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Paul Henry

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  1. Impulse by name impulse by nature: The facts: Trump was recorded on a hot mike in a campaign bus during his first presidential run. (claimed it was locker talk) Trump admitted during his deposition on the 32 felony charges that if your famous you can grab a woman ETC. Your coment should have said he was "camp sitting around a fire"
  2. Maybe the reason Trump is anti transgender woman could be he got knocker back when he tried to grab one by the p***y. Couldn't tell the difference on appearance.Never looks at the face!
  3. The Thai tourist authority needs to advise the Korean tourist that in Thailand the last thing you do (literally) is use a designated pedestrian crossing to cross the road.
  4. We all know the reasons and beneficiaries this "INVESTMENT" was planned and is going ahead, Reason fot THAI SMILE
  5. The whole of the USA is an absolute mess.Forgetting parties it would appear that the leaders and the media will not be happy until the whole country is on its knees. (except the 1% billionairs who are there for self interest.) The people at the top forget that they are human and only here for a short time (some shorter than others). They will all be gone in a few years and before they pass on they can ask themselves what good have I done for my country and fellow Americans. Most will have done nothing,So much for Christian society /country.
  6. Neranam is so far wrong he obviosly is blind to all the grifting Trump does to pay his bills.What President in history has humiliated hmself by selling anything and everything he can think of.If Trump is that rich he would be spending his time constructively not ripping of his MAGA supporter who even he claims are dumb and less eductated.
  7. Inviting countries he can do private "business" deals with. With Trump its not politics it how much he can personaly gain to buld his wealth.
  8. Russian journos demonstrating. What did Russia do to help solve the problem.? Go back to Russia and demonstrate and see how you go. No get out of gaol free card there.
  9. One hundred planes an hour over the 10 day period. ? Thai authorities are very good at numbers,must get a casino going!
  10. When do you know Trump is lying? When he opens his mouth. He now claims Beverly Hills in California is burnt out and many of his friends there have lost their homes. Just more BS
  11. "Impulse" proves my point a negative response because he does not check the facts or cannot accept them! Definatley an impulse reaction NO FACTS.
  12. Does Donald Trump have Asian Genes somewhere in his past?
  13. Amazing how many people can only pick up on the negative when it comes to Biden (they ignore or laugh off Trumps idiosyncrasy) The USA is in the best position it has been in years due largely to Bidens actions on the economy,infrastructure, Jobs created ,reduction in unemployement,social benefits and the list could go on. People will blame him for inflation and supply shortages which have effected the entire globe after Covid. They forget who mishandled the Covid epidemic saying it will go away in a few weeks,denied the reality and used it as a political tool to further divide the country.I support the GOP but we need to take the blinkers off and see the facts and get about finding a REAL leader who will put th country and people first.
  14. Like prostitution I thought porn is illegal in Thailand? Silly me!
  15. Artisi correct me if I am wrong Prayut purchased several hundred thousand Sauer 9mm pistols for the Police while he was in charge. he never got the officers to surrender their own firearms that they owned and were paid an allowance for many of these ended up in the wrong hands.My understanding is the Government now issues police with firearms no longer paying allowances for person weapons.

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