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Posts posted by quicky

  1. It's a pointless debate anyway.

    Obama will veto it, and the Republicans will bang it in with some other legislation and resort to blackmail as usual.

    Horrible system.

    Makes you glad to not be an American. Right?

    No Chuck, because the last time your Republicans <deleted> up, it screwed the global economy, or have you forgotten.

    When I say <deleted> up, of course I mean lied, cheated and stole.

    AHAHAHA and what did the demcorats do? The republicans screwed up the economy? Oh yea Harry reid holding all those bills just made the economy grow, not to mention Polosi with the pass it to see it, Reid and Pelosi destroyed the economy and Obama destroyed the ability to recover i.

    Just look at the deficit, the democrats not only screwed up the economy they have screwed it up globally for the next 50 years, nuff said.

    Boy pesky facts always get in the democrats way.

    • Like 1
  2. Those guys that think Obama is the worst pres of all time for the US must be living in some sort of la la land in some foreign country for many years with fox news as their only bed time play fellow. Oh yeah , they live in Thailand. Republcians are daily being drafted and manufactured with the requirements that they they just have no reasoning power, no desire to see and understand facts, and are usually over 60. See any resemblance to yourselves.

    To understand the facts you actually need facts, and that has always been a democrat no no. Those guys that think Obama is even slightly a good president were either born underdeveloped or drop a lot as a child, see any resemblance? If not then stop drinking your bong water.

    Just another MSNBC parrot and we all can see how that is working out, no matter it is great watching the democrat party go down the toilet where it belongs, once that party is gone so will 95% of racism, threats, lies, thieves, sexual preditors, WOW I can go on and on.

    Anyone with even a 4th grade education knows that you need a story from both sides to make an educated decision, you obviously are not one of those people, thus your opinion is just that. LOL he must be studying some of that new common core stuff.

    Resoning power? LMMFAO@U yea we have seen the reasoning power of the democrats, if you disagree with them they will try their best to label you with whatever they can just to bully everyone into submission, oh yea that's some great reasoning power.

    Fact is the people are tired of the ignorent way people like you think and have yet once again asked the republicans to get them out of the disgracefull mess the democrats have put the world in, and that,s a fact.

    • Like 1
  3. Hello,

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    They also have a cloud setup with their email if you want to use that instead, I pay 1800 Baht per year and have all of my staff linked together on it.

    Super simple and multiple options.

  4. I am against punishment by death.

    An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth, is against my believes.

    I condemn the killings of the soldiers as I would condemn any killings of other human beings.

    But by killing the perpetrators we come down to the same level as them.

    We are not Gods to take lives.

    Prison for life, and I mean life, will be an appropriate punishment for them.

    Really? I hope it lands on your doorstep then we can all watch you sing kumbaya my lord while they blow up your family. Then we can stand around and say "I condemn you" I condemn you to nothing but nontheless I do. LOL yea OK bleeding heart liberals should be along side them when they go.

    It isn't like they haven't tried everything else already, oh except to give them the South for their own, just look at the rest of the world and we can see how that worked out,

    I can't figure out why they are stopping at the insurgents, the entire Nazi ideology is part of the problem and removal is the only solution, proof is in the results of Germany, it became a great country once it recovered from their Nazi ideology.

  5. So you have a meeting group to discuss things, and because one of your members has an opinion that may differ from yours they are not welcome to share? Oh wait that's right, because their opinion is second hand knowledge, it is not welcome.

    Just tell them their opion is not one which fits the groups narrow point of view and robotic thought proccess, you would be doing him a favor it sounds like a pretty bad group to belong to.

  6. If you want the best advice listen to yourself.

    You would think that all the people whom posted to leave her never had their own mothers save money on the side without pops knowing.

    The amount of money she had stashed would mean a big difference to me, 20K and I would give it back to her and move on, 500k wouldd be another story, and if there was a lot that couldn't be accounted for then you know what the deal is.

    • Like 1
  7. Amazing! I thought politicians in the senate were paid by the people to help run the county for the people! I suppose in this case the "people " are both called Koch!

    Sounds like a parrot statement, because if it had any facts to support it then you would already know that the Koch brothers are ranked at 86 on the list, yet on the top who provides 4 times what the Koch brothers provide is a Democrat, yet we don't see you saying anything about that now do we. I know I know, the Koch brothers are evil and the Democrat at the top is the saviour I know.

    Oh and out of the top 10, 7 are Democrats which when combined make up for the top 30 Republicans, Koch brothers are so far down the list they don't even factor in. Well they do if you need a scape goat in which case that is exactly what they were and you took the bait; hook, line and sinker.

    Try some facts first so you don't look like a pissed off Obamazombie puppet.

    • Like 2
  8. What exactly are the talking points "based on science" in both sides of the argument?

    I have heard many arguments and maybe half are based on science.

    Here is one scientific fact:

    Ebola is spread through contact with an infected person's fluids, including external on the skin as well as in aerosol form from a sneeze or cough.

    Ergo, preventing anyone contageous or at risk of contagion with Ebola from entering US soil would prevent the illness from spreading into the US.

    Thats one scientific fact.

    Based on science, she did not have a fever and her blood test was clean of the Ebola virus, that is a proven science fact!

    Better science than the politician who believe in creationism. You are watching to much Fox News.

    Based on science it is a fact that the disease doesn't show up right away, thus the need to quarantine, that is a proven scientific fact!

    Maybe you should consider watching FOX news otherwise you are only getting one side of the story, and clearly you have been watching some left wing jibberish spewing whatever the government tells them to, because you clearly have the wrong side of the story. It's a fact being a puppet only goes well for the puppet master maybe you need a little creationism because your science is junk.

    • Like 2
  9. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    What exactly are the talking points "based on science" in both sides of the argument?

    I have heard many arguments and maybe half are based on science.

    Here is one scientific fact:

    Ebola is spread through contact with an infected person's fluids, including external on the skin as well as in aerosol form from a sneeze or cough.

    Ergo, preventing anyone contageous or at risk of contagion with Ebola from entering US soil would prevent the illness from spreading into the US.

    Thats one scientific fact.

    Shall we use science then in this discussion?

    Ebola is spread through DIRECT CONTACT with fluids from an INFECTED PERSON where ebola is ACTIVE. Just as the spread of HIV is from an infected person where ebola is active. HIV is not communicable from a person who simply infected (ie., a carrier or in remission) with HIV. Ebola is not spread through the air - for survivability it requires a surface to survive, ie., an area not exposed to cell-killing oxygen. HIV is not spread through aerosols or sneezes, etc. either. Please don't argue that ebola COULD mutate into an airborne disease. That is only a supposition and not a scientific fact. Based on the fact that in over 40 years ebola has not mutated into an airborne disease any more than the much older HIV disease is proof.

    Being at risk of containgion is not a scientific risk, only an emotional feeling of risk. You can live with a person with active HIV and not become infected. The mere presence of an HIV person cannot spread HIV. Ebola is the same. By your analysis because everyone on the planet is "at risk" not matter how remote that risk is, the whole planet's population should be isolated individually and monitored. And who is going to minitor the monitor?

    So please keep science in the forefront and uneducated suppositions to the rear.

    If you're going to try to look and sound educated then you should try to use similar diseases, comparing HIV with Ebola and the transmission of either is like comparing apples to watermelons, Ebola is NOT the same, not even close.

    The death rate, and treatment to extend life of HIV is not even close to that of Ebola thus the need to have the added measures, living with an HIV infected person vs living with an Ebola infected person the risk of getting Ebola are greater and a HIV infected person is not going to give you HIV through sneezing, an Ebola infected person can, that's a scientific fact.

    From the CDC


    "Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease."



    "HIV is not an airborne or food-borne virus, and it does not live long outside the body. HIV can be found in the blood, semen, or vaginal fluid of an infected person."

    So it seems your facts are a bit out dated, it proves ebola can be transmitted through air and it has been known for sometime HIV can not.

    It is also a fact that doing nothing almost guarantees an outbrake.

    So please keep science in the forefront and uneducated suppositions to the rear, because uneducated suppositions like yours can be deadly.

    • Like 1
  10. If cannabis and / or MDMA were more easily available and tolerated then the youths who switch to consuming them instead of ethanol may no longer be bothered to engage in aggressive violent behavior that injures others. In the case of MDMA, they may even all become good friends to party with.

    Yea because no violence ever happens when a person is high. LOL you are the perfect example of why drugs are and should be illegal.

    So instead of them being grogy and agressive they can be delusional(like your post), lame brain, and slow, yup that sure will stop the violence.

    • Like 1
  11. And this is why the majority support the Junta. They have not forgotten the PTP lied to them 5 times stating they had money to support the scheme. This was before the PDRC protestors even took to the streets in protest.

    My favorite lie was on the 13th of September 2013 - The cabinet approved a total budget of 270 billion baht for the government’s rice pledging scheme and said this will support it to March 2014. This contempt for the majority explains why the failed 2014 elections indicated the PTP failing miserably. Unless of course we all still refer to elections 3 years ago as a litmus test of their support?

    Quite simply though, the Junta did not lie. They stated they would get the money and they did. A God send to the poor and destitute the PTP purported to supported.

    This is why the Junta have overwhelming support. Unless of course we still refer to an election 3 years ago as the litmus test of the PTP's support?

    LOL are you serious? They have almost 0 support with the farmers because it is the Elitists who want ALL support for them to be cut off.

    They don't do anything against the Junta because they might be farmers but they aren't stupid, they know that they would have received the same thing they did a few years back from the police, it is easy to kill farmers but not so easy to deal with people who fight back you know like those in the South.

    The Junta pledged to get them the money "owed" and they did otherwise their motives would have been known, but what you so simply left out is that they are also the ones who wanted all support to end in the first place. The Elitists don't want the farmers having any money, they never did and they never will, that is why EVERY program geared to help the farmers once the Elitists get into power is cut off. Every problem the farmers face gets put on the back burner, and it has always been that way when the Elitists get power.

    Now the financial support from the bank is gone because of who? The government who said they will no longer cover the expenses of future loans.

    Yup sure is a God send, I just wonder which God you are referring to.

    • Like 1
  12. The more you attack and kill, the more you alienate the rest of the muslim population, (which is over 2.2 Billion people), and cause them to want to join the cause against the west.

    This is a common left-wing talking point, but I don't buy it. Didn't someone named Neville Chamberlain say the same thing about a different brand of Nazi, not long ago?

    Hit the nail right on the head.

    and staying in your own country would be the safest course of action,

    LOL well let's see it started in Syria and it is now in Iraq, so how did that staying in your country work out?

    Saudi Arabia and Iran are next, I guess they should just stay in their country and wait for it to land on their doorstep? Rhetorical question I already know the unicorns will zip them away on giant rainbows.

  13. Take lots of Vitamin C that is the only thing you can do, it boosts the system and I am pretty shocked the doctor didn't tell you this.

    @Sheyl 3 times and no haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock a little hard to believe.

    Anyway OP here is some good information


    Treatment for dengue fever

    There is no specific treatment for dengue fever. Medical care aims to manage the symptoms and reduce the risk of complications while the person recovers. Most cases of uncomplicated dengue fever resolve within two weeks or so.

    During this time, your doctor may advise:

    • bed rest
    • plenty of fluids
    • medication to reduce fever, such as paracetamol (do not take aspirin because of its blood-thinning properties).

    Hospital admission is usually required if the person develops dengue haemorrhagic fever or dengue shock syndrome. Treatment for these complications may include intravenous fluids and replacement of lost electrolytes.

  14. Education in schools, awareness and access to birth control options such as the pill, IUDs, depo-provera (latter two's protection is unrivaled as teenagers prone to forget taking pill, condoms break), legalization of abortion pills to avoid high cost, health risk of underground abortions; pro-choice instead of banning abortions.

    They really need contraceptive counseling available right in the schools, just like I had. Then throw in some STD awareness there as well.

    Somehow I can't imagine 13 y/o Nok going home and explaining to her parent(s) that her boyfriend, (which she is forbidden to have), Somchai... with whom she's bee fooling around with (which she's also forbidden to do), ...and with whom she's already hit second base with... has been trying very hard to place his lingam inside her yoni and that's she worried about pregnancy and what to do if she allows him to get to home base. This is something she really wants to do because she loves him a lot and is worried that he will dump her for another girl if she refuses his advances.

    I don't ever see that conversation taking place at home with parents, or even elder siblings, even where I come from.

    Where I come from the place to go was the nurse's office at school. They were very non-judgmental, professional, confidential and honest.

    In conservative Thailand the land of paradoxes, I wish them good luck.

    It sounds to me like your country and your family failed if the school had to do the counseling, and now you want that failed system used here? No thanks.

    Because the child doesn't go to mom or dad to have that conversation, doesn't mean mom or dad can go to the child to have that conversation. That's called responsible parenting, try teaching responsibility instead.

    America is a perfect example of the Liberal teachings of no responsibility, Thailand can just used that as a way not to do it.

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