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Posts posted by Beachcomber

  1. I would go with getting the birth registered at the UK embassy in Bangkok. As I said previously we had no problem even though were married after the birth of baby.

    You do not NEED to register the birth at UK Embassy the baby will already have a Thai birth certificate so have a nationality. But for the same reasons as already mentioned give baby the benefit of UK nationality as well.

    When you register the birth at UK Embassy they suggest / recommend you apply for a passport at the same time. Why not, it’s what we did.

    I can’t recall all the details now but I seem to remember they wanted originals of marriage cert, wife’s birth certificate your passport and your FULL birth certificate.

    Because the baby was born ‘illegitimate’ we had to sign a paternity declaration and go for a short interview.

    There was a time delay from handing in the paperwork to the interview, about a month as I recall but I’m sure they will understand if you explain your situation. You will be coming back to see your family on a regular basis so make apointment for next time.

    Embassy Web Page - http://tinyurl.com/odzan

    Attached Birth registration form. (pdf Doc)

    Good Luck.



  2. Thanks for all replies and will follow up the suggested leads.

    Ventilation in the roof space I had thought of and insulating material beneath the tiles sounds good idea. And is that right not to insulate the ceiling so as to let the heat from the room pass through?

    Having lots of plants and tall trees will also help but these take time to grow and would have to figure where to plant them to optimize the shade.

    So which is better Red or Blue tiles? I would guess the plain cement light colored ones would reflect the most but they don’t look good. Personally I prefer blue, sorry SLEEPYJOHN it won’t be near Chiangmai. :o

    The water sprinklers on the roof I saw were all on open shops or restaurant where AC would not be practical. The water mist system works I seem to remember they used something like that at the OZ Olympics.

    Guess the next stage would be to somehow work out if the old house would take the weight of a cement tile roof. At the moment it is corrugated tin.


  3. I have a TOT dial up connection that has been unavailable for a few days. I have CSLoxinfo as a second backup so no problem.

    But after a few days decided to check it out. Ms Beach phoned TOT and they told her that the system was down all over and could not tell her when it would be restored.

    Guess we just have to wait.


  4. Feel the need here to justify myself. The confusion with the 1000 baht and 20 baht note was mentioned previously by another poster after a good night’s session at a local watering hole. So not alone on this one.

    Personally I keep the 1000 and 500 separate from the other notes so as not to make that mistake.

    And yes I agree it could possibly maybe be the aging process but what about harassed housewife with a bunch of screaming kids at the check out or late for appointment fling a twenty at the taxi driver?


  5. What a load of crap this OP has generated.

    The guy broke the law. If he is such an ‘outlaw’ ‘don’t mess with me kina guy’ why is he asking advice?

    How is it that everyone has their own version of what laws to abide by?

    Drugs I never touch but there are plenty of other things that piss me off, just because the guy next door plays his music too loud I don’t feel I have the right to go round and blow his brains out.

    The OP guy is pathetic if he knew anything through his drug fogged apology for a brain he would know to keep a low profile and just get on with his pathetic life.

    Just my opinion.


  6. Don’t know if this applies to you as the timeline is different.

    Ms Beach and I got married some months after the birth of Baby Beach, less than one year.

    We had no problem getting a British passport for baby on the strength of my UK citizenship.

    We both had to sign a declaration that the child was ours and a short interview at the embassy, really no problem.

    We also then got a Thai passport for Baby, we were on a roll, so she now has two passports and dual nationality.

    Great! :o:D

  7. Hi

    Anyone had any experience with a Thai person dying and then the surviving family members trying to get access to the bank account?

    A friend of my Ms Beach’s died recently, she left no will so (I guess) the estate goes to the next of kin which is her children.

    Ms Beach tells me that the children are having difficulty getting the money from their late mothers account. Apparently even if they go to the bank and produce all the documents proving that the account holder (the late mother) is in fact ‘late’ it is up to the bank whether they will release the money, or not.

    It is not a large amount but surely the bank cannot on an individual basis decide what to do in a situation like this.

    I know Thai banks are a law unto themselves, with the crappy service they provide and have the nerve to charge for the crap, but this is a bit too much.


  8. Hi

    In the LOS it can get HOT. What is the best kind of roof to have on your house to try keep the inside temperature down?

    I would hazard a guess that the coolest roof would be a made from Nipa Palm fronds or the Cogon grass. But they require lot of maintenance. Corrugated tin is cheap but very hot.

    Any one have practical experience on this subject. Please don’t say get AC.

    On one of my travels up north somewhere, can’t remember where, I noticed a lot of shops had a water sprinkler system over their roofs to keep cool. I guess it worked for them but what would be the cost and do you recycle the same water or use fresh water?



  9. Hi

    In anyone else having difficulty with the new 2 baht coins? I don’t get out much on my own these days, we usually go together and Ms Beach handles the money.

    So on a recent visa run it came as a bit of a surprise to discover that new 2 baht coins had been introduced that were almost the same size as the old 1 baht coin. Very confusing had to put my glasses on every time just to see what was what. :D

    Between the old round 5 baht and the new 2 baht and the 1baht coins there seems to be very little difference, very confusing. Or is it only me? :o

    Is there something going on here that we don’t know about? The 1000 baht note can get confused (under certain circumstances) with the 20. The 100 can easily get confused with the 500, and now the coins.

    What is going on?


  10. I’ve seen a family of seven on a Honda dream, bit like your photo. On looking closer there seem to be seven, is the woman holding two babies?

    In that case if they had the basket attached the would be room for a couple more. Definitely a potential record


  11. Going off topic again. :D

    Yes you could try it in a Ford Fairlane or a Honda Dream. I have met several people crossing the Sahara desert on motorbike and on one occasion a girl on a pushbike. And yes they made it eventually.

    You won’t know till you try. The only thing I would say to anyone is be prepared to just walk away if you have to. :o

  12. Just my opinion. I don’t see anything wrong with blue PVC you see it all over the place and it is easy to work with. I think a lot will depend on the available water pressure but if it the joints are glued together it works fine. A lot of rural areas have low pressure so just push fit the joints.

    I can give some advice from personal experience, do not use stainless steel, there is some chemical reaction with something I forget now what and they corrode after a few years and leak.

    Personally I would use the blue PVC but depends on your particular job. Copper is good if you want to go that way, is seems to be used pretty well universally.


  13. Sorry SKYLAR I was working up to full throttle with the OP when suddenly there was this fashion police swoop about footwear in Bangkok. As my name might suggest flip-flops are the main footwear, only thing for the beach, though I do have special “going to town” sandals that are used for visits to immigration and visa runs. These I wear without socks. Hope that is acceptable. :D

    I keep forgetting that Farangs actually live in Bangkok and some actually have jobs so their dress code is obviously important. Well I left all that long time ago but will try to do better and remember how important it used to be. Perhaps we could start a “Fashion Police” group then people could post what they are wearing that day and the rest of us could comment and give helpful advice. :D

    Getting back to the OP. Obviously everybody has had different experiences so will have different opinions. I would bet that the majority of posts on this or any other forum is about money problems with Thai family.

    NEERANAM Nothing wrong with being cynical. The amount of money involved is not the point it is to do with the respect you are given. There have been posters here, obviously with too much money, (OK you can’t have too much) crying onto their keyboards about how the whole extended family is taking advantage of them and their “generosity” I don’t see any respect there. Shame on his wife they are the new family now and she should be at HIS side.

    I think a total stranger reading through these forums would get cynical without even coming here.

    Personally I don’t worry too much about it. When I first came to LOS and had some money I had a no complaints. The lady friends I had then were all “working” girls, though amazingly all of them had only just started “working”. :o

    That’s OK they were fun to be with, kept the fridge stocked, cooked and cleaned and generally took good care of me. I in return took care of them and some of their immediate family. A fair arrangement all round but not to be taken seriously. When eventually they found someone fresh off the boat with more money they moved on.

    Maybe most of the TV posters are settled into a relationship and don’t get out much any more so only know what’s going on out there via the forum posts. That is bad enough but some of the stories that can be heard over a few beers about guys that hardly have time to work up a suntan before they get fleeced would make you cry.

    Do Farang girls in relationships with Thai guys get the same kind of treatment? Are there disrespected female ATM’s out there? :D


  14. Sounds like there are 2 different species: the small millipedes inside are a nuisance, but basically harmless.

    The centipedes in the garden would be my priority: their bite is nasty and painful. The larger ones you may grill and eat the tender meat inside, so I heard. :D

    Burning them attracts others. I have been doing my own research on the pesky buggars recently.

    Centipedes are the dark round slow ones that curl up when you threaten them, these are harmless.

    Millipedes. The flatter brownie colored ones with orangie legs that move FAST are bad news. They can grow up to 12 inches in length (don’t know if they know decimal?) anyway those are the guys you definitely want to stay away from.

    Wrong wrong wrong - you should not be posting incorrect information on a public forum.

    Centipedes are the flat, brown and potentially deadly ones.

    Millipedes are mostly harmless, cylindrical and curl up when disturbed.

    Sorry :o Sorry :D you are correct.

    I did try to justify my expanatinin with a discription so please don't write me off.


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