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Posts posted by rlopes

  1. i can only think you have not been here for very long or up until now you have led a sheltered life

    try testosterone /hormonal for a couple of starter words rolleyes.gif

    Of course genius, as stated in the fist post I just started traveling here.

  2. There seem to be a great number of lesbians here in Isan, specially ones of the "macho" type.

    I have nothing against lesbians, just curious if you noticed the same.

  3. Gee one more thread attempting to deal with the problem of farang loss of face.

    Amazing how the farang who are in a perpetual snip worrying about how foolish they appear to amused onlookers, are the same people who seem to think loss of face is a Thai or Asian problem. Keep in mind when you throw a tantrum in public this is what you look like. If you set yourself up as a pompous twit, they'll definitely enjoy watching you go red in the face and start squealing.

    crying_baby_thumb.jpg Do you know who I am? I'm a farang! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.

    So says someone called Suradit, who claims to not feel like a crying white farang.

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  4. Regarding the first reply>> dear god please tell me you are being sarcastic.

    silly topic but im bored and feel like hearing myself clack away.

    Although I wouldn't use the word "love", I get your general point and the answer isn't even close.

    Americans have a deep historical connection to guns.

    They were the tools that helped free them from the clutches of the monarchy.

    Have you ever realized you forgot to wear your watch after leaving the house and felt naked?

    That would be the feeling settlers moving west had when they didn't have their gun. It offered protection and was a means of acquiring meat.

    I got a Red Ryder BB gun when i was 9. Probably spent 200 hours shooting cans behind my house. Soon began taking our golden retriever up to my neighbors barn to shoot the pigeons that shit all over. Dog brought the birds back to our house in her mouth and boom, the cats had a meal.

    My cousin is a true gunsmith, he has a full on love of guns and teaching about them.

    One of the most impressive pieces built in my high school woodshop class was a beautiful wooden gun safe built by my best friends older brother. Kept the guns locked up and clean for when hunting season came around. We were taught at a young age that touching the safe meant you get the belt.

    I'm sure there are some Thais who have similar sentiments, but i would be surprised if it is as widespread.

    This is touching.

    Americans love for weapons and war has bought them much disgrace, dislike and distrust worldwide.

  5. As if he could prove anything. As if he would even know who was defamating him. As if the Thai law even worked.

    What you say is more likely to happen in a country like the US, but even there the law fails miserably.

    Not so sure about that myself, 'word getting around' works both ways, quite feasible that someone mentions negative comments to the owner.

    Take a look at this recent case - http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/nation/australian-businesswoman-arrested-in-thailand-for-criminal-defamation/story-e6frg6nf-1226370965969

    Sketchy and likely inadmissible evidence of comments made in private, but still arrested, prevented from leaving the country, and bailed on a 50k bond.

    Sure it probably wouldn't go anywhere in the end, but big inconveniences in the meantime.

    That case is about a gold mining company, hard to compare with the auto dealer across the street :)

  6. You can screw him well in other ways. Make sure to spread the word about his reputation. He will pay by having no customers sooner or later.

    This just opens up a whole other can of worms in regard to a revenge defamation claim, since even if you can get the validity of the alleged defamatory statements incorporated into the defence (I say 'even' because whether the claim is truthful or not is not always admissable) the defendent has the responsibility of proving the claim to be true - likely impossible to do without a written contract regarding the deposit.

    Unlikely over a small amount of course, but you never know when you might piss off someone who happens to have a favour they can call in from a lawyer friend. Tread carefully.

    One of those cases where regardless of the principle it might be better to forget it and move on - at least it was 9k, not 90k or 900k.

    As if he could prove anything. As if he would even know who was defamating him. As if the Thai law even worked.

    What you say is more likely to happen in a country like the US, but even there the law fails miserably.

  7. Docno, you don't know anything about the matter so please keep it to yourself.

    The Vietnamese will overcharge ANYONE that falls prey to them, poor or rich.

    Their society simply don't value honesty as a virtue.

    Same BS like the frequent "All Thais.....".

    And yes, I knwo a little about it, having lived in Vietnam for 15 years. How long have you been there?

    You might leave in a place as much as you want and keep being stupid towards what's happening around.

    Not sure why you get personal. Seeing how I was married to a Vietnamese and get by pretty well in Vietnamese and I still call it BS. Of course, some people stick out as easy marks......

    I think you disagree with me just out of principle, not in reality.

    I know it sounds nonsense to label a nation in a way or another, but the reality is what it is.

    And even though I did meet GREAT people in Vietnam, the reality is that nowhere else I had so many people lying to me and my family, never showing any shame when being caught.

  8. Docno, you don't know anything about the matter so please keep it to yourself.

    The Vietnamese will overcharge ANYONE that falls prey to them, poor or rich.

    Their society simply don't value honesty as a virtue.

    Same BS like the frequent "All Thais.....".

    And yes, I knwo a little about it, having lived in Vietnam for 15 years. How long have you been there?

    You might leave in a place as much as you want and keep being stupid towards what's happening around.

  9. Docno, you don't know anything about the matter so please keep it to yourself.

    The Vietnamese will overcharge ANYONE that falls prey to them, poor or rich.

    Their society simply don't value honesty as a virtue.

    Well,in this case it's you that clearly knows nothing about the matter.I've lived in Vietnam for 4 years,run a business here,and travelled extensively in Vietnam.It's a myth,propagated for some reason,by people who have never been to Vietnam that this is the behaviour here.It isn't.Of course,just as in all countries in the world,and not only Asia,there are some,touts,taxi drivers,moto drivers etc,who will try to rip off non-locals.But it isn't widespread common practice in Vietnam.Certainly no more than in Cambodia or Thailand.It's especially easy to be confused in Vietnam over the currency,as there are such large numbers involved,and some of the different banknotes of greatly differing values,actually look quite similar.There are cases where people have been taken advantage of,but I am also personally aware of many times when the mistake has been pointed out,and the wrong (higher value) note has been returned by the vendor.

    I was there for 3 months visiting every stretch of land that I could and there was not a single day they wouldn't try to rip me of.

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