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Posts posted by JustAnotherFarang

  1. Wow. Puts me off getting married entirely. The notion that a stranger has to take time out of their day to go all the way to CWT and that dubious and sundry questions are tossed at your wife which are nothing short of insulting.

    How inefficient, even petulant

    How high can you jump?

    As high as need be evidently sir.

    Makes me take a very hard look at marriage - this post is really last straw.

    Western nations should really petition the Thai government. This is totally out of control -and people stand for it. Strangers presence requested at some bs hearing on your "behalf" for the "privilege" of supporting your wife (and kids).

    Perhaps your anger should be directed at the [western] people that participate in fake marriages in order to get visas. If they didn’t do that, then there would be no need for immigration to have to verify the marriage was real.

    But then, you couldn’t blame that on Thais then could you?


    Yes you are so right, there are some farangs out there who take advantage of the system and we cannot blame the Thais for this. But tarnishing us all with the same brush and punishing all for the mistakes of the few is not exactly fair either. Surely the system should root out those that have fake marriages and punish them according to the law. I fail to see how moving the goalposts concerning immigration rules prevents those that shouldn't apply from applying but I can see how the collar tightens for all of the pack.

    When dealing with immigration in my hometown, it is hit or miss when it comes to who will be dealing with my application that day. As someone who has been through this process several times, I have to admit to that it is more stressful than it should necessarily be. There are some individuals in the immigration department who are impolite, arrogant and inept when dealing with tourists but I would not tarnish all of them with that brush because there are many who are a delight to deal with as they help you on your way.


  2. Thanks so much for your reply. I will of course keep you all updated. I too have nothing to hide, but I didn't like not being able to comply fully with this request, so I'm panicky about if they can sort it out, or if I should try and get a neighbour to take the day off one day soon for an interview.

    If it is really necessary for your neighbour to attend the office, why not try to arrange an interview in her lunch hour as it only takes 15 minutes. Or maybe try ringing immigration and offering them her telephone number which they may accept to speak to her at her convenience.

    Try not to worry, everything seems perfectly normal so far


  3. Was this interview done at the point of application or within the considerations period? Just interested in how thisall works.


    In my previous application for my marriage visa, I had to take a neighbour with me to the interview. Luckily my neighbour is my wifes best friend but what I did take offence to was the questions that they asked about our relationship. Did we argue ? How loud and how often? Did I go drinking at night? Was I a gambler or a womaniser?. Thankfully I am none of the above and my neighbour was happy to confirm this but still to hear my wife and I being discussed like this was quite unpleasant.


    When I went to make my original application many years ago it was only my wife and I who went to the office. They gave me a 30 day stamp and told me to return on that date. About a week before that date, they rang my wife and asked if we could bring a neighbour along with us for an interview, which we did. They proceeded to interview her in front of us for 15 minutes and my neighbour made it all seem very amicable at the time but afterwards she said she thought it was impolite of them to enquire about my personal life in such detail.

    I had nothing to hide and I received my visa which I have until recently renewed yearly. In the subsequent applications I made, the intrusions where far less than before and only proof of funds in the bank of 400,000 was needed.

    Sadly, I allowed my funds to dip at just the wrong time for re application this year and now have to restart the whole process again. So please be so kind to update us on your application which I am sure will be successful if not a little stressful at time

    Good luck


  4. Your permission to stay expired I believe - not your visa (which is only used for entry).

    You obtained a 15 day visa exempt entry.

    You should be able to obtain single entry non immigrant O and extend as done previously.

    If that failed for some reason and you have 100k in bank account you could obtain multi entry non immigrant O visa from KL under current policy. Number of visas is not of concern for that.

    Thank you once again Lopburi, your advice is always most welcome


  5. In my previous application for my marriage visa, I had to take a neighbour with me to the interview. Luckily my neighbour is my wifes best friend but what I did take offence to was the questions that they asked about our relationship. Did we argue ? How loud and how often? Did I go drinking at night? Was I a gambler or a womaniser?. Thankfully I am none of the above and my neighbour was happy to confirm this but still to hear my wife and I being discussed like this was quite unpleasant.


  6. Hi guys

    I am married to a thai and I was on a non "o" but due to a problem my visa expired. As it was Songkran, I was only able to obtain a 15 day tourist visa from Pedang Basar which expires on the 26th. . I will be returning to Penang to obtain a single entry non "o" based on marriage to a thai and then restart my visa application in Thailand.

    My question is after obtaining the single entry from Penang, if for whatever reason, my non "o" application was refused in Thailand, would I still be able to return to Kuala Lumpar to try for a multi entry "o" visa or would I have exceeded any limits for entry? If that was the case, what would be my alternatives ?

    Of course, ideally I would like to obtain the multi entry "o" visa from Penang and I am sure I could meet whatever criteria they might ask for but apparently they only issue those particular visas in KL which is my second choice of destination as I will be traveling with my wife and have heard that Penang is a far nicer place to visit.

    Thanks for any advice


  7. Actually the regulations say no such thing - they say two months and that is what is required. Only for retirement do they say three months after first application. This has caused issues in the past but current policy seems to be officially two months for all applications for Thai wife extension at this point.

    Thank you Lopburi for clarifying the fact as I knew it regarding "seasoning" of my funds.

    It is at this point that I shall withdraw from this discussion but I will bookmark the page so that I can easily access all the relevant information for my next trip. I will also take on board your other suggestion to make it a more romantic getaway with my wife rather than the tedious ordeal it was previously.

    Thank you to all the posters for their contributions


    My wife always enjoyed Penang when we went, hope you do also...great shopping and fantastic Indian food at very very cheap prices.....you can also get the train from Hat Yai and then the ferry over to Penang...the train is a bit slow but see the scenery.....good luck anyway..

    Thank you Expat7, sounds like a great place to enjoy spending some time with my wife. I am also beginning to appreciate the positives of the whole situation as I can now apply for a one year visa and not have immigration prying into my financial accounts. I can then also avoid that particular immigration office for the next 15 months as it is just a short hop from my hometown over to a well known casino island to update my visa every 90 days. I can also stock up on duty free goodies which are otherwise unavailable in my hometown. It may not have been a good week but I think we will turn it around and end up having a great holiday

    Happy Songkran


  8. Actually the regulations say no such thing - they say two months and that is what is required. Only for retirement do they say three months after first application. This has caused issues in the past but current policy seems to be officially two months for all applications for Thai wife extension at this point.

    Thank you Lopburi for clarifying the fact as I knew it regarding "seasoning" of my funds.

    It is at this point that I shall withdraw from this discussion but I will bookmark the page so that I can easily access all the relevant information for my next trip. I will also take on board your other suggestion to make it a more romantic getaway with my wife rather than the tedious ordeal it was previously.

    Thank you to all the posters for their contributions


  9. When the relevant Immigration office supervisor says to you "Yes, Kuhn JAF, WE were responsible for all your problems and will grant you your new extension post haste" then I will agree ... else the person seeking the extension is always responsible.

    Dear Jazzbo

    I really don't think you have added anything of note to this thread but thank you for taking the time to read my posts more thoroughly.

    Happy Songkran


  10. I am very sorry to read of the OP's and his wife's dilemma which is more than anyone should have to endure just to get an extension ...

    However, on these pages many times one can read of 'It was time for my visa/extension but I had OTHER commitments, priorities, plans, etc.' ... SAY WHAT?

    . Considering that the immigration office where directly responsible for my problems, it seems a little shoddy to suggest that I may have brought some of this upon myself.

    I would say for the benefit of others that YOU were directly responsible for your problems, not Immigration ... Guys on here have said that they received an opinion over the phone or even in person with one IMM officer, and then when they later showed up that officer was not to be found and was given a different opinion ... Taking care of vital visa or extension matters should always take precedence over a holiday and -- with all due respect -- IMM is not about to make concessions every time someone says someone has died as long as it isn't you.

    I think you must have misread something in my posting. I arrived at the immigration office on the 8th. My visa did not run out until the 10th. There was nobody there to accept my application and the guy from immigration detention centre which is located in the same building in an adjoining office told us that due to the unforeseen circumstances there was no one there to help us but that we should return on the Monday morning which was the 11th. I have been doing this type of visa application for over 8 years so I was quite familiar with the staff but I was most unfortunate in meeting one of their new replacements who really did not know his arse from his elbow, for example, insisting that I needed funds of 400,000 in my account to season for 3 months, not 2. Only after reading his own thai instruction manual did he realise his mistake but still he insisted that there was nothing further he was prepared to do. His simple logic is that I should have come on the 7th........I would have if I could have read their minds.

    Pray tell me, if you found yourself in this unfortunate situation, what would you have done ? And I would like to hear how you can misconstrue the evidence to make me directly responsible for these unforeseen problems.


    PS Please also bear in mind that I had already taken my holiday well within the alloted time. I arrived home on the 7th and went to immigration the next day. The notion that I planned a holiday over my visa regulations is misguided and untrue.

    PPS I also made no mention of my bereavement to immigration nor did I try to use it to sway favour. I only mentioned here online to explain my inital befuddlement at confusing the initial dates in my visa where I said I thought my visa had run out on the 3rd. As mentioned several times now, it was actually on the 10th.

  11. I am very sorry to read of the OP's and his wife's dilemma which is more than anyone should have to endure just to get an extension ...

    However, on these pages many times one can read of 'It was time for my visa/extension but I had OTHER commitments, priorities, plans, etc.' ... SAY WHAT?

    Hi Jazzbo

    Just want to clear up something you said. As I have already alluded to in my previous conversations, I was suffering from bereavement at the time and incorrectly assumed my visa ran out on the 3rd when in actual fact, it ran out on the 10th of April. Please bear in mind that I did actually attend the immigration office on the 8th of April (after my holidays) but was told to come back on the following Monday which was the 11th. Considering that the immigration office where directly responsible for my problems, it seems a little shoddy to suggest that I may have brought some of this upon myself.

    May I also take this opportunity to thank all the other posters, especially Lopburi, Lite Beer and ESB7 for their kind help and assistance. I really appreciate you guys taking the time to advise me and I hope that my next journey will be less eventful albeit more successful.

    Once again, many thanks guys


    (reason for edit, forgot to thank 2 other posters who offered valuable advice)

  12. Be aware hotel space is likely to be hit and miss in Hat Yai as many come up there for the holidays.

    Hotel space was the least of my worries.........

    So I drove all the way down to Hat Yai and finding accommodation was easy in comparison to trying to find out where the minivan hire to

    Penang was available. Everything was closed and the only people on the streets where the party people preparing for Songkran.

    So I drove down to Sadao thinking that if I was right next to the checkpoint it would make things easier........ big big mistake. The local immigration guy said that there was a problem with going to Penang as they where closed on the 13th over the Songkran period and that I would be stuck there until after the holidays. I told him that my wife had rung them already and that they said they where open but he insisted that they where closed. Left arm doesn't know what the right arm is doing...........I didn't know who to trust.

    My wife then sort out a motorcycle taxi into Malaysia which was a little expensive at 60 bht for what is 5 mins walking distance. He dropped me off at the nearby taxi rank and found a taxi driver who spoke English. The guy tells me that I have to go to Penang and tells me its 300. Stupidly I thought he meant 300 baht so I jumped into the taxi only to find that my designated driver cannot speak a word of English (or Thai), his gearbox was failing so he could only use 4 gears and that there was no air conditioner.....windows open all the way but what the hell, I was on my way.

    Alas if that was the end of my problems then I would not bother forewarning others, but what happened next was simply astounding. The driver takes me through several checkpoints and each time asks for my passport. The 4th time he pulled into what looked like another checkpoint and I try to find out why but he is unable to explain but takes my passport to show this guy........ who duly stamps me out of Malaysia after being in the country for less than 45 mins. The taxi driver then pulls up and insists on me paying him 600 bht and pointing to the huge songkran queues of muslim revellers that I should join. By now, I had figured that the idiot had just taken me from one Immigration checkpoint to another and all I could do was to get a 15 day tourist visa from there. I was befuddled and at the end of my tether, so I got my 15 day visa and walked back into Thailand. Hardly a success seeing as I needed a non "o" single entry to solve my problems. By now I had had enough and just wanted to return home.

    After 7 hours of defensive/offensive driving, I finally returned home......and from what I can gather, I will have to go through all the same shennanigans in 2 weeks time. So please please please, can some tell me exactly where I should be looking in Hat Yai to stay and where can I book/organise the shared minivans that need to take me to Penang. I would also appreciate a "heads up" as to what I can expect in Penang so that I can be all the more worldly wise on my next trip.

    Many thanks for any advice given


    PS It must be said that I am suffering from a family bereavement at the moment which did little to enlighten my growing sense of frustration. Apologies if this comes over in my messages

  13. Ask around hotel tonight about transport - most leaves early in morning but suspect only a share taxi would get you to Penang in time to make application same day. Normally it is next day pick-up but the following three/five days are holiday so you may have a long time in Penang. But a service might be able to obtain same day for payment and I have obtained same day many years ago as Consulate did on there own with a holiday coming. Overstay is paid as you cross border and normally should not take more than a couple of minutes for a short period like you have. Good luck.

    Thank you ever so much......... I hope I dont have to spend 3 days in Malaysia so I best get my skates on quick and leave now

    Many thanks


  14. I don't believe it is a problem as long as you obtain insurance and vehicle is in your name (and you are are careful to not break any laws) but have never done so not sure. But there is good transportation from Hat Yai so maybe best to arrange keeping vehicle there and take share taxi, van, bus or train.

    Cheers Lopburi

    I shall be driving down to Hat Yai today in the next 30 minutes and leave the car there and start the whole process tomorrow. What I would appreciate is a walkthru guide as to where I should go to from there and the approxiamate costs. Bearing in mind I have an overstay penalty to pay and I just want to make this whole process as simple as possible so that I can get back home to Thailand.



  15. It seems immigration expected you to extend your stay on the 8th and tried to allow that but you did not qualify for the extension of stay and with the late application did not qualify for 60 day extension. FYI: you should have made the application for 60 day extension of stay before your vacation if you were not going to be able to do the normal one year extension because of seasoning (and that should also be done early).

    At this point a visit to Penang or KL would seem to be in order if you are living in the South - you might use it as a vacation if wife does not have to work and both make the trip. As said a single entry non immigrant O visa is what you need to start the extension of stay process again. You would normally make your application for extension 60-70 days after your return.

    At this point each additional day is a 500 baht fine increase for overstay.

    Thanks Lopburi

    I did ring the immigration hotline and that was fruitless. They gave me another telephone to ring which just so happens to be the local immigration office where we have already been given short thrift today. I cannot blame it on the local immigration office entirely, it must be said that my wife failed to inform them of my initial problems properly.

    So its a long haul down to Penang for us which is hardly beneficial as I am in mourning and my mind is more akin to a washing machine at the moment. So would anyone be so kind as to tell me the in and outs of applying for a "single" entry visa in Penang. I have my own transport but from what I can remember, there is a problem about actually driving into Malaysia as a farang. So where best to park up the truck (safely) and how best to negotiate the inevitable twists and turns successfully

    Many thanks for your swift advice guys, I really do appreciate all the input


  16. 1. It is not a 1 month extension, but a 60 day extension and you should be able to use it again this year.

    2. You would lose your current entry on a non-immigrant visa and cannot get an extension on your entry from Burma, as that one is a visa exempt entry and not a non-immigrant entry.

    3. A single non-O would be enough, for that the marriage certificate copy of wife ID-card and household registraion would be enough.

    Immigration can give you the 60 day extension amd you can contact the immigration hotline baout it: 1178. But there is the problem that your extension to stay expired, so getting a new non-immigrant visa might be the easiest way forward.

    Thanks Mario

    I am going to give immigration hotline a ring now to try and sort this out properly

    I shall let you know how I get on


  17. Hi Guys

    I have been living in the south of Thailand for nearly 12 years and each year I have obtained a non o immigrant visa based on my marriage to a thai lady. Last year, due to a shortfall in my funds, I had to obtain a further one month extension so as to allow for my funds to rest in the thai bank for 2 months as required by my visa.This year, my visa ran out on the 3rd of April and although I have funds equalling the amount of 400,000 bht in my bank, they needed to stay in the bank for an additional month to satisfy immigrations "2 month rule".

    My wife contacted immigration and told them that my visa ran out on the 3rd but due to a preplanned holiday, we would not be able to attend immigration until the 8th of April which was given the "OK". On the 8th we reported to the office to find that it was closed for an unofficial holiday and we where told to report back on Monday morning. The guy told us that we would not have to pay any overstay as the office was closed due to unforeseen circumstances.

    This morning I reported to the office and requested a 1 month extension to prove the funds in my bank account but I was told that because I had used the overstay facility the year before, I was unable to use it again this year. When asked what the alternatives where, I was told that I would have to leave the country. I thought this meant a brief journey over to Kawtheung in Myanmar which is easy enough but the guy insisted I would have to leave the country and go to Malaysia to obtain a visa there............

    My question are these

    1. Is it true that I cannot apply for a one month extension now that I have come to the end of my non immigrant o visa ?

    2. Why cant I get a 15 day tourist visa from Burma. This would cover the days required for my funds to satisfy immigration ?

    2. If I really have to go to Malaysia, what visa do you think I should apply for ? I am sure I have all the necessary information needed but a quick checklist would save any worries later please.

    Many thanks for any advice

    a rather frustrated JAF

  18. Hi guys

    I have bought 3 rai of property overlooking a lake and will hopefully be building my first home there this year. Whilst I wait to raise the funds to build I would like to crack on with the garden.

    The local thai shops in my small province carry lots of unfamiliar tools and the prices are quite exhorbitant to order anything from BKK so can anyone recommend a website where I might be able to buy a few english gardening tools like shears, hoe, spade etc as well as petrol weed whackers and small chainsaws etc etc

    Many thanks


  19. Hi Guys

    Yes, it is a 12 month extension of stay, sorry I did not make that clearer.

    Reading into what you say above, it seems that I dont have any real option other than flying out and then flying back into the country to restart the process anew. I was hoping a quick trip to Burma would have done the trick.

    So do I only need to show proof of funds for 2 months, that may help a little as I could always extend my visa by 60 days to visit my wife and use that period of time to accumulate the neccesary funds

    Its all a bit convoluted isn't it


  20. Hi

    I am British and presently staying in Thailand on a marriage visa Where I am due to report in October. I will then report again 90 days later around the end of December and after being given another 90 days visa, I will then begin the procedure for renewing my marriage visa. The main criteria being that I must have 400,000 bht in my bank for 3 consecutive months January through to March.

    The problem is that I want to be able to access my funds in January as I am in the process of building a house. So I thought that if I left the country on the next day of reporting, this would end my visa and that I might get a 15 day tourist visa on arrival. I could then re-apply for my marriage visa and show that I have had the funds for the previous 3 months and in doing so, get my visa and have access to my cash......it seemed simple enough.

    My wife rang the immigration service this morning and explained what i intended to do, but they said that I would have to pay 1000-1200 bht to leave the country and on arrival, I would then be given another 90 visa and continue my previous visa as I am unable to cancel it. This would defeat the object of my purposes as I still would not be able to access my funds in January.

    Is this right ? It seems quite strange that I cannot leave the country at will and more than a little annoying to watch my own cash stagnate when I need it most

    Thanks for your help


  21. "If you dont want to get bitten by mosquitoes then please spray repellent on you, when you go out at night ,it costs just THB50. Then you wont need to go to hospital. I dont have a problem with them mosquitoes, and they are not has bad."

    Hi James

    Welcome to Thai Visa and I enjoyed your comments about Chumphon but I must point out that the poster complaining about bites was not talking about mosquitos, he was referring to the sandflies which infest the beaches from October through to January and let me tell you that there's a big difference between them and mosquitos.

    Sandfly bites are a real menace and spoil a day on the beach so much that you are unlikely to want to return there. The americans call the insect "noseeums" because of their size and you hardly feel their bite. But within 1hr the itching that follows is incessant and lasts for about 3-4 weeks. You will feel feverish and weak the following day and your muscles will feel impossibly tight for about a week wherever they have bitten you. The infection will ooze and itch and you only infect it more by scratching them. The scars they leave can last for years.

    There is no repellant that works with sandflies that I know of and the only thing to do is avoid them and their breeding areas. So take heed of those that have been to Chumphon and suffered the beaches and you might save yourself the pleasure of their company.


  22. Hi

    I have a problem with tartar on the back of my teeth which is due in part to smoking and drinking copious amounts of tea. I go to the dentist and get my teeth cleaned but within a month or 2, the tartar begins to build up rapidly.

    I seen a product called the Dentek Sonic pick, a dual purpose pick and scaler which removes plaque and tartar using ultrasonic pulses. This products looks ideal for home use and is cheap at 15 US dollars but I do not have a credit card to order it and send it here to Thailand.

    Does anybody know of any websites which offer suitable products in Thailand that I can order from please

    Many thanks for your assistance


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