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Swamp Thing

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Posts posted by Swamp Thing

  1. Some of the rice fields at this point in the journey were looking healthy.


    These rocky hills provided a nice backdrop for a break on the journey back. (Somewhere around Lopburi, I think, maybe somebody will know. I was going to make a note of it, but I thought I would be able to remember. Hah!).


    439 kms from NS to home, so 1,808 kms travelled. Enjoyed it.

    As I said previously, this trip has been one of the best i have been on, with or without the PCX. I'm extremely glad I did it. Thanks to all who gave encouragement and thanks to dave_boo and technologybytes for the route suggestion.

    This trip will lead to others, it was a great way to travel through Thailand. It was an experience I will never forget, which, for me, is an important element in life.

    A final pic of the road coming down from the hills in Chiang Mai.


  2. The advantage with travelling early on Sunday morning was that I often had the road to myself. Fresh air, scenery and an open road. Could it be better?


    As I came down out of the hills, farms started to appear again.


    So far I had been lucky with the weather. I had rode through a few light showers, which were refreshing more than anything else, and I soon wind-dried when I had rode out of them. But, just after Phitsanulok, just when I was thinking I might have two dinners when I arrive at Nakhon Sawan, I saw ominously dark clouds ahead. large spots of rain started to hit me, which I know from experience can mean a soaking is on it's way.

    I pulled up and wrapped my bag in my hi-tech all-weather luggage protector. (A bin liner). I put on the plastic cape I had been given before leaving for the trip, which looked like it had potential, but was untested. I could see a deluge occurring a few hundred metres further along the road. I thought, should I shelter and wait. But from the look of the dark clouds, it didn't look like something that was going to blow over soon, so i decided to go for it.

    The cape kept blowing up like Marilyn Monroe's skirt in the famous pic. (To be honest, that was the only similarity with the famous pic of MM). With a bit of folding and sitting on the fold, the cape stayed down and I joined a line of traffic travelling at 50 km/hr through a cloudburst for 20 kms. When I emerged from the other side, my gloves and sleeves were wet and the lower half of my trousers, but the rest was dry. The hi-tech luggage protector worked perfectly. I was still about 20 kms from Nakhon Sawan and by the time I got to the hotel, I had largely wind-dried.

    Apart from the crotch of my trousers, where the rain had run down the seat, which was unfortunate when dealing with the reception at the hotel. And the palms of my hands had turned black from the dye in my gloves. This was noticed when I put my hand out to take my key. Oh well.

    (Approx same distance covered as NS to CM, though slightly less, strangely).

  3. Road 11 to Chiang Mai was excellent. Well maintained and very scenic. The PCX performed very well, maintaining it's speed going uphill, and slowing down by use of the engine going down. I am very happy with this machine. I rode into Chiang Mai having thoroughly enjoyed the trip so far and booked into a guesthouse. Then found a restaurant and ordered a dinner. Lovely. (514 kms from Nakhon Sawan. 974 kms covered since leaving home).

    All good.

    I decided to spend the next day in Chiang Mai. I had a great time wandering around stopping for breaks at coffee shops and restaurants. I was impressed at how clean and well-maintained the area is. I had a nice walk around the moat.


    There were lots of tourists around, but I didn't see any follow-the-flag-on-a-stick tourist groups. I saw many young backpackers, families and old farts, all apparently having a nice relaxed time. Quite different to Pattaya.

    I decided to head off the next morning, as I was enjoying the ride so much.


    As you can see in this pic of Road 11, the road surface is in very good condition. I found this to be the case for the vast majority of the whole trip.

  4. This was an interesting trip on several levels.

    I enjoyed the scenery. I enjoyed the fresh air. I enjoyed being able to travel on the PCX for a distance, without traffic lights, cars pulling out, songthaews pulling in, etc. I enjoyed not having a definete plan, apart from the fact I was heading to Chiang Mai. I had nothing booked, I didn't know how far I could go in one day and there were other variables that made the trip unpredictable and an adventure. And a challenge.

    The first stage of the journey, to Nakhon Sawan, was happily uneventful. It was nice to be riding on unfamiliar roads and seeing things i hadn't seen before. The roads, for the most part, were smooth and in good condition and I had many breaks for snacks, coffee, water and relaxation. Road 1 was a bit lumpy, which slowed me down. There were some worryingly deep ruts to be found occasionally in all of the roads, some of them 30+ cm deep with high ridges. I could see that they could easily unseat an unwary rider.

    I stayed overnight in a hotel in Nakhon Sawan and headed off again at break of dawn. (460 kms covered so far. I decided to go off route and take a little short cut at one point, which, as I then got lost, added considerably to the distance and time taken...).

    At some point after Phitsanulok, I got this view, and realised the landscape was about to change.


    As I entered the hills, I found this little spot to sit and relax. Very peaceful.


  5. Greetings from Chiang Mai.

    I set off at sparrowfart on Thursday and reached Lopburi at 1:00 pm. I thought I would push on. I arrived at Nakhon Sawan at 4:00 and, walking bow-legged and wincing slightly, booked into a hotel.

    Yesterday I again set off at sf and, after a wonderful ride through the hills/mountains, arrived at Chiang Mai in the afternoon.

    I'm really enjoying this trip. Thanks to Dave_Boo for the route suggestion, it is perfect. I will spend today strolling around Chiang Mai.

    I'm writing up a trip report which I will post, with pics, when I get back.

  6. I rode 300 km yesterday, testing the route toward Nakhon Nayok, nice and easy, enjoyed it.

    I am not looking for an endurance test, so around 300 will be a good daily rate.

    Hopefully this will be the first of several longish rides. There are unknowns in the plan, but that's part of what makes it interesting.

    I am certainly planning to post trip reports with photos.

  7. The ride is on, within the next couple of weeks.

    I'll be following this route, (broadly, without going into detail on road numbers). Pattaya - Chachoengsao - Nakhon Nayok - Saraburi - Lopburi - Phitsanulok - Uttradit - Lampang - Chiang Mai.

    This comes to approx 900 kms on Google maps, so I'm thinking of an overnight stop at 450 km. This is around

    Nakhon Sawan. I will probably use my usual method of finding accommodation, and wing it, but if anybody has any recommendations of where to stay around there, please feel free to share.

    The machine is due for a service soon, so I'll have this done before I leave.

  8. Thanks for the replies. Very interesting.

    Thanks in particular for the route suggestions, they have been noted and checked on Google Maps. Due to certain factors, I won't be doing this trip immediately, but it will happen soon.

    I'm sure I'm not alone when I say that the planning process is part of the enjoyment of the trip

    I've ventured out to Kanchanaburi a couple of times recently and really enjoyed the journey. I'd now like to go farther afield.

    I avoid riding in the dark as much as possible, so maybe splitting the trip into three days may be a good idea and will allow me to take more scenic routes.

    The tales told of trips others have done are very inspiring.

    More comments are more than welcome.

  9. I'm considering taking a trip to Chiang Mai on my PCX

    Can i be the first one to say "holy mackrel".......


    I've had a better route suggested to me and will follow that.

    I plan to split the journey into two, stopping at a guesthouse/hotel approximately halfway.

    I'll buy a raincoat.

    The idea's developing.

  10. I'm considering taking a trip to Chiang Mai on my PCX within the next couple of months. I've found this route on an archived topic http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Pattaya,+Chon+Buri+20150,+Thailand&daddr=Chiang+Mai+University+Thailand&hl=en&ll=13.710035,102.002563&spn=4.327007,8.453979&sll=15.868095,100.00093&sspn=8.562907,16.907959&geocode=FQxCxQAdDjwDBinj1zFNkpUCMTH_EL2pAfN_qQ%3BFUz8HgEdDu3lBSFQMLPZxkYDDw&vpsrc=6&dirflg=t&mra=ls&t=m&z=8, which looks ok.

    What I'm concerned about is the fact that it is the rainy season. Should I leave it until the rainy season is over?

  11. The trip has been done and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I found Angkor Wat and the surrounding temples to be absolutely fascinating. I also enjoyed the National museum and just strolling around Siem Reap. (I even found a new dish to enjoy, Fish Amok, delicious). One of my best trips ever.

    Anyway, on topic, I decided to go for the Visa on Arrival. After filling up the form, I took my place in the queue of 5 people, photo and $30 in hand. I handed these articles to the personnel at the desk, along with my passport and was told to go to the end of the counter to collect. Within 5 minutes or so, I had my passport in hand, with visa attached. (Stapled, so it can be removed without using a passport page). The whole process, from filling the form to collecting the p/p with visa, took about 15 minutes.

    The plane. With propellers! A first for me.


  12. I am planning a trip to Angkor Wat later this month.

    I will be taking a flight from Bangkok to Siem Reap and from what I have read on the Cambodian Embassy website, I will be able to get a visa on arrival at S. R. for $30.

    Can anybody confirm that this is the case? I want to be sure before I book my flight.

  13. Ruan Chomchan is a fantastic Thai seafood restaurant. The quality seems better than Romson and slightly more pricey.Its probably about 1kilometre from the Pala roundabout heading towards Garden School. Fantastic food and a nicely decorated place.

    Wifey and I had brunch there earlier.

    Very nice seating area, sturdy tables and chairs, clean and comfortable and fly-free. Interesting array of knick-knacks and paintings, a chiming clock and many plants. A sink with soap!

    We had crab with garlic and ginger. (I think it was with ginger, anyway, delicious). Shrimp som tam. (Delicious). Large prawns with black pepper, noodles and greens. (W liked it). Rice. (Well cooked and fluffy).

    All good. Attentive but not hovering service.

    With two bottles of water and ice, the bill came to a reasonable 650 baht.

    We'll go again.

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  14. I enjoy the Heath Farm Artisan Cheshire Blue on a regular basis. Tangy, crumbly, delicious. (Available in Friendship supermarket, Pattaya, for those who live in the area). Wifey runs from the aroma, but...more for me!

    When the Stilton becomes available, I will certainly try it. (I was in hospital years ago and my (then) g/f asked me if I wanted her to get me anything. I replied I would like a Stilton ploughmans lunch with a pint of real ale. I got neither. Anyway, I digress).

  15. Homepro have a thick shrouded cable lock with decent padlock for about 600 baht.

    GT Rider on Pattaya Tai have some cable locks. It's a motorbike accessories shop, but the cable locks would be suitable for a bicycle. They also stock a D-lock.

  16. I had forgotten a basic rule. RTFM!

    The answer to the problem was in one of the pinned topics above, Posting Images-Guidelines from Tywais.

    I've resized this pic down to 1024 pixels and here it is.


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