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Everything posted by mjakob007

  1. Thais urged not to drink drive this New Year Thais can wait until new year celebrations are over, to continue 'DUI' While foreigners can continue...
  2. - Quite some stalls on the main road are open. - Kalare bazar is deserted. - Anusarn market on the side of Chang Khlan road is all open, few customers though - Pavilion night bazar is busy with vendors and quite some customers.
  3. If he has multiple tests and assuming his hosts had not been tested prior to his infection, what stops the hypothesis, the family had been infected and he got infected from them?
  4. why not introduce a fee for registering for thai pass. in that way, we can earn income without allowing people enter the country!!!
  5. between now & march 2022, there are at least 12 opportunities to change rules
  6. Not only are we targeting high end, high spending tourists. Now we will only attract those with high tolerance level for un-ending policy changes & 7-10-14 day 'un' happy quarantine.
  7. perfect candidate. - he has reneged on almost every statement he has made in less than a week. - who else would make a better leader!
  8. TAT's just got the scapegoat. now you know, why we cant meet the 20mill tourists for 2022!
  9. low hanging fruits that are lucrative. how about going after the farmers or corporations that burn?
  10. create scarcity and push prices up. 1500 people per evening for new years, drinking to stop at 1AM. See the beeline of high spenders queuing up for 2024 new year celebration, after spending 50k a piece at 14 day 'happy quarantine' before being let out for celebrations
  11. more than 50% of per capita expenses were in sandbox hotel, PCR tests etc. Do they plan to continue sandbox in 2022-23 to continue similar income profile from high spenders?
  12. Making the same statement time and again, without any actions would not yield different results
  13. dont think, they mean much when they announce plans to promote a city as hub of something... more like telling inhabitants of the city, that we have not forgotten your existence. hub of nomads hub of temples hub of bars (ie restaurants) hub of medical hub of free trade zones hub of public holidays hub of rip offs etc
  14. NOT. Historically, whatever has been annoucned by the leader has been reversed. anything different in this matter?
  15. how is this different from international tourist arrivals... or is it the CM bit?
  16. Always confident of own position. Never accountable for its statements
  17. Public should feel reassured from above statement, as the PM had few hours before assured the citizens that Omicron would be prevented from making its way to the country.
  18. But people have been asking for something else for the past few years, would you please heed to their most sort after wish?
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