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Posts posted by sambum

  1. In reply to GOLDBUGGY Post #158:-

    You seem to have acquired the knack of asking a question, ignoring the answer(s) given, and then answering it yourself e.g.

    "So I question why someone would do this just to convict 2 innocent men,"

    I gave you 3 possible reasons,i.e..

    "The reason why someone would do this just to convict 2 innocent men? (Or if you prefer, "Why would someone.......etc") At the risk of being labelled a "conspiracy theorist" by one of your 2 or 3 followers - MONEY sounds like a strong enough contender! Also the fact that huge amounts of FACE are obviously at stake - especially in the light of a very high ranking Police Officer saying "No Thai could do this" , hence, possibly, "Find somebody to blame, but make sure they're not Thai" And the ARROGANCE of being totally convinced of their ability to solve the crime on their own without any outside help, hence the "invitation" to the British Police to "observe" only."

    You completely ignored my answers, and then gave your own i.e.:-

    "Maybe the reason why someone would do this is because they found the guilty parties."

    Really? You are now privy to what the judge is going to say after the trial?

    You are in suitable company, and I notice that you have taken the "conspiracy theory" statement to a brand new level - it has now become "Grand Conspiracy Theory"! I wonder if JD,JohnThailandJohn or AleG will take you to task over your conspiracy theory above? Somehow I doubt it!

  2. Goldbuggy post 121 in response to Berybert

    You asked me why I am so sure they are guilty so now I will tell you. Besides the preponderance of evidence they have against the accused already, it was the discovery of both of the accused Sperm, found inside of Hannah's Vagina and Rectum, that got my vote.This is next to impossible for a Corrupt Police Officer to plant, and would also involve the Falsifying of Lab Results to, which I think would be very difficult to do. If it was so easy to do then it could not be used as Evidence.

    Actually, it's pretty easy to provide false information in order to convict the B2. All the RTP need to do is to report that the DNA found on the victim exactly matches the B2 DNA. (Please note reports have stated there are over 300 DNA reports and 900 pages of evidence that the defence have to sift through).

    As this 'evidence' has not been validated, verified, or independently tested it's not yet authenticated. While they don't have to permit the defence to carry out an authentication process, if this 'evidence' was 'perfect' there really wouldn't be any defence and 'everyone' would be satisfied. Logically, then, there must be a certain doubt regarding the veracity of this 'evidence', IMO. But this is Thailand - arrogance and face are prime motivators.

    And, as the defence (if permitted) won't have time to carry out independent testing during this trial they cannot challenge it, only the collection and storage process. Thus the outcome of this trial could convict the B2, but (if necessary) there's the Appeals court, and eventually the Supreme court once the defence can authenticate the DNA evidence and can confirm or challenge the prosecution's assertions.

    For anyone on here to jump to the opinion that the B2 are guilty re the DNA match, is only hearing the prosecution's assertions. As the defence has not released their case to accept or challenge this, it is premature, IMO. And that would apply to any other evidence provided by the prosecution.

    Have you ever seen a Rape Kit in the USA and how they carry this out?

    First, a sample is taken from a Doctor as soon as the victim reports the rape, in the presence of 2 Police Officers, as witnesses. The sample is then sealed in a special container where if open the seal would show it was broken. It is then taken to the lab for analysis, with signatures all along the way. Do you mean to tell me that all this Lab Tech has to do now is throw that sample in the garbage, and just say there was no match, so end of story. No Way!

    There would be several people involved in this analysis and many procedures they would have to follow, like the police had to, to keep it from being tampered with or producing falsified results. They would also have to produce the results, and thus why 3 papers to one analysis. Including the procedure they followed and witnesses, to sign on. The Lab Tech just doesn't get a piece of scrap paper and say the DNA Matches, and pass it on. He has to show proof of that under strict conditions and procedures.

    But even under these strict conditions and procedures it is possible to falsify DNA Results. If intentional this carriers a very stiff penalty. So I question why someone would do this just to convict 2 innocent men, when they didn't have to arrest anyone. Which is the huge part you left out of my post.

    It is not up to the Prosecutor or Legal Defense to verify anything. It is up to the Judges to decide if this is Evidence and whether or not they will allow it as such in their court, or if independent testing is going to be allowed or required. I highly doubt the Judges will ask for independent testing if the procedure where carried out correctly, and especially if independent testing was already carried out in Singapore.

    You are watching too much TV Son.

    No, you have! "Have you ever seen a Rape Kit in the USA and how they carry this out?" This is not the USA, and I doubt if the procedure that you are describing would be followed religiously here in Thailand.

    The reason why someone would do this just to convict 2 innocent men? (Or if you prefer, "Why would someone.......etc") At the risk of being labelled a "conspiracy theorist" by one of your 2 or 3 followers - MONEY sounds like a strong enough contender! Also the fact that huge amounts of FACE are obviously at stake - especially in the light of a very high ranking Police Officer saying "No Thai could do this" , hence, possibly, "Find somebody to blame, but make sure they're not Thai" And the ARROGANCE of being totally convinced of their ability to solve the crime on their own without any outside help, hence the "invitation" to the British Police to "observe" only.

    I believe Wimbledon is on if you are feeling up to it!

  3. This latest statement doesn't bode well for the B2. Seems like their defence isn't up to much. I also consider that the parents can't 'demand' anything from the RTP, and unless they have privy to Andy Hall's findings they could well believe the B2 are guilty.

    Personally I think appealing to the victims' families yet again is a bad move, considering at least one of those families is convinced the B2 are guilty.

    Yes, based on the evidence that the RTP allowed the British Police to see during their "observations".

  4. In reply to GOLDBUGGY Post #106:-

    So they're already guilty as charged?

    No! Not Yet! And they are also not proved Innocent either. So backing them financially could be a mistake. You could actually be helping 2 murders to go free.

    "No! Not Yet!" Obviously, your mind is made up already, and by the way, the word you should be using is "murderERS" (Actually, to be correct, in your own words, they are Not Yet, so you should possibly be using the term "the accused", and that would spare you the confusion!) I only mention it as you have used it incorrectly many times already.

    English Teacher Huh?

    Well your post in which you said,"So they are already guilty as charged?" is not a question and does not require a Question Mark. It is a statement and should end in an Exclamation Mark as in "!".

    I only mentioned it as I noticed you made the same mistake many time here.

    Prefixing a sentence with the word "So" can be taken as a statement, or in the case above, as a question when followed by a question mark - the same as your statement, "English Teacher Huh?" (Which if you want to be strictly correct, should have a comma between the word "Teacher" and "Huh?", and the word "Huh" should not begin with a capital letter H) Anyway, this is getting seriously off topic, and I am sure that other posters are not particularly interested in the intricacies of the English language, and is becoming just a case of bickering, so I suggest that you/we let that one lie.

    However, I now realise that your mind is (as I suspected) already made up,(like a minority of about 3 or 4 other posters on here), so as far as I am concerned, there is no further point in beatdeadhorse.gif so I ask you to just ponder on this. You base your opinion on the facts that are available to you - the ones that the RTP consider to be helpful in their forthcoming prosecution, and the ones that the British Police, and the families of the victims are presumably basing their opinions on. Most of the other posters on here also base their opinion on the fact that the way that this investigation has been conducted leaves a lot to be desired (to put it bluntly!), and consequently are rather sceptical of the facts and conflicting statements that have been presented by the RTP. The very fact that the "perfect" case was rejected 2 or 3 times by the Prosecutor's Office suggests that there is something rather untoward about the whole situation, and that combined with conflicting statements, the Chief of Police being replaced early in the case, contamination of the crime scene etc. etc. etc. would throw up warning flags to anyone who was trying to seek the truth.

  5. In reply to GOLDBUGGY Post #106:-

    So they're already guilty as charged?

    No! Not Yet! And they are also not proved Innocent either. So backing them financially could be a mistake. You could actually be helping 2 murders to go free.

    "No! Not Yet!" Obviously, your mind is made up already, and by the way, the word you should be using is "murderERS" (Actually, to be correct, in your own words, they are Not Yet, so you should possibly be using the term "the accused", and that would spare you the confusion!) I only mention it as you have used it incorrectly many times already.

    And what's with the Blah, blah, blah? Pathetic childish, confrontational jargon which puts you in severe danger of getting the reputation of being a bit of a troll - if it hasn't happened already!

  6. I pray the families of the desists do not become accessories to the locking up or killing of the two innocent boys by being silent.

    They must do a little do-diligence and find the truth before being quiet during this trial.

    Enough wrong doing already!!!

    How many times does one have to repeat oneself for people to get the message? So please pay attention.

    The Parents have already said that they have seen the evidence and that the Thai Police and Prosecutor have a strong case against the accused. What would you have them do now. Beg the Police to let these murders of their Children off for humanitarian reasons.

    How humane where they to Victoria, when they murdered her male friend, who was trying to protect her, in front of her eyes? Then afterwards they violently raped her in her vagina and then in her anus? If this was not enough, they decide to entertain themselves but sticking a club or the end of a Garden Hoe inside of Victoria's Private Parts. (The Condom with her DNA on the outside and nothing on the inside). Then when they were finally bored with tormenting her, they bashed heard beautiful head in so badly that her own Parents could hardly recognize her.

    So I ask you now. How Humane where they to her to deserve such royal treatment and sympathy from us now? That you, a decent person, should feel sorry for them now, when all evidence points to there guilt? When nobody here has provided one shed of evidence to prove they are innocent.

    If they are innocent they will go free. If they are guilty they will either face Lethal Injection, or Life in Prison. Either one will keep them off the streets so they cannot do this again.

    I would suggest that you pay a little more attention yourself instead of sickening us with your lurid details of what you surmise to have happened to "VICTORIA" that tragic night. You have not even got the decency to get the poor girl's name right, and goodness knows what effect your despicable comments would have on the parents of "HANNAH" if they were ever to read them.

    I hope that I am not the only one to be disgusted by your totally inappropriate post.

  7. Where have all these do gooders gone, screaming and helping with financial aid.....

    May we surmise that you have contempt and despisement for those who do good? Yes, actually.

    Letting 2 Murders go free to commit these murders over again is not helping anyone, or society.

    If you want to help murders and rapists then you are better to donate your money to them after their trial and when they are already in Prison. They will need it more than.

    So they're already guilty as charged?

  8. Who killed the GB tourists is a mystery.

    The trial will either solve or add to the mystery.

    Let's wait and see.

    One question could and should've been asked by now:

    "What will take for Koh Tao to lose the IDYLLIC title?"

    ''Who killed the GB tourists is a mystery.''

    That's the issue, it's NOT a mystery. Everyone on the island knows exactly what happened.

    Like all posters on here, I have my opinion as to who is responsible for these 2 horrific murders. However, that is all that it is, just an opinion, and everybody is entitled to that.

    Regardless of whether you think the B2 were responsible or not, I wish posters would refrain from saying things like "we all know who was responsible", or "everybody knows that the headman's son was involved" or as above, "Everyone on the island knows exactly what happened".

    The point is that the only people who KNOW what happened are the 2 victims themselves, the perpetrators of the crime, and POSSIBLY some witnesses who are scared to testify, or have been bought off.

    To say that everybody KNOWS, i.e. everybody on the island, the RTP, the prosecution, the defence, the posters on here, the worldwide media, Uncle Tom Cobley and all, is quite frankly ridiculous - if everybody KNEW, then there would be no point in having a "trial"!

    (P.S. OK, some posters/cynics will say "precisely" to my closing comment!)

  9. of course its in the interest of the family , what sort of closure is it knowing two young boys lives are going to be ruined in addition to your loved ones.it should be in every ones interest that justice is done, I would love to see a new video similar to evil man of krabi , then watch the officials make their own

    We abolished the death penalty in England a long ago and for very good reasons. If the English parents have any humanity, they will ask the Thai authorities not to kill these young men.

    They would be better waiting until they're found guilty first - let's not jump to any (foregone?) conclusions!

  10. "E" isn't particularly dangerous, addictive or destructive. Most truly civilized countries wouldn't be too concerned with this crime.

    You think methamphetamine mixed with caffeine is not particularity dangerous ?

    Ecstacy is supposed to mainly comprise MDMA, back in the 70s marketed as the 'love drug', but now often mainly made up of amphetamines.

    The 50 year sentence seems extraordinary, especially as he pleaded guilty, was it commuted from a death sentence? Anyone know if it was an importation or drugs acquired locally. Hopefully the guy will get sentence reductions in the coming years. Does HMG arrange repatriation after a certain period to serve time in UK prison?

    I saw a TV programme in the UK a few years ago about a guy who had been sentenced to an extraordinary length of time in jail for 20 or 30 ecstasy tablets (25 years?) Maybe if had been heroin or cocaine, he may have been treated more leniently. Or maybe he got the same judge - I don't know.

    Anyway, this guy was being interviewed after he had been in jail for a while, and he was quite philosophical about it - he took ther risks, got caught, and was serving his time. He said that the only complaint that he had was that if he had been a US citizen, or French, or any number of nationalities other than British, after 8 years in a Thai jail, he would have been allowed to serve the rest of his time in a a jail in his own country. However, the UK did not (does not?) have such an arrangement in place, so I fear it is down to appeals, and lots of money paid to lawyers, or if he is lucky, a King's Pardon.

  11. stupid stupid 1000 baht fine it's had to be 10000 baht and police take the driving licence for good cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    The problem with fines here is that they were worked out many years ago when 1,000 Baht was a lot of money. This is why you see reports of eg A 500 Baht fine or 5 years in prison.. It seems to us that there is no logic in the difference, but if you go back 20 or 30 years a 500 Baht fine would have ben enourmous.

    Agree with what you say, but lots of things were "worked out" many years ago, but have changed over the years in line with inflation (wages, utility costs etc), so why not fines?

  12. He still has to pay for any repairs, signs, posts, road surface and so on. The fine he"s got does not include this cost.

    PHUKET: A 21-year-old Phuket man faces a maximum fine of B1,000 for reckless driving and damaging public property

    I presume "signs, posts, road surface and so on" comes under the auspices of "public property"?

    'sambum'..... What's with the catty post?..... Chill, I didn't set his fine at a 1000 Baht did I?

    OK, I can see where you coming from on this, now I'll tell you why I said what I said; I recently had an accident, not my fault, I was not fined....OK so far. But because the other driver, (the one who made the accident) did a runner and could not be traced, I was left to pay for the damage to public property this is the cost of repair.... not a fine.

    ..... It comes as a separate bill from the highways agency..... Not the police........ Once more........damage to public property is not includid in the fine.

    As for your posting this as evidence that a 1000 Baht was ALL he paid; "PHUKET: A 21-year-old Phuket man faces a maximum fine of B1,000 for reckless driving and damaging public property"

    If this is your evidence......Really, you take what’s written as fact in these rags,,,,,,These rags put out as investigative journalism.... Really?

    Sorry, Tonto, but the post was not meant to be "catty"! I was merely pointing out that the way I read it the fine was for reckless driving and the cost of damage to public property.

    I sympathise with your bad experience where you ended up having to pay for someone else's misdemeanour, but that does not mean that in this case, the driver will end up having to pay other costs - each case is different. Can I assume that in your case, you are a farang, and the guy that did a runner was a Thai? If so, that explains a lot!

    However, as you yourself have pointed out, "PHUKET: A 21-year-old Phuket man faces a maximum fine of B1,000 for reckless driving and damaging public property" and unless you have evidence to the contrary, I assume that is all that he is charged with, otherwise the statement would have read differently.

    Regarding your final statement, at some point we have to accept what facts we are given, (in this case an incident in Phuket, covered by the Phuket News) and if we start to "cherry pick" the facts available, we are in danger of becoming like one or two other posters on this site who quote/believe only the facts that suit them, and conveniently forget/ignore the one that don't, and keep spouting on about "conspiracy theories" etc.

  13. I am trying to think about my hand baggage (and I travel quite a lot) and how I wouldn't know that there wasn't a handgun there. Can't quite see that that is possible.

    Personally, I never carry a gun. However, I have more than once accidentally had items in my hand baggage that I know are not permitted. People who travel frequently by various means often do not unpack and repack each time. So, assuming he routinely packs a gun when traveling in Thailand, I absolutely believe he could just not have thought about it being there and the need to remove it.

    Incidentally, should he have carried it from Thailand and realized he had it after arrival in Japan, he could have made a tidy packet selling it on the black market there. Handguns are very scarce. Given the right contacts, he could probably have got US$100,000 for it.

    He could also have got caught trying to sell it and end up spending the rest of his life in a Japanese prison. Which is probably going to happen anyway. Would have been a smarter option than trying to take it on a plane, I guess.

    Sounds like a bit of exaggeration going on here, halloween! US$100,000 sounds an awful lot for such a little thing! However, I know nothing of such things, so maybe you're right!

    And BritTim, do you honestly think that an ex Bangkok Police Chief is going to be put in a Japanese prison FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE for trying to sell a handgun? Or for the even lesser crime of carrying it onto a plane?

    Sounds like a bit of exaggeration going on here, halloween! US$100,000 sounds an awful lot for such a little thing

    It is hard to know. Such sales in Japan are so rare that nobody could say exactly. I found a reference from 2008 that estimated 1-1.2 million yen for a handgun. All unregistered firearms are scarce in Japan, but handguns especially so as their legal private ownership is completely banned. Some police are also forbidden to carry firearms. Other police in Japan do carry handguns. These are .38 special revolvers, not easily concealed. Karmronwit's "little thing", being easily concealed, would actually be especially desirable.

    And BritTim, do you honestly think that an ex Bangkok Police Chief is going to be put in a Japanese prison FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE for trying to sell a handgun? Or for the even lesser crime of carrying it onto a plane?

    Possibly yes. Japanese gun laws are extremely tough. However, if the Japanese authorities believe he carried the gun to Japan unintentionally, I think they will be lenient. Kamronwit better be able to show he owned the gun legally in Thailand, else he may spend the rest of his life in a Japanese jail.

    Yes, I thought it sounded like a bit of an exaggeration!

    At today's exchange rate:-

    1,200,000.00 JPY = 9,684.839 USD

    So, more like $10,000 than $100,000!!!

  14. I am trying to think about my hand baggage (and I travel quite a lot) and how I wouldn't know that there wasn't a handgun there. Can't quite see that that is possible.

    Personally, I never carry a gun. However, I have more than once accidentally had items in my hand baggage that I know are not permitted. People who travel frequently by various means often do not unpack and repack each time. So, assuming he routinely packs a gun when traveling in Thailand, I absolutely believe he could just not have thought about it being there and the need to remove it.

    Incidentally, should he have carried it from Thailand and realized he had it after arrival in Japan, he could have made a tidy packet selling it on the black market there. Handguns are very scarce. Given the right contacts, he could probably have got US$100,000 for it.

    He could also have got caught trying to sell it and end up spending the rest of his life in a Japanese prison. Which is probably going to happen anyway. Would have been a smarter option than trying to take it on a plane, I guess.

    Sounds like a bit of exaggeration going on here, halloween! US$100,000 sounds an awful lot for such a little thing! However, I know nothing of such things, so maybe you're right!

    And BritTim, do you honestly think that an ex Bangkok Police Chief is going to be put in a Japanese prison FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE for trying to sell a handgun? Or for the even lesser crime of carrying it onto a plane?

  15. They just never give up do they as the news always has to be positive ?

    If there's the slightest hint of negativity from other sources then the good news just gets better.

    I and others have repeatedly said that having friends in the hospitality / service industry we hear their continuing mantra of " where are all these tourists ? "

    No no no no no NKK, the government have posted FACTS, FACTS don't lie hey.

    This is typical redshirt mantra this is the most popular government ever to have graced the Kingdom hey, the most popular PM in Thai history has seen fit to put more spin on his reign then an industrial washing machine!! ?

    My mate who owns a bar in Patong has had to go back to work overseas, as he's not making the money he thought he would mate, others as you rightly pointed out who are in the hotel and tourist industry are not seeing the same super duper stats and facts either!!

    I sympathise with your mate, but it reminds me of a discussion I overheard a few years back when an American would be bar owner was asking his mate "How much money do you think I should spend on buying a a bar?" His mate replied "It depends on how much money you can afford to lose!" Humorous, but very true!

  16. Well some may dispute the number of quality tourists arriving but I think we can all dispute the amount of money quoted in the article " the northeastern province of Buri Ram received the highest tourism income with 3.7 billion baht,". Yer right!

    Yes, you would think that whoever is in charge of making up issuing the figures would at least have the sense to pick a tourist destination as the area to generate the highest tourist income, but Buri Ram? The only way I know where that is is because Air Asia recently started to send flights there recently, Ummm?

  17. Poor man, this could happen to anyone.

    I've forgotten how many times I've accidentally left a firearm in my carry on bag. biggrin.png

    What a weak excuse, carry on bags are used by most for items they will need during the flight so he didn't pack his before heading to the airport ?

    Maybe you don't forget your Fire Arm in your Carry-on as you don't own one. But he does!

    If you have been through check out at any airport you will noticed a big bin full of knives, screw drivers, sharp objects, and all kinds of stuff which is illegal to take with you on carry-on. So even if you are an elephant and don't forget, many people do. I forgot my Swiss Army Knife once.

    This is not as serious as everyone here seems to believe. Embarrassing...perhaps! But not serious!

    When they discover it was an accident they will let him go. I have no doubt about that.

    But I do like reading these Thai Police Bashers Nonsense here, and trying to make a Federal Case out of nothing. I bet the Boys on Air Force One are not carrying Water Pistols either.

    An ' accident ', not serious ? Are you serious, being sarcastic or trolling ?

    They let him go already! So how serious could that have been?

    But on the subject let me add something. If I was on that airplane and it was being High Jacket, I would rather he had that gun then not have it.

    And....You don't even know what a troll is! As you fit that description far better than I do.

    No proof of him being released yet as far as I know, but if he has, it's a disgrace. How far "up the tree" do you have to be to warrant 12 hours of negotiation on your behalf?

    And by the way, that in itself shows how seriously the authorities are treating the incident. "Thai Police Bashers" have every right to complain about preferential treatment being given to a BIB. If it was an average Mr Joe Bloggs/John Doe, you can rest assured there would be no such "assistance" forthcoming.

    The 'Boys on Air Force One" are professionally trained security personnel, and there to protect the President (by the way I'm a Brit so have no axe to grind there). This EX Police chief had no right to carry a gun in his hand luggage - period. And if I was on a plane being "High Jacket" (?) I would rather he NOT have a gun because if he is stupid enough to "forget" that he had it, or that he thought he had "lost" it and that he had "no idea" where it was, it wouldn't take much to push his buttons now, would it?

    But, on the subject:-

    • "Internet troll, an internet term for a person who, through willful action, attempts to disrupt a community or garner attention and controversy through provocative messages."

    I think that description covers your post quite adequately, rather than NongKhaiKid's, especially the bit about provocative messages e.g. "Not serious" "Embarrassing".

    How do you know he does not possess a firearm? And how many guns do you see in the "big bin" in the airport?

    No, my friend, in this case YOU are the troll!

  18. The government is right to be looking into the issue of price gouging and should also be examining the relationship with the health care insurers. I recently had a small procedure done at a private hospital and the initial estimate was 75,000 baht. When they discovered I had insurance from BUPA the price dropped to about 45,000 baht (pay now, claim later). OK, I had the money to pay this and will be refunded, but someone without the insurance would be gouged 30,000 baht by the hospital.

    As a business relationship I can see there would be a discount applied to an insurance company, but nearly 50% tells you something doesn't it?

    Actually, I have found the reverse to be the opposite. As a pensioner, I find that medical insurance is unaffordable here in Thailand, and when I mention that fact, the price quoted for treatment immediately drops, presumably because they know that it will be "cash in hand" rather than having to go through the rigmarole of filling out claim forms, and waiting for the money.

    You know what Thais are like - they would rather have 100 baht today than 200 baht tomorrow!.

  19. do I need to peel Bananas for elephant?

    Have you ever seen an elephant peel a banana? cheesy.gif Have you ever seen an elephant fly? cheesy.gif

    well I think elephants want peel banana to look like farangs. I m not joking they are smarter than we think.

    I know monkies peel Banana. maybe elephants want be like monkies.? what do you think?

    I think that you had better be careful with your personal comments, or the Mods will be giving you a holiday! And yes, I know that elephants are clever, much more so than you are with your stupid, childish post that has nothing at all to do with the topic.

  20. As mentioned by others also the problem here as in a number of problems in Asia is not the laws but lack of reinforcement due to corruption.

    Hit the nail on the head! You can make a new law every day in an attempt to rectify some problem that some committee have discovered, but unless the laws are enforced there will be no change whatsoever. There have been laws for generations in Thailand for generations regarding littering for example, but are these EVER enforced on the Thai people? Maybe a few farangs might get a 2000 baht fine for dropping a cigarette but Thais? Never!

    So to get back on topic, there are ample laws in place to protect animals - especially the endangered species, but not the willingness to enforce them. When game reserve wardens and police in charge of overseeing these operations (in what can sometimes be very dangerous conditions) are poorly paid, and from what I have heard/read quite often paid to "turn a blind eye" to what is going on ("People trafficking?) then the situation will never change.

    No need for new laws compiled and designed and passed at no doubt great expense - just enforce the current ones!

  21. Now the world will see how an investigation is truly played out in Thailand. After all, when the girls are finally located; they will need to be awarded a fare trail, in order to be prosecuted. They will then have to tell the courts, where they were met by the boys, and for whom they work. If they can't remember the boys will be able to give a pretty clear description. Of course CCTV will certainly be able to retrace their steps. The police must then arrest the management/owner(s) of the establishment and charge them with the operation of a sex trade establishment, and possibly trafficking if it fits. I'm pretty sure they will find underage workers as well. Then if the establishment is connected to another similar establishments (possibly an entire complex/Soi), they must then all be shut down, and all the owners/associates arrested and charged. Since Thailand has committed itself to stamping out the sex trade/trafficking, no stone should be left unturned. Let's not forget the establishment where the sex acts took place; they will also need to be prosecuted for allowing such a lewd act to take place. The ex-footballers will surely have competent lawyers at their disposal.

    Does all of this sound ridiculous?


    " they will need to be awarded a fare trail," Does that mean that they are going to get paid again?

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