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Posts posted by SoloFlyer

  1. Guys and Gals,

    Alot of what I'll be asking has been covered recently - and I will go back over it.

    What I'm looking for is pointers to what is coming out in the near future. I'm interested in cars like:

    Suziki Vitara - except only seems to come in auto

    Ford Escape

    Mazda 7??

    Anything that might be competing with the fortuna (too big), or a replacement for the CRV.

    I'm in an upcountry city, but will need a car to run outa town for work. Occasionaly inter-province. Like the idea of being slightly higher, but without the bulk of a full SUV. Am single, so don't need too much inside space.

    Don't know enough about cars to go the second hand route.

    Appreciate the help.

  2. Thanks. Sounds reasonably priced if its as good as you say it is. Will check it out next time I have a craving, then. I go past there all the time, but yet to see a big crowd.

    Did you happen to notice if they are advertising the Ashes?? Would be the perfect location to see a few games.

    BTW, had japanese at the new flash looking place on Niman with the trendy black canyon and bkk grill. Was not bad ... sushi average, but the grilled stuff was quite nice - but I cant fairly comment because the last decent japanese i had was 10,000bht for 4, including discount and free Sake. Last night was 600b for 2, - ordered by plate, not sets, including 2 lg Heinekens.

  3. Since I got hit up yesterday for not wearing a helmet, I thought it might be worth starting a thread where we can let each other know where and when the police are out and about.

    (I have no problem wearing a helmet if it was fully enforced all the time, but when its random, and your just runnign down the market, unless it becomes habitual, its easy to forget. Wearing a seatbelt became automatic until moving here...)

    Yesterday: Outside the gates of Wat Suan Dok, both sides, six or so cops on each side. Werent taking cash, just licences and giving tickets.

  4. Microsoft recently sent out a security patch which reports back to HQ if the version you are using is fake... there's probably a qick fix, but i dont know these things.

    Yes, AVG is good, but hard to find the free version, I hear.

  5. guys, I looked up Ibogaine last night, and sounds fascinating. Sure theres debate about why this hasnt been used extensively for drug addiction, but the pschological self discovery aspect sounds like a blast. A scary one possibly. Anyone heard of any experiences with this in Thailand??

  6. Anyone know of good places for 'old' bikes... not quite the classics, but 60's-70's style Honda's that aren't too big, but look quite nice when done up.

    I bought one about 7 yrs ago from the market that used to be under 12 Huay Goaw. Cost 9k, in av. condition. Saw one completely restored a few months later completely restored for 40k. Its on its last legs now though.

    These days they have become quite fashionable, but rediculously expensive - saw a real nice 250cc one, dual pipes, but they wanted 70k.

    Info on good repair shops for such bikes also welcome.

  7. Lots of the malls have private boxes, forget the name of the companies, but they can be handy for consolidating shit, esp if you stay in an appartment with open boxes.

    Anyone seen any in Nimanhemin area?

  8. Saw on the front page of one of the Thai news papers of a Farang being shot out back of Tawai. Apparantly local business partner involved, possibly also a TG.

    Anyone got any info???

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