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Posts posted by benj005

  1. Find a park to run in. Or better yet go to the gym and hit the treadmill.

    I know you want to be outside but this might not be possible. Dogs are chasing after you because you are running. Dogs feed off energy and you're exhibiting a ton of it.

    Watch Cesar Milan. He had the hit show "The Dog Whisper." I watch his videos on You Tube whenever I need questions answered.

    He's a good resource.

  2. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/youtube-star-stuns-parents-by-paying-off-their-mortgage/


    Timothy DeLaGhetto is a YouTube star who paid off his parent's mortgage worth $210,000 


    His parents were born in Thailand and immigrated to Wisconsin so they could find a better life. I thought that was very kind of him.  


    On a side note You Tube has produced many stars over the last few years, Most are very young. Top YouTube star Pewdiepie has close to 30 million followers and makes 6-$10 million dollars a year. All he does is scream like a lunatic while playing video games. Prank videos are now very popular. Roman Atwood who produces prank videos is becoming a wealthy man at the age of 30. The list goes on. 


    Could you do prank videos in Thailand? Or would you find yourself in jail?   :)

  3. I don't mean to sound smug but why would they the police start harassing foreigners?  We bring a substantial amount of money into Thailand. I don't know the exact figure but my guess is it would be in the billions. Money= Power and Leverage! No?  My guess is if this crackdown starts affecting tourism dollars we will see the Thai government modify this law. $20,000 baht  and possible jail time for not having your passport on you is crazy. 


    I don't blame the government for wanting to get rid of the less desirable foreigners. I just feel that if you are here and you are doing everything correctly then you shouldn't run into any issues. Just my thoughts. 

  4. Just 2 questions:

    1. Can I make a copy of my passport and carry that with me?

    2. Or better yet I have an android smartphone with a huge screen. Can I just take photos of my passport and show the police if I'm asked for my passport?

    I don't like to carry my passport with me because I will lose it. I'm very forgetful. I've left my phone in stores and in cabs before.

    Yes just take a pic of the front page and your visa and store it in your phone. If they want to see the original a long as you can nip home and get it no probs.
    That's fine, but what happens if I'm 20 minutes away from my apartment? A photo of my passport will not suffice? I'm talking a photo of the front, back, insides of my passport. I also have my current NJ drivers license with a photo of me. Could I use that in conjunction with a photo of my passport? Or do I need my actual passport.

  5. So you are complaining because the 7/11 didn't give you those free stamps????, I'm sorry but if that's all you have to complain about then you must have a really really sad life.

    Agreed; at my parents shop we had a special 2 for 1 on an item. Some foreign thai came in and tried to buy 2. I told him I am American; I love my country and my people. YOU are a foreigner who obviously has enough money to come here.

    I said no for you; YOU PAY!!

    He looked at me sheepishly and walked out. Lucky he didn't open his mouth or he would have gotten his head kicked in.

    MY COUNTRY, MY RULES. Foreigners can shut up and go home. They pay what I say; not what the sign says.

    So awesome to see that so many here agree with me:)

    We are all foreigners in America. The only people who can call rightfully call themselves natives are the American Indians.
    • Like 2
  6. I was in the Bangkok mall the other day and this foreigner was getting hammered by his Thai girlfriend. She was cute but I wouldn't have put up with her bullsh*t. She kept saying...

    Her: "You stupid falang. I want to buy a dress for myself. Why why why..."

    Him: "Hon. I would love to buy the dress but it's a lot of money."

    Her: "Stupid falang. I want it know!" You is stupid."

    Him: "OK...".

    She kept calling him falang. Is this a bad name for a foreigner?

    It is like, "little girl." You sweet little girl is nice. You stupid little girl is not nice. Stupid Farang is not nice. My sweet Farang is nice.

    It depends on how it is said.

    And the context in which it is said.

    • Like 2
  7. I was in the Bangkok mall the other day and this foreigner was getting hammered by his Thai girlfriend. She was cute but I wouldn't have put up with her bullsh*t. She kept saying...

    Her: "You stupid falang. I want to buy a dress for myself. Why why why..."

    Him: "Hon. I would love to buy the dress but it's a lot of money."

    Her: "Stupid falang. I want it know!" You is stupid."

    Him: "OK...".

    She kept calling him falang. Is this a bad name for a foreigner?

  8. If you don't want to hurt them, you have to get along with them. Actually if they know you and once they know you are not a threat they won't bark at you again. The best way for this is as follows, not kidding:

    Stop the bike, make full eye contact with them and squat. Squatting is important as they will see you smaller and less dangerous and will likely to approach you if you call them. They will stop barking and if they approach just breath to their nose. Dogs have a very sensitive smell and it is the way they recognize people and other animals, by their internal smell. The most usual when you breath at them is they will approach more to smell better until you can breath directly to their nose. Once they recognize you and see you are never a threat, they won't annoy you again.

    Nobody knows exactly what an unknown dog will do in any situation. Dogs that have been abused could do just about anything. Predicting their behavior is a good way to end up getting rabies shots.

    If the last person who breathed on a dog then hit the poor critter, the next person who breathes on that dog is likely to get his face bit off.

    Or, he may approach, expecting to get fed- and then bite out of fear once he's real close and realizes there's no food and he's close enough to feel threatened.

    Your method may work on 90% of the dogs, but which 90%? And that other 10% can do some real damage.

    I agree. Like hell I'm going to squat so I can go face to face with a stray dog. I know zero about these stray dogs, so why take the chance of getting bit in the face. If I'm going to get bit it's going to be on the ankle/thigh.

    I think were making this out to be more than it really is. My girlfriend has been in Bangkok for nearly 15 years and has had ZERO issues with soi dogs. Whenever i bring up the street dogs she looks at me like I'm a big wuss. A grown man scared of dogs! I try not to bring it up anymore. The best thing to do is do what the Thais do and that is to just ignore the dogs.

  9. I'm thinking about bringing my Pitt Bull over from America. He's nasty. My dog is fierce and will snap the neck of any Soi Dog. I normally need to muzzle his mouth because he's a biter.

    Problem is unless its desexed it will find the whole procreative paradise that some humans do. Then lots of little soi / pitbull crosses will roam the streets.

    I wonder what that would be like? [emoji15]
  10. In the village where I live (near Phimai, Korat) there is practically no problem with dogs. If one does start to be a problem, the locals sort it out pretty well them selves. Either chaining up on it's owners land. locking up indoors; and on one occasion killing it them selves; this after a witnessed attack on a small child in daylight by a single dog. Child about 7 years old, not seriously injured.

    It's a small rural village with loads of kids of all sizes constantly wondering around unsupervised; it seems the locals have maybe recognised what they need to do for the safety of their own kids.

    I make regular visits to koh chang. A tourist resort with lots of transient thai "workers". The dog situation there is very different to the village.

    On the island there are many dogs running in packs, ignored by just about every one as far as I can see. Usual story of attacks on cyclists, motor cyclists and pedestrians. Can even be bad on the beach during daylight. At night all problem situations escalate. Often thai's seeing problems caused by "their" dogs will react with sniggering, laughter and encouragement to their dogs to continue harassing their targets; thai or farang.

    I spent my first year in Thailand (06-07) in Phuket, and now apply the same response and tactics to street dogs in koh chang as I did in Phuket.

    This has resulted in a few more dents and scratches to my front bumper area, but the claret always washes off no problem.

    I don't swerve all over the road to achieve results, or to avoid results.

    I'm never going to heaven anyway.

    You run over the dogs?

    I thought the dog problem was over in Phuket. I had read that Soi Dog Foundation was heavily involved with taking the dogs off the streets and vaccinating them.

  11. @ATF,

    I was alone when I met this girl and I have no problems being alone again. I'm kinda of an introvert. If I need sex while I'm in Thailand the nearest soapie is only a 10 minute taxi ride.


    How much does that cost? Sounds like you don't really love this girl, if not find one you do love. You are not just cheating on her but you're cheating on yourself too.

    I don't do the prostitution thing. I feel sorry for those poor girls. On second thought I'd just find another girl. There are plenty out there. No one should have to resort to soapies and massage parlors.
  12. OK..

    I was just kidding about the video game statement.

    Sorry. sad.png

    sadly I think you were not. which games are you playing BTW? Minecraft?

    I like RPGs such as Skyrim. Love zombie shooters and RTS games like Age of Empires. I can play for hours so I really need to monitor the time I play my games.
  13. @ATF,

    I was alone when I met this girl and I have no problems being alone again. I'm kinda of an introvert. If I need sex while I'm in Thailand the nearest soapie is only a 10 minute taxi ride.


  14. I think it has to do with their Buddha religion, bit I also think it has to do with people in Asia who aren't uptight. I live in NJ which is a nanny state. Our parents and lawmakers mean well, but their watchful eye causes us to fear life. My mom has said "you can't do that. Its too dangerous." Well everything is dangerous. Get over it!

  15. OP: tell your gf to get .

    You already paid a trip of 3500 at your gf request which was more likely than not a favour to help her friend with money problems (via you), rather than take the bus like everyone else, which would have saved you a packet. Then she has the cheek to demand you buy her mum an imported gift from America ontop of that. Why should you buy her mum anything, it's not your mum it's hers!! More than likely you're taking care of her daughter and some day funds will be filtered through to her way if not already, so why does she deserve anything from you?

    If my wife wants to buy presents for mum then that's up to her, and it's normally little odds and sods, not a hamper from harrods. Nothing to do with me. And I buy my own mum presents

    Get rid of your selfish and greedy thai gf who gradually will make her way into your wallet and try control it, and make you feel guilty for not spending everything you have on her and her family so she can bank her own money. she is showing all of the negative signs already

    She didn't ask me to pay $3,500 baht. She just wanted help paying half.

    Getting something for mom is a cultural thing. When I was in Korea and I visited someone's home I was told to bring a small gift.

    I'm going to keep an eye on the situation. If it gets out of control I am out of here.

    Thanks for the input.

  16. @oneday,

    My gf does have the book Thailand Fever. We will read it together. I've only briefly looked at the book and I noticed there is a Thai page and an English page.

    The money was not just for gas. I don't believe gas cost $3,500 baht. That's close to $100 USD. No way. The trip was 4 hours one way, 8 hours total. Probably wasn't cheap. She bought lunch on Sunday when we were driving home as well. It was a Thai lunch so it wasn't too expensive.

    I gave her $1k baht. I guess that was appropriate. I'm trying to do things the correct way, and I'd like to do it without spending a wad of cash every time we go out. I will get her mom a nice little gift and fix the situation. I should have picked something when I was in the states. I blew it. Lesson learned.

    To be honest your talking to a guy who normally didn't buy his parents anything on Christmas or mothers/fathers day. I just don't buy presents . I know it doesn't sound right, and I know I'm going to get hell for that statement. I'm just being honest. I don't like it. Its just how I am. :(

    But I believe that people can change.

  17. Video games my friends!

    Who needs a wife and kids when you can get lost in a game for hours each and every day. Games like Skyrim are like virtual simulators. Much better than real life because you don't have to fork over money, and you can live the life of a virtual king!

    For sex you can either watch porn or visit the Nana district in Bangkok. smile.png

    A well adjusted social individual ... rolleyes.gif

    I wouldn't engage in this type of life style myself. I know of people who do it and are perfectly happy. They tell me that they put in 12-14 hours a day playing games and are perfectly happy. They hate dealing with people and are content to play games in their bedroom until they grow old.

    I have a cousin who is 56 years old. He still lives at hone with his mom/dad who are in their 90s. He has never been married and has no children. He sits in his bedroom and reads/watches videos all day. Hey, if he's happy more power to him.

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