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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. Just got back from BKK and quickly passed a sign for Chiang Mai Rock 100 - too fast to catch the details.

    The sign is the exact same as for last years Bangkok Rock 100 - the 2 day alternative music 'festival'. Anyone here know the who, where and when of this gig??

    Gotta go find that poster.

  2. Have been advised it might be necessary to do the registration thing.

    Can someone elaborate a bit for me about what it means, technically. I'm told to do it we just got to go down to the 'khet' and sign up, and that we can void it just as easily. But what does it involve in terms of rights - access to child, income, property, separation - and what does it mean in the eyes of Australian law?


  3. Went down to Suan Lum the other day. Yes, their interpretation is that the 'supporter' be over 50. And have monthly income of 40k. Having a fixed deposit of 400k didn't seem to matter.

    They gave me 2 months and suggested I do this this and this before coming back, and I should pass. (Wont elaborate 'till their recommendations actually pass, because it doesn't fit with other requirements).

    Lawyer spoke for some time to one of the senior guys at the back desks. He said the reason for this law is that there;s been too many young blokes coming here, having kids and not looking after them properly. They also said that the laws will be changing again soonish - I asked harder or easier. They said easier (read into that what you want)

  4. Dear Sunbelt,

    I've searched through various threads, but information is somewhat conflicting.

    I'm about to try to get an non-imm O for supporting Thai child. My lawyer says this is possible, but I'm unsure if he's up to speed with the new rules, even thought he called his contact at Suan Plu to check, and they say apparently ok. But it goes against what's being said here.

    So I would be greateful if you could clarify.

    My vitals:

    Australian, under 50.

    1yo child.

    Not married - but court recognised myself as father.

    Have Thai assets, including condominium, share portfolio.

    Thai income is cash.

    Currently on non-imm 'B' visa.

    What are they likely to pull me up on, and where should I point the lawyer to for the new rules??

  5. I went and had a great time.

    As for Ad being a cop-out, its hardly surprising. Why should he be any different to any other pop star. I don't like it, but thats the way it is: when your promoting a beer, you gotta drink it, and well, promote it. An ex once said to me she didn't like him because he sings about buying thai goods (made in thailand - which he did sing), but yet being a huge harley enthusiast. He's rant against the ban on cock fighting at the height of bird-flu was just a tad rediculous.

    Still great entertainment. He got right stuck into Thaksin. Asked permission first, this beign T's home town. Crowd cheered. So he let loose, saying the <deleted> was un-Thai and that everyone should do everything possible to make sure he never returns.,

  6. can these guys help with cable reception???

    I've just plugged in my plasma from bkk, tv reception is fine, but through dvd, i get alot of 'snow'... i thought interference, so moved the dvd player, but still the same .....

    And this week im gonna buy a NAD amplifier, they're on promotion at the moment, any body got experience??

  7. Ty, its actually easy to find. Go up Suthep rd. At the foot turn right, then the first left going up. Follow the windy rd, taking the first right going through a large gate (guarded) - there are reflective blue signs all the way up.

    Actually, these directions are crap. There's no 7-11 markers, only 3 dogs sleeping. But its well signed. Then again, drive up in the arvo and book ya table.

    BTW, I was at Gallare by chance last night. Nice environs. But thought the food very ordinary, especially the northern food - 120b for a small dish of 'nam prik noom' and the 'cab moo' was the same stringy shit you can find in bkk - rather pointess when entertaining bkk guests. No service either, we poured our own beers all night. Didn't tip (menue said extra 10% service for sitting lakeside).

  8. Great place for ambience - a fake waterfall gives nice 'aurals', the laidback string band that waltzes from table to table, taking requests, the views of city, lakes and hills, the dunnies are a great place for a smoke. Visitors love it.

    Food can be excellent to good. Highly priced (for cm), but worth it. Took an international cook there once, he was blown away. Good Pork knuckle, ostrich meat and Thai standards with a Chinese kick. Pick from the recommended menu and you wont go wrong.

    Its been there well over a year now, and sorry to say, the food isn't as good as it once was. They seem to change cooks regularly. Owned by the zoo, I think. For outside sitting, would definitely have to book at this time of year.

    Oh, good cocktail list too.

  9. Thanks. I just saw hilights on channel 14 or 15.

    (I thought the channels were the same - ie when i stay in hotels, AusTV is usually 37, as is here at my place, and bbc is 2 channels below)

    Can anybody confirm if the outback steakhouse is showing it?

  10. lovely bike. got their phone number? I'll be up there this week and can give them a call.

    RE Korat: Let me see what I find in CM, and we'll compare notes. I'll take a pic of my bike and post it. If you think its worth organising the logistics to get it to Korat, we can probably work something out - unless I get a good trade in deal.

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