknowns harms. What if prohibition heralds the creation of a super drug that is passed by handling it unknowingly instantly addictive and makes every one jump off buildings or strip naked and chew off faces?

    We've seen the beginnings of that already. And why? Because y'all had to get panicky about stuff that is natural and manageable. And has been for millenia. Why the big fake panic? To control people. Well screw that!

    One form of control I do agree with: Sugar when removed from violent prisoner diets. Calm the prisoners into lambs. Google that. (Next you will claim Google is a drug pusher because the truth is on there).

    Don't try to 'educate' us anymore.

    The truth is, your arguments are so batshit crazy. They read like you are the one on drugs. Lol.

    And BTW many many thai pharmacies will sell customers anything without prescriptions. More nonsense from you.

    You know nothing and irrationally fear everything.

    In closing, making your posts bold and colourful is basically what we call in the west 'polishing a turd'

    Good night.

  13. Im done arguing with people who say doing drugs "was fun".

    Have you ever enjoyed consuming ethanol ("alcohol"), e.g. having a beer with friends? Or are you one of the few who say "no" to any form of ethanol, even in social situations in which everyone else chooses to consume the drug?

    this question is not for me but I want to answer. I never drink alcohol, don't smoke, dont drink coffee, tea or any other mind-altering substances. because Lord Buddha taught us so.

    I would like to understand what Lord Buddha has to say about killing other human beings for using or even selling drugs.

    Or do you always pick and choose your

    Holy teachings like a moral supermarket shopper.

    Frankly your views are altogether abhorrent and inhuman.

    I would love to put you in a 'rat experiment' feed you some nice legal marijuhana and enjoy watching you actually find some bliss and love in your heart for once.

    Your view of drugs is basically 'the earth is flat' I pity such ignorance.

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