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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. I actually not defending the guy I'm stating that it's quite clear that with the current illegal so called caretakers have clearly shown that they intend to muzzle any form of protest on the referendum and so if they can do that they certainly influence other parts of the legal system.

    Eg you have a clear example of two monks right at this moment snubbing their nose at this so called authority while 7 student protestors are languishing in jail who knows where for trying to have a voice.

    One rule for some.....

  2. Halloween you seem like a fair minded bloke on other topics and I respect your comments.

    When it comes to politics we certainly differ and have a jibe at other . Fair play.

    My problem is with these court cases, verdicts etc are all done in a country now where the power base took over the country illegally copping the condemnation of the world and even today you surely can see the power and control they are exercising on all pillars over society on the upcoming referendum .

    That's why even the other camp have even come out in protest.

    Sure we all want thugs and murderers and corruption gone but it's a two way street and demroracy is never going to be perfect but it beats the hell out of whatever comes second.

    My concern is the tentacles.

  3. All I can say mate is if it's important then go with the tried and true.

    If not give them a go and give some feed back.

    I've never used Kerry never heard of them but I had important documents that had to go back and forth and used fed ex and had no probs.

    Good luck.

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