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Everything posted by spider1197

  1. Thailand the land of Hubs o
  2. I had mine done last year. See clearly now and no complications. I went first to a Ophthalmologist in Roi ET and he told me 30,000 baht per eye in a private hospital. He did the surgery himself. first one eye and about a month later the second. 60,000 baht and no other costs except meds. You're getting ripped off IMHO.
  3. Tried the dark beer in the bottle and found it not bad. Then I had a lager in a can and it had a really strong after taste either from the hops, malt or the brewing procedure. Had a hard time finishing the can. won't be buying it again. Disappointed!!!
  4. The world is not perfect!!! and, I sometimes have to say to myself "Get up off your ass and do something"
  5. The marijuana that is sold nowadays is mostly laced with all sorts of chemicals to enhance its strength. That being fentanyl, Meth and anything else that is laying around the chemical shops. Best advice is to grow your own!!!
  6. Since about a month I have had problems with opening items in the Newsletter that I receive 2 times a day. Either freezing or not responding. I do not have the same problems with other Apps. Also the Ads have become terrible. Anyone having similar problems?
  7. I was born in USA and almost all were circumsized at birth or soon after back in the late 40s as well as having tonsils removed.
  8. Mine went from 1500 to 4200. 718 baht FT
  9. Corruption runs from the top politicians, police, government workers and down to the bottom and money runs the show. Living in Thailand you can see it where ever you look. Thai culture is corruption from top to bottom. How can someone go after corruption when they themselves are corrupt?
  10. I have been informing myself about air fryers and need some input from people who have personal experience using one. I am trying to get away from using so much oil to fry food. I have looked around at different models and do not need a large one since we are just 2 people. I know you can not cook everything in one. Any opinion would be appreciated.
  11. It also depends on which IO you go to. I tried the combi method at Roi Et IO and they did not even know that it existed. Luckily I had the 800K in the bank.
  12. Looking for a basic template for will in Thailand. I have looked in internet but most cost and complicated. Thanks
  13. My car is setup to show liters per 100 kms. Thus my car shows 4.2 liters for 100kms. That would mean about 25 kms per liter. Or am I getting too old to calculate.
  14. These boat trips with all inclusive have been going on in thailand, Pattaya, for years and they are fun..
  15. I have a Cross GR Sport and have about 8000 kms on it. Toyota is a little pricier than other comparable models but the resale value will be better. Getting average 4.2 liters per 100 kms. The GR Sport has a better suspension than the normal cross plus all black interior. I have taken some pretty sharp curves at speed and the car stays stable. I really like it and it is self charging. I am sure you would be happy with one if you decide for a Cross. Look around at other brands and models. Enjoy yourself while looking. Take care
  16. Silly me, for a moment I thought a hookah was a slang pronunciation for a Hooker.
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