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  1. Had Lasik done in 2009 in Thailand. Better than perfect vision for the first 10 years and now pretty close to perfect beyond 3 meters. Dry eyes maybe but I'm not the type t focus on small issues. Same applies to the halo effect.
  2. What a boring pathetic thread. I feel better now 🙂
  3. Thanks for experimenting and the results were as you expected 🙂 I did my own experimenting today during an easy run that last 1 hour and the temperature was 20c where I was running under the AC and the AC was set to 21c. I put a 1.5 liter jug under the drain pipe and after an hour almost exactly 1 liter was in the jug. I assume it would be close to 2 liters if running hard. I have had great experiences with Panasonic and TLC ACs so not sure if "my AC is the best ramble" is accurate but whatever floats your boat. Anyhow, I figured out this AC icing issues that I have had over the the last 20 years in Thailand in my exercise rooms. All the responses claiming it wasn't the humidity got me thinking. I knew it was the extreme humidity in my small exercise room that was causing the icing without any doubt. Solution, run my AC as a normal person does. Set it too 21c for a couple hour before the run so the coils aren't as cold when I start my run. The AC can then rid the room of humidity and the coils won't ice over. Also run the fan for a few hour after exercising to dry the unit out which only draws 14 watts.
  4. Cheers and advice heard but possibly not followed 🙂
  5. Another good read! I feel honored to be acknowledged at the end 🙂
  6. Most of us are free here or wherever we find ourselves. Only thing that is really different are the outcomes of choices here compared to America for example. Choosing not to work at 42 and live in America would have had a much different outcome then doing it in Thailand. I have more than I really need here in Thailand and in America I would have had not much more than food and shelter.
  7. I can confirm the above on multiple ACs 🙂 This thread has given me some ideas of how to mitigate the coils icing over. The last three days have been cold here in the NE so trying not to be overly optimistic but the coils have been ice free as long as I start the AC at least 3 hours before jumping on the treadmill and never dropping the temp below 21c. I'm sure next week will be hot and I'll see what happens.
  8. Your sweat source is listing MAXIMUM a human can sweat. My maximum is probably the same. It isn't relevant. What is relevant is what the average person sweats an hour while training hard on a treadmill which is about 1 liter. A marathon runner sweats about a liter on average and 2.5 liters on the high end. Running at marathon pace for 1 hour is harder than my hard runs. I would expect to sweat at least 2.5 liters an hour during a marathon. I know you are having fun being argumentative and keep at it. It is entertaining even if at times you create a reality that doesn't apply. You enjoying being strange without reservation and I respect this attitude. Cheers
  9. Let me know what happened when you have the time. My hunch is the coils will freeze over if done for an hour. Interesting regardless...
  10. Thanks, don't take this as an insult, the above post is similar to Gamma minus 500 words.
  11. Have a couple friends that lie with abandon and they are usually the life of every party. Weird, they lie so much that we just accept it as part of the show. They aren't mean and well intentioned. They just want to laugh and have fun. Only time it gets uncomfortable is when you become part of lie while everyone is in tears laughing at something that never happened.
  12. I agree. He seems to have lived a miserable life. Just because he was famous doesn't imply he was happy. If he died content then just another example of a world that isn't fair.
  13. Yes, I checked it out on shopee and it had good reviews. Power isn't an issue since I have enough solar to run the AC for hours before to bring down the RH to 45-50 RH. Takes a few hours and I can't set the the temp too low or it will freeze over during the run. I think the reason for this is the dry mode process usually maintains the temp or slightly increases it on most ACs but this TLC AC lets me drop the temp to 16. The dry process increases the moisture on the coils and at a low temp they freeze. Funny, I thought I could get around that by using the fan only for 10 minutes after the using the dry mode. The coils did dry but it blew all the moisture back into the room 😞 Appreciate the advice and the humidifier recommendation. Your arguments with Gamma were also entertaining. I am going to tinker with AC I have and see if it as simple as turning it on a few hours before I jump on the treadmill and not setting at below 20c. Last two days this has worked perfectly. My shoes were dry today after a 90 minute run which is rare 🙂
  14. It isn't that you won't be found out because that is all too easy for me 99% of the time. It is that you might be found out and it doesn't add to the quality of a person you are nor improve the odds of living a satisfactory life. It is very rare for me to lie. Not something I'm proud of and somehow convince myself it is the best alternative. It probably isn't and I was just to lazy or weak to not lie. It is best to take the attitude that it is what it is and deal with it. I haven't lied to my woman in 4 years. I make a habit of not having to! Hard initially considering this is Thailand.
  15. That was a lengthy read and I apologize for skimming through most of it and in the end I ended up not really understanding most of it 🙂 I'll try to answer your last question from my perspective. I need to remove roughly 2 liters an hour if I begin with a RH of 50 and I want it to below 60 while maintaining the temp of 22c. I sweat about 2 liters an hour running hard outside continuously. I very rarely run for an hour hard indoors because I break it up into intervals so 1 liter would be a good guess. E.g., today I did 5x3 mins with 2 minute rest at 95% effort followed by another roughly 30 minutes easy and ended with another 7 minutes at 85% effort. The RH steadily climbed during the 5x3 portion to 64% and steadily declined to 55 following the 5x3 and even declined further when doing the less hard 7 minute portion. After 90 minutes on the treadmill the RH was 52 which is close to perfection and the temp was 21c. I ran at the worst time which is around 12:30pm where the sun is shining directly on the rough. Today was cold so probably comparable to most days I start around 9am. My solution of letting the AC run for at least 3 hours before starting and not setting it to 18c but a more conservative 22c where liquid doesn't accumulate on the coils is working for now. Chrossy had a good idea in regards to using the dry mode but regretfully this caused the coils to freeze up quicker on 2 out of the three tests. If I ran in dry mode but increased the temp to 26 it would probably not freeze over but that is too hot. As Sometimewoodworker suggested, I will get around to picking up a dehumidifier. My bet is that this would solve the problem but with higher energy usage which isn't a concern because I have solar.
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