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Posts posted by Thaiisnotrequired

  1. They won't be missed. Indeed; the whole Airline wouldn't be !

    Jing lor? I guess taking the train, man, so be it or you, is as you perceive. As it happens, I've flown TA quite a few times over the years and, generally, it is not a bad outfit.

    A willingness to participate in those things Thai helps matters to sustain, instead of taking the proverbial out of everything Thai. Then again, maybe you hate Thai boys too! ??whistling.gif OPEN BOOK? Or here for standing room only?wai.gif

  2. probably not, but then again, I don't claim to be neutral or accuse others of being bias for that matter.

    contrast this to some of the dishonest yellow shirt supporters who spout nothing but anti-Thaksin nonsense all day and then have the gall to accuse others of being bias. smile.png

    they probably can't even spell "hypocritical". giggle.gif

    nor 'biased'.

    Whilst you're on one, would you care to define 'anti-Thaksin nonsense'?

  3. Basically, they are civil servants, not PDRC servants, or Suthep servants or yellow shirt servants.

    If they want to work for another boss, they should resign or be sacked from their current job.

    No, they aren't PDRC slaves, nor are they the bum kissing Thaksin types. They simply want to express their opinions the same way that you do. Now, I don't know who you work for, but I know of more than a few Thais in the private sector that have been sacked from their jobs for going out and blowing their whistle. It only makes them blow their whistle even louder.

    You've been fired moonao! You've supported an incestuously despotic and corrupt regime in the lame name of people and democracy. Why are you angry moonao? Is it because of the people that fired you because of your political opinions or because you can't now feed your family.

    Wanna buy a whistle cheap?

    "in the lame name of people and democracy" ?

    whats so lame about that ? that's the best reason i would think.

    certainly better than an irrational, bizarre hatred of Thaksin Shinawatra that is seemingly the all consuming agenda of some people.


    all consuming..... of some?

    You must have a great source of seemingly, Yaba induced sources of irrationally, bizarre agendae. It spews forth continuously, yet you don't stop to consider your cause of illness. Keep well, please. You entertain many of us with spelndid humour, even if most of it is misguided. ;)

  4. Gotta give it to him. Chalerm is not a quitter. He wants results so he will get results. He can't manage to arrest the ones he calls the bad guys.

    Chalerm couldn't arrest even himself on a sober day.... once in a blue moon, that being.

    Yet he remains an icon to the dis-assembled lot of usuries, because he has a pink one, or so he believes that's the size of it.

    He'll start charging the rice-farmers next, for producing positively for the country - just something he could never do for himself... in a positive way.

    • Like 2
  5. I doubt if the caretaker government have the authority to make payments?

    Perhaps Suthep can help.

    He is doing his best, but this illegitimate bunch of annoying pests won't go away and refuse to believe they have lost the plot!!!

    The sad part is, a farang poster dares name himself 'Thailand', as if we are all supposed to respect the... errmmm **nt or even acc***nym. ;)

  6. Farmers affected by natural disasters

    Is raping available assets, and the sending them abroad (as well as pocketing the majority of them) a natural disaster?

    I'd personally say that is an organised disaster, created by a raping PTP government, and its member actors.

    I could be wrong, however.

    You are wrong. The caretaker government is not allowed to disburse any funds outside of already budgeted "maintenance expenditures.

    Caretaker government is now caretaker goverment because it disbursed the funds before it became caretaker.

    Or did you forget the timeline?

    The 'maintenance expenditures' you clearly identify were clearly disbursed to personal bank accounts and to Dubai... or did you miss something again, in your timeline??

  7. I just looked at my Thai liscense and of course, it expired on the 28th of March 2014. Does anyone know the regulations / requirements / problems or pitfals to avoid in obtaining a renewal? Does it matter that my liscense is 2 months expired?

    Input will be appreciated.. I will post my experience.

    I have been driving on my UK licence for the last 10 years,no problem.In that time I have had a couple of minor bumps,once with a taxi,he pulled out without looking and another with a m/c who cut across the front of me and I had no chance of missing.I have always maintained 1st class insurance and when the assesors came they took a picture of my licence and no questions asked.I used to get stopped regularly on the Don Mueng tollway.Showed them my licence which they accepted.The reason I didn't bother with a Thai licence is because a friend of mine went to the Lad Phroa office to get an international licence and he was told he did not need his UK licence was ok,Just as an extra precaution if I get pulled over I never give them my licence but hold it so they can read it.

    Snap! I've been driving for 9 years on a UK Licence, been stopped twice by police and never a question.

    Hit a lorry last year which decided to turn without indicating, just as I was approaching to overtake it. Wrote off the front of the car, and slightly dented the lorry's rear chassis. Paid the driver 1000B and we both went on our ways...

    Of late, as I have a brand new car, police see me and simply wave me by - too much difficult paperwork for them - and I never see it changing.

  8. How do the Thais know he fell rather he was pushed.

    Are you trolling or have you never stood up on a moving train? Another thread last week about a guy that fell from a train in Isaan had the same tommyrot speculation.

    Unless you've stood outside the carriage for a smoke you'll never understand how much these trains suddenly lurch from one side to another.

    RIP young man as you were less fortunate than I was when having a quick puff in the same manner as you.

    I'm a smoker, but I have patience in places which state no smoking.

    I have many a time taken a train from BKK to Ubon Ratchatani and not smoked, but preferred to have slept.

    Accidents happen, as well as unknown circumstances in Thailand, as you well know. Better to adhere to the rules, than take a risk.....

  9. Maybe if kids in Thailand spent more actually time reading those strange mythical things called 'books' rather than simply cruising farcebook and the like, cyber-bullying would be a non issue, and strangely enough it might actually improve their minds!

    Ultimately might end up in a generation or two solving a lot of the problems which bedevil this country

    Perhaps if you read one of those mythical things called books you would not be writing such nonsense!

    The internet is used for much more than Facebook and cyber-bullying,

    It is often used used for researching certain subjects.

    It is called Googling

    When I Google a certain subject about Thailand, guess what? quotes pertaining to that subject from TVF

    Come back as returns,

    SO WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ON THE INTERNET. it becomes part of the permanent record and attached to your name for a long long time,

    And don't think you are safe behind a pseudonym,any one with an ounce of tech savvy can find out who you are in ten seconds flat.

    edit Typo

    And which mythological book did you become so acidic through, when reading?

    Googling in Thailand, as you well know, is used for plagiarism - for those with some knowledge of how to professionally 'copeeeeeee, na krap'.

    Researching certain subjects my ass - you are not Thai, for one! As a professional proofreader/editor... I spend half my time getting paid to re-write Chula, Mahidol, King Monkut's.... you name it university's... Master's degrees and PhDs. Such students pay well for re-writing, and 'Turnit-in' no traceability.

    Thus, as for your comment about TVF, it is futher down the list than tertiary 'Googling' - as with almost all work I receive I simply travel to the middle of the 'original thesis', copy and paste, and 'Hey Presto' - Googgles give me a 'farang' Master's Degree paper..... so, you should watch what you write on the internet too! Plagiarised copying is also attached to one's name......and I make links to all papers and items found on your favourite topic, and I cryptically attach, to all plagiarised papers, links explaining why they have been copied. wink.png

    Also, why do you send TVF users a warning? Watch what we say on the internet, you say? We can write pretty much what we like, if it's within legal bounds of reason or so mundane nobody is really interested. Despite that, keep googling Thailand yourself. You might just find out what a complete mess this kingdom really is. clap2.gifcheesy.gif . Plus, we all love the Prince! He's great! wai.gif

    Edit: There's no accounting for sarcasm around here. rolleyes.gif

    *universities', *further, *Google gives me,

    No charge for that wai2.gif

    'university's' = singular - I reverted after 'names' to levels for each.

    'further' I didn't write, but if you meant 'Furthermore' instead of 'Plus', ok.. you'll go far with identifying inaccuracies using colloquialisms.

    Google? I REPEATED the previous poster's reference, and goggling (using specs to see things) as another reference, combined. However, thanks for your gracious and unaccurate insight. ;) You'll go far indentifying accurate innacuracies!

  10. Maybe if kids in Thailand spent more actually time reading those strange mythical things called 'books' rather than simply cruising farcebook and the like, cyber-bullying would be a non issue, and strangely enough it might actually improve their minds!

    Ultimately might end up in a generation or two solving a lot of the problems which bedevil this country

    Perhaps if you read one of those mythical things called books you would not be writing such nonsense!

    The internet is used for much more than Facebook and cyber-bullying,

    It is often used used for researching certain subjects.

    It is called Googling

    When I Google a certain subject about Thailand, guess what? quotes pertaining to that subject from TVF

    Come back as returns,

    SO WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ON THE INTERNET. it becomes part of the permanent record and attached to your name for a long long time,

    And don't think you are safe behind a pseudonym,any one with an ounce of tech savvy can find out who you are in ten seconds flat.

    edit Typo

    And which mythological book did you become so acidic through, when reading?

    Googling in Thailand, as you well know, is used for plagiarism - for those with some knowledge of how to professionally 'copeeeeeee, na krap'.

    Researching certain subjects my ass - you are not Thai, for one! As a professional proofreader/editor... I spend half my time getting paid to re-write Chula, Mahidol, King Monkut's.... you name it university's... Master's degrees and PhDs. Such students pay well for re-writing, and 'Turnit-in' no traceability.

    Thus, as for your comment about TVF, it is futher down the list than tertiary 'Googling' - as with almost all work I receive I simply travel to the middle of the 'original thesis', copy and paste, and 'Hey Presto' - Googgles give me a 'farang' Master's Degree paper..... so, you should watch what you write on the internet too! Plagiarised copying is also attached to one's name......and I make links to all papers and items found on your favourite topic, and I cryptically attach, to all plagiarised papers, links explaining why they have been copied. wink.png

    Also, why do you send TVF users a warning? Watch what we say on the internet, you say? We can write pretty much what we like, if it's within legal bounds of reason or so mundane nobody is really interested. Despite that, keep googling Thailand yourself. You might just find out what a complete mess this kingdom really is. clap2.gifcheesy.gif . Plus, we all love the Prince! He's great! wai.gif

    Edit: There's no accounting for sarcasm around here. rolleyes.gif

    PS: did you ever consider proofreading your own posts?

    NOPE. I don't get paid for that, and as you know yourself, posting on the internet is generically colloquial language usage... so on that one, I say less.

    As for fear, concerning posting on the internet, the only posters who should have fears regarding what they post about items pertaining to children are the perverted f<deleted>ers who should have reason for concern about where their interests lay and what their intent is. It is of lesser consequence to those who, as you say are traceable, have no malicious intent and their complete internet history can be traced at ease. There, straightforwardly, lies the massive difference. ;)

  11. Blessuck me.. I never knew 4 hours was the initial requirement.

    Jesus Christo...... now it's 12. That's of great benefit. 4 hours teaching what a pedal is... jam dai dee na krap... . Lessons 4-8 hours: please remember the middle one... Oh! sorry... old instruction booklet... forget the middle one.... the one on the right is MOST important...

    Lessons 8-12... leo sai. kwaa.... mai chai... drong bai as fast as you can.... in the fast lane too.... you have a huge one....1

    Any lessons about slowing down approaching a yaba induced lorry driver on a frontage road? Put ur foot down quick to get past, before he swerves right to put the **its up you! Any lessons about 'greng-jai' to your fellow drivers..... like not carrying a metal pole or bamboo stick in your car, in case you get angry.

    Mind you, sarcasm ignored, 12 hours of learning to drive is much better than 4. ;) ... (unless your name is Na Ayudhya, or similar.) ;)

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