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Swamp Thing

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Posts posted by Swamp Thing

  1. Our home computer is still running on Windows XP and, disregarding my rule of if it ain't broke, don't fix it, I have decided to change it to Windows 8 before we get security issues.

    My inexpert plan for doing this without losing our documents etc is to put our folders onto an external drive. I will then install Windows 8 onto the computer, and reinstall the folders.

    Will this work? Can I also transfer the programs we have on our computer to the hard drive and reinstall them?

    Any advice on this is very welcome.

  2. Thanks for the replies.

    I've been watching some vids on YouTube on installing a topbox. It appears to me that the fittings aren't very strong. Also, it is bolted on. Has anybody experienced their topbox being stolen when their bike is parked?

    Also, are the topboxes usually fitted by the purchaser or does the shop usually offer a fitting service?

  3. As you may have read on another thread, I have recently purchased a PCX 150.

    I have decided I would like to have a topbox fitted to it and thought that making my choice would be easy. I went to GT Rider in Pattaya Tai with the intention of checking out the cases made by Givi and making my choice. When I got there, I found that many of the cases in there were made by a company called Shad. I have done an online search, but haven't found out which is superior quality, if any.

    Are they pretty much the same in construction? Any advice or recommendations welcome.

  4. I've got my new bike and I must say I'm completely happy with it.

    For security I have bought a Xena XX6 disc lock alarm and a cable and lock. I will up the quality of the lock, but I hope these two purchases will help me to keep hold of my new machine.

    I can't park close enough to a window in my abode to use VN's ingenious idea, but hopefully somebody else will be able to make use of the detailed instructions given. If I can find a way to do it without garroting an innocent passer-by, I will use the idea myself.

    Thanks for all the replies.

  5. Apologies for the delay in replying. Sometimes I can post on TV on the 1st, 2nd or 3rd attempt. Today it's taken 20+ attempts. I just do the same thing over and over until it works, which sort of goes against Einstein's theory of insanity.

    So now I would like to say thanks to VN for the detailed instructions for the simple but effective bike alarm. I will make a start on that soon.

    Thanks to Faz and ntv, I will pay a visit to those shops.

    With the help of TV's bikers, there is a chance I might be able to keep hold of the PCX when I get it. smile.png

  6. Soidogbob, good idea, I'll go to one of those shops that sell various chains, ropes etc and pick the thickest chain they have.

    I can chain it to a cement pillar which supports a roof. I'm not sure where to buy a heavy duty padlock, but maybe at the same shop.

    As you say, I can't make it 100% secure, but I can try to convince potential thieves that there's an easier target.

  7. I went to GT Rider and the Kawasaki shop yesterday, both in Pattaya, and found two versions of alarmed disc locks from Xena. I will get one of those. I also found an alarmed d-lock from Kovix which might be useful if when I park, I can find a secure point to lock on to.

    There were a couple of cable locks for sale, but both looked pretty flimsy. Does anybody know of a shop which sells heavy duty cable locks, preferably in Pattaya?

    I looked at the chains in HomeWorks, but they didn't look very strong. I'll continue looking around for those.

  8. I've decided to buy a PCX150.

    After buying it, I would like to keep hold of it. smile.png

    So I am thinking about how to make it as secure as I can.

    From what I have found online, an alarmed disc lock is a good idea, as well as a heavy duty lock and chain. Does anybody have any suggestions as to which brands I might look for when going to buy these things?

    For security when it is parked at home I will use the above and buy a heavy duty piece of chain from Homeworks, (enclosing it in a sleeve of textile), add a heavy duty lock and chain my bike to something secure outside the house. (I got this idea from Thai Visa). I have read that having the chain above the ground is a good idea, as thieves can't so easily get leverage on boltcutters.

    If I can't find something secure to lock it to when it's parked in the street, it can always be lifted and put on a truck, of course, but there's nothing I can do about that.

    So, any suggestions for recommended products, other ideas, etc, would be most welcome.

    Preferably things I can buy in Pattaya.

  9. Here's a thing. I've just had the same problem, on Chrome, so I thought I would try to sign in on pre-Chrome Google. Here I am! Maybe trying to sign in on Chrome is the problem.

    By the way, CWMcMurray, if you read the op, I'm asking if anybody else has had the same problem. If I had asked if anybody hadn't had the same problem, I would have expected thousands of replies. So keep your smug replies to yourself.

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