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Posts posted by deknoiJT

  1. what happened JT... did you lose your mini man bag, you know the ones... look like mini shaving kits...popular with Korean and Japanese men of middle age?

    Can only what is next on topics according to deknoi : do real men use rubber bunny ear covers on their iphones?

    Some of your posts are almost amusing whilst at other times posts like these are incomprehensible. What are you talking about???

    I am not sure of the definition of 'real men'. Could you enlighten me?

    Feel free to share a picture of your own man bag bkkjane. I do feel certain you have one.

    this a what a Man carries... so you all you ladies can carry your purses without fear lol

    I agree 100%!

    There is a man not afraid of some man baggage

  2. Wait, I'm still confused though. The rest of you who don't use bags like this, see when you have a laptop or something, what do you carry it in?

    I use a laptop bag. You know a bag that was designed to carry a laptop. do not confuse this with a bag that was designed to tell the world I gobble penis.


    Here is a man so insecure about his sexuality that he needs a bag to be labelled and assigned an 'official' use before he can use it. How limiting it must be to go through life this way.

    I imagine you are not permitted to place anything but a laptop into your laptop bag, because that would then make your laptop bag a multi-use bag, and therefore a man bag! GASP! The shame!

    No, no! You cannot put that pack of gum into a designated latop bag!

    Wait good sir! Has your laptop bag been rated and approved for carrying a newspaper?

    Tut tut! No sneaking your keys into your laptop bag, it will become a man bag! The shame!!

    The reality is, I am sure you have used a man bag many times, just that you refuse to see it as such.

    So be it I say! Delusion helps many make it through the day.

  3. what happened JT... did you lose your mini man bag, you know the ones... look like mini shaving kits...popular with Korean and Japanese men of middle age?

    Can only what is next on topics according to deknoi : do real men use rubber bunny ear covers on their iphones?

    Some of your posts are almost amusing whilst at other times posts like these are incomprehensible. What are you talking about???

    I am not sure of the definition of 'real men'. Could you enlighten me?

    Feel free to share a picture of your own man bag bkkjane. I do feel certain you have one.

  4. I use a messenger bag- kind of need to in order to carry around a computer, unless you want to carry a briefcase, which is just going to look weirder. Like, what does everybody else use then, especially the people who are terrified their sexuality will be called into question if they have something with a strap? Plastic bags from 7-11?


    Messenger bags are brilliant!

    Good for the laptop and/or tablet, phone, wallet and lots more.

    • Like 1
  5. Wind back the clock 30 years and you will find a practical version of these commonly known as Mum Bags were essential items for the Oz military traveling through Malaysia and Thailand.

    It was common for thieves to ride by on motorbikes to steal bags or more commonly to use razor blades to cut and steal possessions.

    These Mum bags were locally made from heavy canvass with velcro to seal the tops. A few coins were kept incase the razor gangs were successful. You could hear the coins drop to the ground. In all my years I never heard of a successful theft from one of these bags. I have seen a few razor cuts that never made it through the canvass.

    There is the odd one or 2 still being used as I saw one on a BTS passenger a year ago.

    That is a very interesting fact, Farma. I esp. like the safety mechanism of the coins as a warning signal

    I had a quick google and couldn't see an example, but if you do have a picture I would love to see it

  6. I get my girlfriend to carry my extras. I don't carry much though. My smartphone and wallet stay in my pocket. If I need to bring my passport and retainer case for my teeth my girl will carry the items in her pocketbook.

    What happens if you get drunk and lose your bag? Or what happens if someone grabs it and makes a run for it?

    You wear it with the strap diagonally across your shoulders. This avoids any snatch and grab. It is comfortable this way and you let it stay there all the time, so you can't lose it. You simply do not notice it after 5 minutes

  7. Because they are FUGLY ?

    Well, to me they are ... laugh.png

    Maybe the style has changed?

    Do you have a photo of what you have in kind?

    My dear boy, man bags come in thousands of shapes and sizes and styles.

    Having seen the fashion sense of so many men here I beleive most man bags could only enhance the visual attractiveness of the man

    Please google 'man bags' for pictures.

    • Like 2
  8. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    When I was commenting on the "joke" before I was not addressing the "societal effect" of the joke. RATHER, I was pointing out that the joke REFLECTED the mainstream Thai lack of comprehension/acceptance of male to male relations when both males present as male. Thais have a tendency to group all gay men as transgender. Is this a cultural difference or is this just ignorance? Probably a combination of both, but I think more about ignorance.

    I have not come across any tendency for Thais grouping transgender and gay men, or indeed women together. I have found it much more likely for Westerners to do this.

    Ignorance is not the same thing as being stupid. People who are ignorant have the potential to be educated.

    Oh dear! Who is to say which attitude or behaviour is ignorant? It could be ignorant of farangs like yourself to be projecting your own expectations about marriage and gender roles onto others.

    When I read or hear people saying 'potential to be educated' it sends a shiver down my spine. This has been the catch cry of despots throughout history.

    • Like 2
  9. Bayoke Sky, dinner around 600 baht, their buffet got (almost) everything - also a on-top-of-Bangkok view included...

    Have read some fairly negative reviews about this place (with which I agreed for the most part). Go for the view, but the buffet is severely average.

    The food is very average. Not worth the money



    I think maybe you disliked him because he was stopping you from eating the table.


    This comment illustrates how lack of intelligence is an extraordinary handicap when someone is being offensive

    You started it yourself in away ...



    I am never offensive unless someone is rude to me.  If you read any of my posts that will shine through.


    Comments about weight and eating tables are so inane it makes me wonder why thaivisa does not ban under 16 year olds from posting


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