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Posts posted by carstenp

  1. Seems like is a Spoken as a statement, we cant help you farmers everytime and tired of there demands all time :shock1:



    “If farmers can’t form their coalition, they will keep making demands” for government assistance, the prime minister said. “Do you think the country has enough money for that? The government also needs to take care of other groups of people as well.”


  2. 4 minutes ago, Kwasaki said:


    Yes but some or most ideas have some-kind of motivation behind them.


    As said it can't be done under the computer criminal crime act.


    Would you put what you perceive to be happening to the guy in your post on this database.

    How do know what their arrangement is. ??


    l knew & know of things allegedly of two falang relationships in my village from gossip going around but it's not down to me to be the falang relationship judgement police watcher or any outsider it's up to them to take care of themselves and their own personal business.  

    Because i understand Thai, and know him personally and the family and ALL there Thai stories about it. I feel sorry for this guy. They has been together for 10 years now

  3. 1 hour ago, Kwasaki said:

    Silly idea,  is the post your way of saying you've been burnt.

    Well , you can have a idea , without been burnt, cant you ?


    But i like the idea, because where i live there is 1 foreigner living with the Thilak, building house almost 6 million now, motorbike and a new car right now. The families is having the good time i can tell, hes sending money down every month from UK, so every time hes here, all the brother uncles and so on, is living next door to hes leaving again :) cant tell him if i want to live in the same place, and she has a Thai man on the sideline for the last 4 years.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

    Meanwhile in the real world:


    In central Thailand, the Chao Phraya River burst its banks and has thousands of homes set up to half a meter under water. The Irrigation Department is concerned that more areas are flooded. In the district of Bang Ban Ayutthaya 11,000 people have been affected by the floods, the provincial government reported flooding in 204 villages.


    Chances are- the famous fat lady in the opera is "Mother Nature"...

    Not year anything like 2011


  5. 46 minutes ago, shirtless said:

    I expected no less from a government minister, since when is it not all sugar and spice , the truth is slightly different , the economy may grow in that quarter but it will sink early next year. then what talk will not fix the elephant in the room.

    I don't agree. Many articles says opposite


  6. I'm speechless:wai:


    Health and city officials in Thailand downplayed risks from rising infections from the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which is linked to serious birth defects, and expressed concern that disclosing information would damage its tourism industry.

    • "We don’t want people to be too alarmed."
    • "The truth is we don’t know the extent of the Zika spread in Thailand," he added.
    • Thailand has one of the highest number in the region, with more than 100 confirmed since January.
    • ministry epidemiologist Anuttarasakdi added that it did not want to deter tourists.
    • "The information on Zika is quite sensitive because if we say which province has infections then attention will turn on that province, and if that province is popular with tourists it will have an impact on tourism,"


  7. Well. Last news is very worrisome i think. Tourism industry over People....  hmm



    Health and city officials in Thailand downplayed risks from rising infections from the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which is linked to serious birth defects, and expressed concern that disclosing information would damage its tourism industry.

    • "We don’t want people to be too alarmed."
    • "The truth is we don’t know the extent of the Zika spread in Thailand," he added.
    • Thailand has one of the highest number in the region, with more than 100 confirmed since January.
    • ministry epidemiologist Anuttarasakdi added that it did not want to deter tourists.
    • "The information on Zika is quite sensitive because if we say which province has infections then attention will turn on that province, and if that province is popular with tourists it will have an impact on tourism,"


  8. The funny part in this is the follow statements from the Public Health Ministry;)


    • The Public Health Ministry has played down fears of a Zika virus outbreak in Thailand, saying the disease is already common in the country.
    • He asked the public not to panic as Zika was not deadly or severely contagious.
    • the mosquito-borne Zika virus has become widespread since the infection was first recorded in Thailand in 2012
    • Another 30 pregnant women nationwide have been infected with the virus.  Of them, six have given birth to healthy babies.
    • public health permanent secretary Sophon Mekthon claimed Zika was not a new disease, despite recent publicity, as it is found in Thailand and other Asean countries.




    But did they not say no Zika in Thailand for just a couple of months ago :)

  9. 13 minutes ago, steelepulse said:

    There are definitely more Russians here than in the past.  What my Russian friends tell me however is that Russians are coming due to Egypt and Turkey being closed and that Russians that come now are not the moneyed Russians.  Thailand just simply has the cheapest options for Russians venturing abroad at the moment is the word I hear.


    I don't care  as long they come, The hotel get some money, instead of empty rooms, employee get money and so on, so the tourist money is going in the bank. Great for Thailand, we need them to support the economy.


    to make it short. The point is, they are arriving here now;)

  10. 9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

    For Thai authorities involved with ruining that young man's life:  One word:  DISGUSTING.


    There are other factors.   Thai authorities know that catching a farang can mean a BIG PAY-OFF.  Farang have proven hundreds of times that, if they need to drum up get-out-of-jail money, they can.  Same for stuck-in-jail money, re; better food and modest favors.   A farang caught breaking the law in Thailand has a big flashing neon sign on his chest saying (to Thai authorities):  HERE IS DESPERATE FARANG - WILL PAY ANYTHING TO GET OUT !!!


    p.s.  I met a nice humble young Brit in Thailand. I found out later he had been a target of a sting operation.  Another farang (an Austrian, working with cops) went up to the Brit to ask where to get a false passport.  The Brit unwittingly said, "maybe at that photo shop" and walked the Austrian there.  Cops arrested the Brit.  It cost him Bt.200k to get free.   Conclusion:  There's ALWAYS a money connection to any farang who's involved with illegal activity in Thailand, whether the charge is contrived or real.  On a smaller scale, it can happen with tossing a cig butt on a sidewalk.  Instant Bt.2000 for attending authorities. Some stories relate that there was no cig butt tossed by the non-smoking farang.

    Every time i read things like this, i get a bit closer to move, to other country for retire. If Thailand really is like that why take the chance?  Sometimes i really think, Why did i move to Thailand for retirement.

  11. 15 minutes ago, heybruce said:

    That's not enough information to locate the article.  If you can't provide a link, can you give us the title of the article and/or the name of the journalist?


    He names Andrew and banned from Thailand and wanted by Thailand government for hes bad articles/books about the kingdom. Think this will help you out:wai2:


    Hes wife got arrested for some time ago, but released again, cause of no proves

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