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Posts posted by deknoiJT

  1. I've been shoulder charged in a buffet by a female, Chinese tourist. They take their gorging seriously

    You need to barge them back and give them a mouthful of abuse.

    We were reaching for the last slice of salami. My IQ is higher than 75, so I know that another tray is on its way shortly.

    Many a time I have reached for the salami only to be given a mouthful of abuse!

    • Like 1
  2. That's a pity, because I'd like to understand why some people think it's OK to stuff their faces at a restaurant/hotel buffet but not at a wedding buffet - even if held in the same restaurant or hotel. The only difference I can think of is that at a wedding buffet the bride's parents pay, whilst at an hotel it's the customer. Why should that difference mean that one can acceptably become an antisocial glutton at one venue, but not at the other?

    In either case, if someone takes all the foie gras, smoked salmon, caviar, lobster leaving others without then that person is an antisocial cad, beyond the pale, and deserves to be cast out.

    You seem to have lumped all people together who attend a buffet under the one banner.

    Whether you are an 'innocent invited guest or an 'insidious' paying customer of a buffet, by your reckoning you become a gluttonous pig.

    Clearly you avoid buffet restaurants but how do you avoid Weddings?

  3. OP: What a thoroughly unpleasant man you are.

    To not even have the decency to speak to the staff member and to then mock him with your gluttony.

    You should be ashamed of yourself.

    And love the way your partner's standards compell him to make a scene at every opportunity but don't actually prevent him from associating with a pig such as yourself.

    Why thankyou for your critique sir! I shall assign it to ....wait I have forgotten it already...

    Seriously though.

    Do YOU understand the concept of a buffet?

    Is it okay for a staff member to arbitrarily limit me?

    My partner made NO scene (read the OP and stop embarrassing yourself) He was angry on my behalf. When one day you too have a partner that loves you like mine does, you will understand what that person will do for you. He was looking out for me, protecting me.

    Mocking someone who has been rude to you should be seen as a perfectly reasonable response. Perhaps you would say 'thankyou' to someone who is rude to yourself, but I have more character and backbone than you it seems.

  4. Must be frightening for the poor staff when this hulk lumbers in and starts breaking furniture and chowing down with both hands.


    Excuse me right hand only! He's Muslim. He was probably eating using his hand without cutlery to show off his faith. I wonder if it was a Halal Buffet? Or did it have the "Forbidden Fruit", Pigs in Blankets?

    Oh dear!

    You see, when I read comments like these I know that you have never dined with Muslim people and that you have no Muslim friends.

    Please continue with your zealous bigotry if you wish continuing to look the fool. Your ignorance of modern Muslims is a great source of laughter in our house.

    Have you ever been to a buffet ATF? Please tell us your experience

  5. The question that begs to be answered, are all buffets to be considered all you can eat buffets?? Is seems from what most dictionaries say, the answer would be NO, unless stated otherwise. For the record, I am an American who loves all you can eat buffets, especially bbq pork ribs and fried catfish with hush puppies, and no, they are not shoes

    All washed down with a diet coke ?

    In the south, it is sweetened ice tea. Diet coke is for queers.


    In that case, welcome to the club Soutpeel!

    • Like 1
  6. Ok now you have to pay for my broken chair and desk and injuries i sustained while bouncing on the ground laughing. Me and JT friends cheesy.gif .

    That I don't consider him a friend (not an enemy either) does not change the facts that we are in Thailand and that your name has a certain meaning and that there are other similarities. Coincidence. maybe but its a whole lot of coincidence.

    I am sorry to hear you are no longer friends.

    As for the other, not really a coincidence. If you read back a few posts or so you will see where I answered him and explained the name. From that answer you can see there is no similarity except the initials J & T.

    If I may ask you: Do YOU like a buffet?

  7. I do go to the buffet 7, 8, or even 10 times. But then I do not like to mix my starter, mains, and dessert all on one plate. Never been stopped from doing that.

    So you have 3 starters, 3 mains and 3 desserts. How many kilo's / pounds do you weigh ?

    The issue here is the serving portions. Most mid range buffet desserts are smaller in size. 5 or 6 star Hotels generally have larger portions when it comes to desserts.

    3 self chosen mains at a buffet can often be less than a 3 course restaurant meal.

  8. There is a vein of paranoia running through here that is hysterical! giggle.gif

    Let me look at you: Your name Robblok

    Robb = Criminal/thief

    Lok = pick the key hole

    Am I to make out you are a burglar sir?

    Is this name intentional? To be honest it does look a bit like this.

    You got me I am a burglar.. its a miracle that I have been able to get away with it for so long. You must be the smartest guy on Thaivisa. Please don't turn me in.

    Thankyou for your compliment Sir! I am very smart.

    My point though was to illustrate the folly of assumption and how ANY forum username can be twisted one way or the other. I admire your loyalty in standing up for your friend. wai.gif

    The issue today though is the humble Buffet!

  9. Humor I guess. I don't really mind but I do mind to be falsely accused of BEING deknoiJT. That is not cool.

    Stupid humor in my book why would you call yourself this unless your a total masochist

    Dek = child

    Noi = little

    Loosely translated little child JT

    Anyway stupid to do such a thing if it was intentional, and to be honest it does look a bit like this.

    There is a vein of paranoia running through here that is hysterical! giggle.gif

    Let me look at you: Your name Robblok

    Robb = Criminal/thief

    Lok = pick the key hole

    Am I to make out you are a burglar sir?

    Is this name intentional? To be honest it does look a bit like this.

    • Like 1
  10. Thanks for your response.wai.gif I don't really believe you, but that's my right, isn't it?rolleyes.gif So it's all a coincidence then? Gay check. Minority non-Christian religion check. Loves restaurants check. Overweight check. User name JT check.

    My dear boy, your sense of self importance and arrogance astounds me!!

    Yes I am Gay. Are you allowed to be the only Gay on this forum?

    No I am not part of a minority non-christian religion. I am Muslim. Not a minority. I have no idea what religion you are Sir.

    I do not love restaurants more than any average Thaivisa poster. I love food. Good food. I am an excellent cook. Big difference.

    Overweight? I am 120 kilos but I am also 192 cm (6'3). I have been a sporty type for many years. Do you play sport? I am a big boy, always have been.

    User name JT?? They are the initials of my actual first and last name. J and T. I am sorry I did not message you for approval before I chose my username. Is that a requirement for all new Thaivisa members to message you for name approval!?

    My nickname amongst friends and family, since i was 3 years of age, has been 'Little Man', ironic because I was always so large (like a giant man being called Tiny). In Thai, i was told Little Man is basically Deknoi...followed by the initials of my name.

    • Like 2
  11. Manager tells polite staff person to request of the farang, aka water buffalo, to limit his food intake to three plates.

    WB gets upset, stomps his feet & lets out a snort and decides to eat 7-8 platefuls to show the poor wait staff he will do whatever he pleases when he pleases.

    Meanwhile, young wait staff, raised in a polite Thai culture does not know how to respond to rude farang WB so stands in the shadow while his manager gets more and more angry...at wait staff.

    Yep, you sure showed them a thing or two.

    My dear man, do you understand the buffet concept ?

    Unless signage indicates otherwise, there is NO limit on the food you eat.

    If the staff member wants to limit the amount of servings the restaurant cannot charge for a buffet. Simples.

  12. Anyway good luck with your philosophy. One day you may realize that quality is far more important than quantity.

    Once again imposing your conditions on other people!!

    If you read my OP again you will see that I state I am not a volume eater, rather a lover of food.

    On this occasion I ate my fill to annoy the staff person, but that is an exception to my rule

  13. Weho...... is that you?

    We should be so lucky! clap2.gif

    Weho was the BEST!


    General note. Not to Thaddeus.

    Look, folks, I'm not THAT dense. Please stop insinuating that I am posting as this interesting and charming DeknoiJT character. Think about how STUPID that would be for me to do. Yes, it's obvious that he is playing some kind of playful shadow game with my identity. In my view, that's fun and can be taken in good humor. What's not fun is hecklers suggesting that person is me, because it's not. I've got my own issues with my own posts. I need a new DeknoiJT character to post under like a hole in the head. Got it now? thumbsup.gif Good.

    Next ...

    My good Sir, I can assure you I am playing no shadow game with your identity. I was barely aware of you until 2 months back. Even now I am not overly familiar.

    Unless you have a fetish for brightly colored 'twirly caps' I see very little similarity in ourselves.

    I apologise if some posters would think I am someone I am not.

  14. I don't care what people do as long as they as polite and courteous.

    You confuse me. You dont care what people do AS LONG AS....giggle.gif

    So you actually do care a lot what people do. You impose YOUR conditions on other peoples behavior as to what is acceptable. What is polite and courteous to you might not be to others, my dear

    I know people that go to buffets and gorge themselves ridiculously but they will also buy a few bottles of wine or other drinks with their meal

    Well jolly good for them!!

    Once again, there you are imposing your conditions of behavioral acceptance onto other people.

    Unlike yourself, I choose to be my own person.

    It would be just as insulting to ask for an extra half a dozen plates of food at the Mosque on Fridays.

    How is that relevant Madam?? I am speaking here of a buffet restaurant, a place of business, designed specifically for the indulgence of food.

    You compare that to a place of worship?

  15. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    The original concept of a buffet was have a small plate take a little at a time, now we have get the biggest plate, fill it high and and do as may runs as possible until you make yourself sick.

    Sir, you must be a great deal older than myself!

    My first memory of a restaurant buffet is circa 1975, America. There were people queued at the door for opening time!! Queued! once the doors opened it was almost a stampede to the serving bays. Customers were filling their plates to ridiculous heights, clearing out entire food types.

    I consider most buffets these days to be sedate affairs

    Perhaps they thought your were a health risk to yourself and had your best interests at heart.

    Buffets are now medical practitioners?

    Following that odd logic of yours, they would not have many customers

  16. When the guy said 'filling his plate' ... maybe it wasn't in a heaped fashion, but placed the desired food items, enjoyed them, then went to try another delicacy?

    Five and seven course meals are still considered the height of culinary enjoyment in French cuisine.

    The serving sizes aren't large, each one designed to be a different taste sensation.

    But for me ... Buffets are wasted on me ... when I'm full ... that's it, I push away ... you need room for beer!

    Thankyou Sir!

    Finally somone who read my OP and understood that my plate portions are reasonable and fair!

    • Like 2
  17. Aren't you the guy who broke the chair?

    The chair broke. I did not break it.

    Aren't you the guy who broke the chair?


    This is the same guy from the broken chair dispute thread?cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

    Why does this matter? EVERY day in Thailand something unique and wonderful and sometimes bizarre happens. I just happen to re-tell the story

    They (the staff) should understand as it is now ramadan the OP had not eaten all day !

    This was a small while back before ramadan

  18. You can add Troll to your list of peculiarities.

    If you are not a Troll you are in desperate need of psychoanalysis because you have a need to draw attention to yourself like a child. You take pleasure in flaunting your gayness, religion, weight and overindulgence and probably non whiteness to boot.

    There are plenty of people exactly the same as you that get on with their lives without feeling the need to upset social norms. Your folly will will most likely land you in hospital or worse someday.

    Madam, I apologise if I have offended your delicate sensibilities! wai.gif

    For the less sensitive poster out there...

    This is a public forum, the idea is to share your experiences and add comments. I am no shrinking violet and why shoud I be?

    I am proud of who I am so why should I hide this fact, on an anonymous forum no less!!!!!!

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