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Posts posted by dhream

  1. I guess that foreigners would have a large number of suggestions for simplifying the work of the Thai immigration services.

    Post of the Month! Why not have a five year retirement extention. Pay 5x the annual rate and reduce the workload (and pita factor) by 4x or is that too private sector minded?
  2. There you go, rebrand the term 'Prostitute' as 'Sex Worker' in doing so fudge the definition and wind up having people who get dragged into the 'fudged' definition filing charges for being called 'Prostitutes'.

    But then getting the definition wrong is nothing new around the Thailand expat community, so have some sympathy guys.

    Selling sex is selling sex. Virtual or not. I think that sex work is just work. Almost everybody has sex, and almost everybody is messed up about the fundamental act of fornication. Its a forked up world we breed in. Sure enuff
  3. well he has plenty of jail time to do maybe he will see the errors of his ways.

    If he does go to prison it may well turn out to be a life sentence given his age and health. Another decrepit taken off the streets and internet and away from kids is never a bad thing.

    Why should the tax payers pay for his 'improbable' rehabilitation ?

    Taxpayers? Rehabilitation?

    I doubt hardly any tax money finds its way to Thai jails.

    Rehabilitation is a western construct in terms of incarceration.

    Only political detainees enjoy the luxury of 'attitude adjustment' the rest are left to rot.

    Our little pedo mate is about to enter the 7th circle of hell.

    All pedose terrorists and rapists should be sent to Thai jails from anyplace worldwide. It's worse than capital punishment. Much much worse.

    I would go so far as to end it were I ever so unfortunate to be convicted here. Seriously.

  4. If I had that sort of money I would not choose Thailand. He could have gone to innumerable tropical paradises in the Americas.

    He also forgot the number one rule. You don't screw the man.

    I'm pro legalise, think the system here is irrational in terms of drug law, a pan asian delusion in particular. For all these reasons, he should have been smart enough to get out while the going was good.

    Pay your taxes and you can get away with murder. Literally.

    It's a shame to see such a phenomenal personal set up end in such a shamoz. But he brought it on himself buy being cute with the taxman.

  5. Strikes me as insane in these heady days of elevated rights for minorities, that Minor Attracted Persons are still persecuted. In spite of all the lobbying and attempts throughout the western world to legitimize and respect people desires for sexual activity with children - it is tolerated mainly in liberal Afghanistan(google Bacha Bazi). Perhaps a HRC double bill will give enough time to roll this out properly - after all every other perverted act has gone from illegal status, to tolerated, to legal, to being rammed down our throats at every opportunity and positive discrimination in favor of perverts.

    You're one confused neoconservative.

    Childhood marriage was common everywhere 100 years ago. That did not always mean minors marrying minors.

    Your panties are in a bunch because you and your kind can no longer dictate how other CONSENTING ADULTS live their lives and self-indulge.

    If anyone was ramming their shit down other people's throats it's you busybodies.

    LBGT are still having to deal with irrational crap because you can't mind your own business. The sky won't fall, you might however, start retching. But man up, you'll feel better soon.

    So glad you're on the wrong side of history. It's only taken ten thousand or so years, but we're prevailing over the mindless hate. BTW I'm straight. I'm just not afraid of people who are not, why would any balanced well-educated and adjusted adult have cause to be?

  6. So many single Thai mothers let these old reptilian westerners into their homes to be 'stepdad' to their young daughters, just on the promise of financial support. They should all be screened and checked, I'm pretty sure that this would be the normal procedure in the west.

    While I find these perverts abhorrent. I would like to know in which fantasy western country prospective boyfriends of single mothers are screened.

    It's ignorant 'superior' statements like this that weaken your claims 'we' do things 'better' the reality is more nuanced. Not defending Thais here, I'm just saying engage facts before fingering keyboard.

  7. There are countless Thai girls out there who have an official "Farang" boyfriend as money source and a Tom as lover. Usually the Tom is introduced to the clueless foreigner as "one of my girl friends".

    So if the white money source dries out, the job of the provider all of a sudden is in Tomboy's hands who is unable to cope with this odd situation, as it would actually require real, physical work...

    Enough reason to get "angry", something the policeman in charge will certainly understand, sending the loving couple home with an understanding nod after they have paid their 500 Baht fine.

    Bike most likely is sold already, something completely understandable since the stingy "Farang" refused to continue his role of a walking ATM machine...

    Good luck, next time! smile.png

    "There are countless Thai girls out there who have an official "Farang" boyfriend as money source and a Tom as lover. "

    Compared to some Thai Visa experts, I must live an extraordinarily dull life. Who could possibly "know" such things? The same people who can't comprehend the difference between an extension of stay and a visa seem to have an extensive and intimate knowledge about the police, the crime underworld and the behavior of "countless" Thai people.

    Haha so true. ???

    Some guys just terrified of anything that's not unambiguously male or female.

    It says more about them than their targets of vilification.

    Just swap 'New Yorkers' or 'Martians' for their phobia of choice, and the ridiculousness of their argument is exposed.

    We're all unique complex beings. Even the simpletons among us. The very people who seem blind to this obvious reality.

  8. There are countless Thai girls out there who have an official "Farang" boyfriend as money source and a Tom as lover. Usually the Tom is introduced to the clueless foreigner as "one of my girl friends".

    So if the white money source dries out, the job of the provider all of a sudden is in Tomboy's hands who is unable to cope with this odd situation, as it would actually require real, physical work...

    Enough reason to get "angry", something the policeman in charge will certainly understand, sending the loving couple home with an understanding nod after they have paid their 500 Baht fine.

    Bike most likely is sold already, something completely understandable since the stingy "Farang" refused to continue his role of a walking ATM machine...

    Good luck, next time! smile.png

    Probably so.

    In my experience, a lot of these 'toms' are very predatory and are very patient whilst waiting for their prey!

    You seem to have a lot of experience in these matters...do tell your stories

    How long you got?

    Yawn! Do be brief. OK you're done? Great.
  9. Why can't they legalise it? Even Singapore (who banned a comic same sex kiss scene in Les Miserables last week) let the girls work openly.

    It's is what it is and ain't ever going away.

    The entire world needs to wake up to all the curmudgeon BS that surrounds 'moral' laws.

    If the middle east were allowed to legally toke and poke (and the rest of us too come to think of it) there'd be a lot less angry frustrated mass murderers out there.

    I'd much rather the girls got all the money, a one on one legal transaction, and the parasites put out of business. There an app for that. It's long overdue here.


  10. You don't see big fish because the narcotics billions merge seamlessly into society at levels you'll never see or comprehend. Just like the curtain on the airplane blocks you from first class.

    Even el chapo is just a lieutenant at best.

    They feed you bullshit. Including harm myths to keep it illegal in the mass Moronic mind which keeps scarcity and prices sky high.

    Are we all clear now children? Good.

    Sorry to patronise. But if the dunce cap fits, wear it.

  11. Why not admit it's unwinnable. Legalise tax and educate?

    Lesson one:alcohol and tobacco is worse than everything out there including smack and ice.

    One learns that when one can be arsed to do the research and stop repeating bullshit propaganda you read in the media.

    And while you're at it ban religions. The deadliest drug of all time.

  12. Just managed to do it.

    This is my third attempt online since it was launched last year.

    1st time, OK if a bit confusing, with location and nationality list in Thai alphabet order.

    2nd time fail -went off to waste time at the prom and got my deli number like a good little white sheep.

    3rd time (now) got the 'pending' page (I also scanned their barcode to my phone, for confirmation, as my home printer is bung.)

    Not much to add, other than it's still the web equivalent of the 'kitty hawk' in the jet age.

    I think this as is good as it gets until they finally take everything online like the rest of the world. UK in particular are outstanding with GOV.UK services, it has to be said, but I digress as ever.

    I tried Safari built in emulator, it was horrible, and kept freezing on page one.

    I then tried Chrome on the Mac using the UA plugin as this site advised, while in the UA plugin, I tried IE10 IE8 IE7 iterations, they all returned 'page unresponsive' errors.

    Went over to my trusty HP notebook running WIN10 and just used native IE and it was responsive, swift, and smooth from there on in.

    It's not the easiest tool to use, and I think a lot of punters with basic web skills might easily run afoul of its clunkiness.

    It still beats a trip to the 'deli'.

    If and when it's more stable, I may use it closer to the cut-off date, as it is, I'm giving myself the maximum lead-in, which cuts away at the time to the next tedious report.

    But it worked, and for that, we're grateful.

  13. Why worry, Aussie is terrible still !!

    Yup. The Aussie is a joke of a currency.

    Insane prices down under (buys bugger all) but none of the international supporting strength you find in the GBP or USD (and look at the trillion dollar deficit!)

    What is it now? THB25 = $1 give or take, and it's likely 'take'.

    And the post China boom pain hasn't even really started yet, back home.

    The lucky country moniker seems to have hit the 'use by date'.

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