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Swamp Thing

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Posts posted by Swamp Thing

  1. Some time ago, I had an account on Thai visa that ran perfectly until one day I couldn't sign in. I clicked the sign in box, entered my user name and password, clicked sign in, and was returned to the page I had been viewing, but not signed in. I tried this several times, then contacted Support. I received a prompt and polite reply telling me that I had probably forgotten my password and they supplied me with a new one. I tried this new password and it didn't work.

    I thought the best idea would be to open a new account and start again. I did this, and picked an easy password so there was no chance of forgetting it. The account worked for a short while, then I got the result described above. I contacted Support, received the same prompt and polite reply, with a new password, and I tried to sign in. Without success.

    I particularly wanted to ask advice on the Motorbike forum, so I tried opening another new account. This worked for a few days, then, once again, I couldn't sign in. Sorry to repeat myself, but I contacted Support, and they suggested I pick a new password. This I did and as you can see, it works. Hopefully I am now a long term member of Thai Visa.

    What I would like to ask other members, (if they can sign in...), has anybody else experienced similar problems. I am a member of other forums, one of them for years, and I have never had this problem with them. I comment on YouTube and send e-mails. No problem. I tried clearing my cookies and browser before signing in, but it made no difference. Has anybody else had problems, or should I don my tin-foil hat and accept it's just me?

    I would like to stress that Linda at Support has always been helpful and courteous to any of my requests.

  2. Hello. I will soon be taking a motorbike test in order to gain a licence. I will be taking the test at either Rayong or Pattaya test centre.

    Does anybody know if i can hire a bike at either of these centres, to use for my practical test? (My thai speaking and listening skills, or lack of, are not adequate to be able to phone and ask).

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