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Posts posted by Beachcomber

  1. Hi

    Can anyone point me in the direction of some really simple basic FREE computer games for kids?

    I’m thinking about something to move the mouse around and click on colored squares or animals or something like that. Nothing advanced.

    Before the “Googlegangers” dive in, yes I have “done a Google” but most of the “FREE” stuff is not free but you don't find this out till you have downloaded a lot of rubbish with the game that is not always easy to get rid off. :o

    So any nice people out there who know of any simple games, would be pleased to hear from you.

    Should I post this on the computer forum?

    Thanks :D


  2. Hi

    I am having some problems with my UK pension payments. The first payment was supposed to have arrived at my Thai Bank about 3 months ago.

    I have been in touch with the Pension office and they have cancelled that payment and are now sending another check direct to my home address. This check has not yet arrived and the Pension Office has no information as to how long a check normally takes. In addition my Thai bank takes 45 days to clear the check. :o:D

    Regular mail from UK takes 3-5days max but apparently this has no relation to the system used by HMG. :D

    The obvious answer would be to have the monies paid into a UK bank account then I could use “Internet Banking” to transfer funds to my Thai bank.

    So the question is - is it possible to open a UK bank account while here in the LOS??

    Any additional help or information from anyone that has had similar problems with UK Government pension payments would be welcome.

    Thanks :D


  3. Hi

    I did do a “Google” but there were so many pages and false leads that I was hoping someone here could from personal experience shortcut for me with something that worked.

    Thanks “Crossy” the reset code worked as you said but the service tool for the iP1000 from Printersiam is a – rar. file :D What do I do with it??

    No obscene replies please :o

    Thanks :D


  4. I have a Canon iP1000 printer that works, sorry worked, just fine till a couple of days ago when the message “waste ink tank nearly full press reset” started to appear. :D

    What is this waste ink tank? Never heard of it and there is no mention in the manual or on the Canon web site. :D:D

    OK so by pressing Reset every time it still worked – till now – “Waste ink tank full contact service agent” :D

    I had a look at the printer figuring if it is a tank I could just empty it and Hey Presto off we go. :o

    If only life was that simple. :D

    Wifie in the meantime was phoning the nearest Canon service agent (nearest is not same as local) and was informed that even if the “tank” was emptied the printer has to be reset.

    “Can you e-mail us the re-set code? NO - bring in the printer and we can re-set it for 500bt” :D

    The “nearest” agent is a bus and ferry ride away (if the ferry runs cos of weather) and the round trip takes almost a day.

    So does anyone have any idea where I can get this re-set program? :D

    Why doesn’t Canon put it on their website??

    On the side:- The ink “tank” is not a tank at all but a strip of absorbing foam at the back of the printer underneath all the rollers and stuff.

    There are a couple of absorbent pads, black & color, on the right side where the cartridge lives when not working. These can be carefully lifted out with a pair of tweezers and cleaned. Use only ordinary water then dried off before replacing. This should help the “ink tank” from filling up to soon.

    Beachcomber. :D


  5. OK so this may be old news to everyone except me, but I only recently found out the hard way so thought I would pass it on in case anyone else has the same problem.

    I have been doing regular backups, like one should, with never any problem until recently when I started getting “Verified failure” notices.

    I checked the back up files and they all seemed to be OK so couldn’t figure it out till I took a close look at the “SyncBack” log and noticed all the “failures” were MP3 files that wifie had down loaded that had Thai names.

    The Back-Up program couldn’t recognize Thai fonts. Renaming the files with English solved the problem.

    Hopes this helps someone.



  6. Hi

    Quote “tywais”

    Definitely not stored in the BIOS. Are you using the same CD you always have? I ask because it is possible to build an XP installation CD with the information already in it and depends on where you got it.

    Come to think of it I do believe this is not the CD I used the last time for a re-install where it ask for a Key. I don’t really know why I used this different CD this time, guess it just looked like a later version as it had SP2 on it.

    Quote “Firefox”

    For critical patches, you can use the auto-update feature (which currently also wants to install a reminder that you're using a pirated copy). For other updates, like IE and media player, you'll need some way to circumvent the authentic windows checker... look around.

    I tried the auto-update feature but Microsoft wanted to ‘authenticate’ my install first so I chickened out. Don’t know if the computer is going to self destruct in 30 seconds if I’m not “authentic.

    Even though my install did not ask for a key I assume it does have one and is somewhere on my computer now. Where can I find it?

    Beachcomber. :o

  7. I didn’t really expect my OP to generate so much controversy. I was just trying to make the observation that what is an acceptable show of “wealth” at some places is not always wisdom in some other places.

    I can understand that if you are going to a grand gala occasion at one of the best BKK hotels or to the opera or perhaps even a glitzy movie premier you want to look your best and let the world see what you got. No problem, but I don’t think you should round of the evening by going to the Patong area without changing first.

    No way would I want to give the impression that I thought victims “asked for it” But I think we should be realistic and realize we do not live in a perfect world where we can leave our doors unlocked park our cars without fear of theft and dress up to the nines to be admired and respected for our position in society.

    Unfortunately for those who have not realized it yet this is not a perfect world and there is always some lazy low life who wants what you have and they want it the easy quick way.

    As for the “Why should I look like a dirty Farang” brigade, I think there are many poor people who would take exception to the view that poor = dirty. Just look around you and see how clean and fresh people can be even though they may not have running water and live in a shack.

    Then what about the “Just let them try it on me” brigade. As others have pointed out Singh and Chang are great equalizers so any advantage you deluded yourself into is gone. Just reading the last few days of posts there is one poor guy who got whacked from behind with a 2x4 as he was walking home and he hadn’t been drinking.

    There are numerous cases where the thugs come up on motorbikes and it’s all over before you even know what is happening. Even a cocked gun in your hand would not help in these cases. You may be the big macho with your buddies round the bar but don’t think you are any match the low-life thugs.

    Just my thoughts.

    Beachcomber. :o

  8. U live in a country where it is based on pretence and showing what you have got for all to see, so they think wow and respect you.

    So why ask that in this country ??

    Oh and by the way, I got attacked by 3 ladyboys early one morning with a knife and I look like a bum, so your average just dropped.

    Sorry about your attack.

    I do not want to point finger at anyone.

    I do, really do, understand about showing your prosperity, why not, everyone works hard at achieving their goal.

    Unfortunately in this word there is only envy at other people’s achievements and the best way to keep your achievements is to keep them to your self.

    Sad but true.


  9. So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

    Not sure why you are pointing out farangs. A Thai wants to show their status either via cars, jewelry, clothing etc and you see it everywhere. Their culture is hierchical and this is one way of showing it. And the Thais get mugged too, probably more then the farangs.

    Ok you are correct and don’t let anyone think otherwise.

    I thought this forum was mainly about Farangs so I address my question to this forum


  10. Some of the corporate install CDs don't ask for keys.

    Erm! Yes it is a corporate edition of dubious parentage.

    I am innocent party of buying computer with XP already installed.

    OK - so where does this leave me with authenticated Windows patches and upgrades?


  11. Hello

    Reading through this forum and various press reports about muggings and other general Farang rip-offs I notice that the victims always had sufficient “wealth” on show to make it worthwhile for the thieves.

    Why do some people feel they have to display (rub noses) into others with their show of “prosperity”. Bulging wallets, gold watch, gold bracelets, necklace rings and all sorts of personal accessories of questionable taste.

    The yuppie days of “if you got it flaunt it” are long gone and do not apply any more especially in a developing country.

    It is therefore a mystery to me why some people flaunt and then wonder why they get robbed. Is it that they feel inadequate without their “rich” trappings? How sad to think that nobody will love them without the rich accessories.

    I have known various people of wealth who were also streetwise. They had luxury cars but were not above using a beat up old Nissan for certain occasions when visiting dubious areas. They did not have the need to wear flash cloths or Rolex watches and gold accessories or have bulging wallets that all could see to make them feel adequate.

    So my mystery remains why go out looking like a rich Farang?

    Does one need to wear an expensive Rolex; does one need a wristwatch at all? How about a cheap Casio?

    When one goes out clubbing do you need a bulging wallet? How much do you expect, can afford, to spend in one night? Why not just take enough money that you will need and leave the bulging wallet at home?

    I know this kind of thinking does not apply to all cases but seems to me a majority of muggings would be prevented if some basic observations were followed.

    Just my personal thoughts.



    Any comments made by this poster either sober or under the influence of any alcohol have no relation to the real world and any similarity to events or persons in the real word are purely coincidental and under no circumstances should any recommendation or suggestions regarding any situation made by this poster be tried at home or be taken seriously by anyone living or dead”

    No animals were harmed during the typing of this post


  12. Hi

    Last couple of days I been playing around with my hard drives and decided to do a complete new fresh install of my XP Pro.

    Instead if doing an easy re-install I decided to completely blank the drive by filling it with zeros using the manufacturer’s utility disk then reformatting with Partition Magic.

    When it came to run the OS install CD the message came up something like “recommend format this disk” so yes let’s format.

    I would have thought that now I had a really clean blank hard drive with no old information left on which to install the OS.

    So why didn’t it ask for the CD product key at any time during the install? :D

    Could this information be stored in the BIOS? Though I seem to remember being asked for the key on previous occasions when I have done just a re-install.

    On a slightly different note.

    Why would one want to “change” the Product Key? Being a bit naive I thought this was only done with dubious CD’s to make them “legal” :D But I see that Microsoft themselves have info pages on how to change the key. For what purpose would one want to change the key? :o

    Thanks :D


  13. Don’t know if it will work on my Win XP but if anyone has this screensaver or knows where I could download it and let me know that would be great.

    Beachcomber. :D:D

    I believe this was part of the Windows Plus that came with your old version of Windows and am quite sure you will be able to use it on XP.

    Good Luck

    Yes that sounds about right. Unfortunately the Plus ! I now have does not include that particular screensaver.

    I would really appreciate it if someone who has this screensaver on their machine could post it here for me. It can be found in C:\WINDOWS\system32 or possibly C:\WINDOWS\system.

    This may seem a little unusual request but it is really for baby Beach. She has started taking an interest in the pictures on the computer screen and always wants to sit on my lap and punch the keys and move the mouse as she knows this will make “interesting” things happen :D

    She likes the Rocky the Word dog assistant and gets impatient if I don’t make mistakes to animate him enough. She also likes the Visualizations on Windows Media Player and if I am not careful she will have me going through all the options several times. :o

    I have the Plus! Aquarium screensaver which she likes. She is quite content to sit in front of the screen to watch the fishes knowing if she touches anything the fishes disappear. A good teaching aid.

    It is just that she will eventually get bored with the same old fish swimming about so I thought the Haunted House would be interesting for her. From what I remember there are little animals and owls and lights going on and off so more words for her to learn than just fish and corals and bubbles.

    Beachcomber :D

  14. Hi

    I’m looking for a screensaver that was available on an earlier version of Windows. Win 98. I think.

    The screensaver was of an old haunted house at night with strange things going on in and round the old house. Very spooky. :o:D

    Don’t know if it will work on my Win XP but if anyone has this screensaver or knows where I could download it and let me know that would be great.

    Thanks All

    Beachcomber. :D:D

  15. Just my humble input.

    I used to get double entry tourist visa from Penang. Never had any problem.

    The first use of the visa gives you 2 months then go to any immigration office for 1 month extension -1900bt.

    This gives you total of 3 months. Then you have to do a quick border jump, Hat Yai – Paddang Bassar to start your second entry.

    Same again after 2 months go to immigration for 1 month extension.

    You now have had a total of six months before having to go to Penang again for another double entry tourist visa.

    As mentioned earlier use an agent.



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