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Posts posted by JustAnotherFarang

  1. Hi RealDeal

    Yes I think you have hit the nail on the head because my video card was dirty and the engineer who looked at it told me that it was overheating. I also noticed a large buildup of dust and dirt on the outside of the case where it draws in air to cool down.

    In retrospect all the warning signs where there but I failed to recognise and rectify them but after reading your latest post it has got me thinking that I should clean my computer inside and out on a regular basis.

    I will take my monitor to the local Amorn to get it fixed up armed with the knowledge that you have kindly offered.

    Many thanks for your most informative posting, much appreciated


  2. Hi

    In all fairness to MrRealDeal I would have to say that he has made a valid point as it turns out that my Radeon 4850 video card has now died as well. But EmptyMind was right to point out that I had tested my monitor on another computer and it displayed the same problem.

    As to whether it is because the damage has already been done by the graphics card is hard top prove but it does lead me conclude that the card may well have been the culprit for the problems that I have had with my monitor (which cost 12,000 bht 4 years ago).

    I have now purchased a new Gigabyte HD 7770 graphics card and a new 24" Samsung monitor for around the same price as I paid for the old Radeon 4850 card 4 years ago so hopefully this will rectify my problem.

    As an aside, do you think that the local Amorn electronics shop will be able to fix my old monitor and if so, what should I tell the technician to look out for

    Many thanks to all those that replied. Most informative and helpful as always


  3. Hi Guys

    I have my own private teaching school and I would like to purchase a ventriloquist doll or even better a monkey puppet to educate and entertain my younger students. I can see that there is quite a large choice of ventriloquist dolls on Amazon but I am unsure whether they charge prohibitive prices to send them to Thailand. Ideally, I would like to find a monkey puppet with a movable mouth that works with string or I would have to put my hand inside.

    Does anyone know anywhere in Thailand or SE Asia that I can purchase one of these items or maybe a place online that will deliver them to Thailand

    Many thanks for your replies


  4. Hi

    It looks like my Samsung 22' lcd monitor has reached the end of its lifecycle. I never noticed the screen getting darker over time but then one day when I switched it on the screen it remained very dark and as it warmed up and became lighter it carried on flickering for over 30 minutes. I managed to work around this by changing the display settings to "text" or "internet" and it started working properly.

    Over the last day or two that option stopped working but I noticed that if I chose "dynamic display" and a black background screen on Windows 7 the monitor displayed perfectly. Sadly as soon as I open an application like Opera browser or a Windows folder it starts flickering again and is quite unusable.


    I have tried using a different computer with the monitor with the same results so my question does anybody know what might be the cause of this problem and can it be rectified by a technician at the local Amorn electronics shop ?

    My second question is that if as I fear the monitor is no longer usable or beyond economic repair are there any novel or interesting ways that I could reuse or recycle the parts within or even the case itself. I checked on Google for ideas but only seen the idea of reusing the screen as a photo display.

    As always thanks for taking the time to reply


  5. Hi

    I don't want to buy from Lotus or Big C as I find that they sell generic models at more expensive prices. I have checked InvadeIT and they have quite a range of 23 inch monitors but I was hoping that someone could tell me which of the models they have would be best value for money and if they know anywhere where I might find it a little cheaper.

    Thanks for your input


  6. Hi guys

    My 22 inch Samsung LCD monitor is on the way out so I am thinking of buying a new 23 inch LED monitor for around 4000-5000. I normally use my monitor for browsing the internet, watching movies and occasionally playing games.

    Can anyone suggest the best monitor to buy right now and where I can buy it from in Thailand



  7. The phone I was thinking about buying was this one


    With a 16gb card and case that would come to 3200 bht including delivery and 1 yr warranty. I don't know if any of the thai or Samsung offerings can compete.


    You want to give THAT to your gf.... it weighs 180g.

    It's a monster.

    Looking at the specifications. Other than screen size. Pretty much any of the I-mobile compares. And are lighter:D

    Also you do not have to worry about import duty or posting it back to China to be fixed.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    My wife is trusting me to choose a decent phone for her and her only proviso is size as she thinks a small screen will make it harder for her to focus on.

    It's size that matters and she thinks that the extra .7 of an inch makes all the difference to herwhistling.gif


  8. Hi guys

    I am looking to buy a mobile phone for the missus for around 4000 bht. So far I have seen the Nokia Asha 306 and the Motorola XT535 Defy XT which I prefer as it has the android operating system which I am familiar with. But before I commit I was hoping for a few more suggestions to look at from those who are in the know

    Your opinions are most appreciated


  9. If you are looking to buy a cheap tablet with dual core/quad core specs then I would recommend looking to buy one from China. I bought a 10 inch Cube U30gt about a year ago for around 7000 bht from a company called Pandawill and it's still going strong and I am more than happy with it. Nowadays you can get a quad core machine for the same price and you can check out the reviews of the model you like on Google before you buy.


  10. It is not a medication! "Heartwin" is a "herbal" product for which highly improbable benefits are claimed.

    Here is the web site


    If the original poster really is suffering angina I suggest he makes an appointment with a real Doctor who will suggest he avails himself of appropriate investigation and some proper medication.

    The doctor I went to see was the one in the hospital who gave me 75mg aspirin which I have to take 2 tablets daily and another medicine called "Hartsorb" which contains isosorbide dinitrate and must be taken when I feel an attack coming on. He also recommended the herbal medication called Heartwin which can be found on this website http://www.dachglobal.com/index.php?cid=5

    Too be fair, the doctor only recommended it as beneficial and did not sell it to me. I bought it through a friends wife who takes it and also says it is beneficial to her condition as well

    Thanks to the posters who posted, I appreciate your input


  11. @ Lucid Lucifer Please don't take everything we say so personally, after all, it is not you or your friend who is locked up so why paint yourself be be her knight and go into battle with others who just want to ask pertinent questions. If that offends you, the maybe you should refrain from posting


  12. To sit there in silence and say nothing to no one whilst she still had a chance is a question that only she could answer but another obvious question would be why wasn't she more fearful of the packages splitting open in her stomach which would have killled her. Surely this would of been her most paramount concern as then she would never see the faces of her loved ones again.

    I would also add that if she hoped that she would just get through it then that that would still implicate her of the charges of being a complicit drug mule irregardless of circumstances.

    Reasonable questions deserved to be heard don't you think ?


  13. Well I am just playing the devils advocate and postulating her reasons for not speaking out which is what anyone is likely to do when they are not in full knowledge of the facts or has reasonable doubts. Asking others to accept the story on face value is a little naive when there are so many unanswered questions and if her story is true, then those questions will need to be answered if she ever hopes to gain her freedom.



  14. This story is disturbing but if I was playing Devils advocate then I would assume that something doesn't ring quite true here. The question arises that once she was on the first plane to Hong Kong why didn't she alert one of the officials on the plane to her plight and asked for embassy assistance. She could have done this before she even boarded the flight unless she would have us believe she was coereced into flying against her own will. There is also the fact that she says she was raped and forced to consume the drugs but she then chose to sit alone in silence throughout the journey which seems implausible when it was another chance to cry out for help.

    I hate to say this but maybe this is just an effort to save face and not admit to the crime that she has been charged with but if she is innocent and has a plausible story then I hope those that hurt her get what is coming to them


    • Like 2
  15. Thanks to all the members who contributed to this thread and offered good advice. It is nice to see and read the valuable contributions that you have all made without the usually "fanboy" nonsense that exists in some threads on Thai Visa.

    As it stands, I have to postpone my decision as to which tablet to buy as I am now in the process of buying a house but I will look in regularly on this thread as I do intend to buy a model within the next 3 months or so.

    Cheers guys and good luck with whatever tablet you choose to buy


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