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The stuttering parrot

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Posts posted by The stuttering parrot

  1. Well I never thought I'd say but you've got that one right PM

    There are good parties yes in your eyes the yellows born in their minds to rule.

    And parties that have not changed at all.

    That would be the Reds who overwhelmingly have voted for their legitimate government by landslide after landslide and you and the elite just cannot accept the will of the nation and never will!

  2. So it looks like the illegal government supporters on here don't care what happens to Thai citizens freedom of speech and expression..

    I just wonder what countries they come from and what freedom of speech they have back at home and would they just bury their heads if their government was overthrown by a coup?

    I think we all pretty much know the answer to that one.

    Nice post Deez.

  3. Mention red shirt yingluck or the name Shinawatra and it's like waving a red rag at a bull to the ever dwindling junta cheer squad.

    Even the minority yellows are in agreement with the Reds that this mob have gone to far and the people have lost their voice.

    But for the few poor souls left on here supporting the illegal government just those names mentioned are living rent free in your heads and always will.

  4. Well I think he's on to something with filling the void I know a few blokes that have come to Thailand giving away the their kids and grand kids to live the good life but are sad that they are missing a relationship that they had with their parents and grandparents .

    Also I find that they fall for the old bar talk rumours and get involved in dramas that has nothing to do with them but they spend so much time in bars they actually think they have some type of status and importance with girls and the bar but in reality they just want your money and when they finally realise that well then that's when the depression hits. Doesn't happen to all of them and some guys love to play the game but others sadly start falling in love and just lose the plot.

    As for the girls I find most of them happy in their work well the ones I've talked over the years. Most already have a child somewhere and are doing their best to support them and their families. Starvation is a good aphrodisiac .

  5. I'm not sure but if I was them then I wouldn't get to cocky as they would probally get the bullet and end up being the butt of a lot of jokes.

    Sorry I didn't want to go off half cocked and trigger any jokes but I feel they are looking down the barrel as the government has them in their sights.

    I think will just shoot through as I haven't the calibre to answer this question.?

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