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Swamp Thing

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Posts posted by Swamp Thing

  1. I'm on the case.

    I've bought a WD My Passport Ultra and I am copying my files onto it.

    The scary bit is that when I install Windows 7, everything will be erased, so I've got to be confident that all my files are safely on the Passport and can be transferred.

    I am intending to buy a 2GB RAM and either install it myself or pay a geek to do it. Does anybody know of a computer shop where i might get this done, in the area of Pattaya?

  2. A brief update.

    I can't find a shop which has the LX7 in stock and BC in Central are not able to order it for me.

    So, after reading the reviews and watching numerous vids on YouTube, I will go for another camera recommended on this thread, the RX100. The picture and video quality seem very good and there are lots of manual control options.

    I've been reading the thread from Costas with interest, but I am sticking to my budget.

    Thanks to all who replied.

    • Like 1
  3. Thank you for more food for thought.

    All things considered, I'm sticking with the plan of buying an LX7. If I can get anything like those pics posted by MJP from it, I'll be very happy. Particularly the night shot. I've always found it difficult not to have graininess in the night pics I've taken.

    I've been to three branches of Big Camera and none of them have the camera in stock. So I'm going to order it from BC. Wifey says I'm setting myself up for a rip-off, as apparently I have to pay in advance, but I'll chance it.

    I'll be doing this later next week, so any more input is welcome, before the final decision is made.

  4. Yes, the RX100 at 13,000. Same price as the LX7.

    So, what to do? From the recommendations on here, the reviews I've read online and the vids I've watched on YouTube, I'm going for the LX7.

    Any further thoughts and opinions are welcome.

    Thanks to all for helping me to narrow it down. This is just what I hoped for.

    • Like 2
  5. This is probably a bit of a lo-tech question on this section of the forum, but I'll ask anyway.

    I'm planning to buy a compact camera. I've tried reading online reviews and, in some ways, the more I read, the more baffled I become.

    I am looking for a camera which can be carried in a shoulder bag with other holidaymaking odds and ends. I'm not that fussed about mega-zoom capabilities, or extreme close-ups. I'd like it to be able to take very clear pictures and have HD video capabilities. I'd also like it to have a touch-screen focus-point function. That's about it.

    I'd prefer not to buy online but in a camera shop.

    I'd like to spend 10-15,000 baht.

    Any suggestions?

  6. I've just logged in on Firefox and if you see this message, it's worked.

    I'm using an AIS aircard for my connection, at 21 Mbps. It works for all other sites but this one.

    I am not using any extensions.

    I can browse TV perfectly, with or without being logged in, but not post.

  7. Thanks for the swift reply.

    Since then, I have been trying to reply, but still get the Error message.

    I am using Google Chrome and when I clear my browsing data, all Cookies and other site and plug-in data is removed. I have tried doing this when I sign in to TV and just before I click on Post, and many other permutations. Still, in general, I get the Error message.

    When I get the Error message, I am also signed out.

  8. I'm trying to ask a question in the Photography section and after 15 tries, I'm giving up.

    I can sign in, but get 'error, your secure key doesn't match...' when I try to post.

    I have had this problem since joining TV. I can post on other forums and YouTube with no problem.

    I try clearing my browser multiple times, but still can't post.

    Is it worth opening another account and getting this one deleted? I notice that other posters have 1,000s of posts and seem to post all day, so is there a glitch with my account?

    Does anybody else have this problem to this extreme? (Although you might not be able to reply to that question, it will probably take a lot of effort on my part to get this post up).

  9. I have completed my first road trip this morning. Pattaya to Chiang Mai? Pattaya to Hanoi?!? Nope. Pattaya to Khao Chamao and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

    But while riding through the pot-holed roads leading to the park, I had a thought which has crossed my mind several times. 'What would I do if trusty machine breaks down?

    My mechanical skills when it comes to motors are roughly on a par with Basil.

    I don't know anybody with a truck who could readily come to collect bike and I should a breakdown occur. So what would I do?

    Does anybody know of a recovery service in Chonburi/Rayong that I could use should the need arise?

    • Like 1
  10. I've just done an online search to see if I can find any of my programs on cnet etc and I'm glad I did. The only one I can't find available for free is Photoshop, which I will buy, if necessary.

    I've visited the HP website, as suggested by Jiu-Jitsu, and I can do a custom install of Windows 7 from there.

    I will buy an external hard drive, which I've been intending to buy for some time, and put my documents on there.

    Thanks again to all for your input,.A few days ago i was clueless as to what to do and could easily have blundered into complicated problems. With your help, I have a good plan.


  11. I've just done an online search to see if I can find any of my programs on cnet etc and I'm glad I did. The only one I can't find available for free is Photoshop, which I will buy, if necessary.

    I've visited the HP website, as suggested by Jiu-Jitsu, and I can do a custom install of Windows 7 from there.

    I will buy an external hard drive, which I've been intending to buy for some time, and put my documents on there.

    Thanks again to all for your input,.A few days ago i was clueless as to what to do and could easily have blundered into complicated problems. With your help, I have a good plan.


  12. This is getting very interesting, if a little mind-boggling. I appreciate being able to ask fellow computer users direct questions.

    Let's see if I've understood this correctly.

    The problem I have is that I've got various programs, music studios etc, on the computer for which I have no disks. I could do a custom install of Windows 7, but I would lose those programs. That may have to happen and if so, I can live with it.

    But, from reading the replies on this thread, I have come up with a cunning plan. (But I don't know if it's possible).

    I could install an additional hard drive in the computer. I've checked out some vids on YouTube and I think I might be able to do it. I could then install Windows 7 on this hard drive and use it to access the internet. I would then still have my programs available on the other hard drive.

    Cunning or crap? Opinions please.

  13. I remember discussing this machine before, but you weren't ready to update it to Windows 7. Are you ready now?

    I'm impressed with your memory. I can't remember discussing it, but then I occasionally find myself staring into my tool cupboard wondering why I came there. I'll certainly take your word for it.

    For the moment I'll follow JSixpack's advice and search around for XP updates. Windows 9 is planned to be released in 2015, which will come around sooner than we think. I like Turkleton's idea of adding a new harddisc to my machine so I've still got the old data.

    Thanks to all for the replies.

  14. Wait a short time for Windows 9 to be released. Troublefree-er than 8...

    You can say that again. smile.png Good point, though, I'm not in a rush and at the moment the computer is working perfectly. I can wait for a new computer with Windows 9.

    It's an HP Pavillion p63721.

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