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Captain Flack

Global Moderator
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Everything posted by Captain Flack

  1. A post breaking forum rules has been removed. @madone reminder of rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  2. A troll post breaking forum rules has been removed. @sabaijai reminder of rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  3. A post breaking forum rules has been removed. Rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  4. The forum has a system that when a email is posted it needs to be approved by a moderator, for privacy and security protection. Yet @Harrisfan you prove to me that again you think you are a special case and the forum riles do not apply to you. Follow the rules like everyone else!
  5. A number of off topic troll posts, with replies have been removed. The next poster that wants to disguise their racism, by discussing a persons name, will be receiving a posting holiday.
  6. A number of off topic troll posts have been removed @Harrisfan one more today and your on a posting holiday!.
  7. A number of trolling flame posts and the bickering replies have been removed. @jori123 your name calling trolling is unacceptable. Forum 9. You will not post disruptive or inflammatory messages. You will respect other members and post in a civil manner. Personal attacks, insults or hate speech posted on the forum or sent by private message are not allowed.
  8. Trolling posts have been removed. @MalcolmB discuss the topic and stop trying to bait other posters, or accept your getting a posting holiday.
  9. A number of post containing just Youtube videos have been removed. If you are going to links to outside content it should always include relevant comment on what is contained in the video, remember this is a discussion forum.
  10. A troll post has been removed. @Yagoda this is the Thai News Section, not a place for you political nonsense.
  11. A flame post and some troll posts with the replies, all breaking forum rules have been removed @pdinbkk
  12. A off topic flame post has been removed. Discuss the topic, not other posters @quake
  13. A number of off topic bickering posts and replies have been removed. Discuss the topic, not each other.
  14. A number of off topic and troll posts removed
  15. A reported racist post has been removed @albany @Harrisfan more off topic trolling, your are trying my patience!
  16. A post using a derogatory slur, against forum rules has been removed.
  17. Off topic post and reply about a poster’s Swedish neighbours has been removed.
  18. A troll post has been removed. @iLuvThai reminder of rule 17. ASEAN NOW news team collects news articles from various recognised and reputable news sources. The articles may be consolidated from different sources and rewritten with AI assistance These news items are shared in our forums for members to stay informed and engaged. Our dedicated news team puts in the effort to deliver quality content, and we ask for your respect in return. Any disrespectful comments about our news articles or the content itself, such as calling it "clickbait" or “slow news day”, and criticising grammatical errors, will not be tolerated and appropriate action will be taken. Please note that republished articles may contain errors or opinions that do not reflect the views of ASEAN NOW. If you'd like to help us, and you see an error with an article, then please use the report function so that we can attend to it promptly.
  19. @Adam Tomaszewskistop posting the quoted post in a translated language. English is the only language to be used. Rule 16. English is the only permitted language anywhere on ASEAN NOW, except within the Thai language forum, where using Thai is allowed. Short Thai translations of technical terms are permitted in specialty forums. While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner that allows others to understand their posts. As an international forum we have members from many countries in the world, and English is not the first language of every poster.
  20. A number of off topic trolling and baiting posts have been removed. Anyone wants to continue name calling, will be getting a posting holiday.
  21. An off topic racist rant has been removed. @Kinok Farang
  22. A troll post promoting violence has been removed.
  23. A number of off topic posts and replies have been removed. This is the community pub section so a little more relaxed, but if this develops into trolling and bickering, expect further action.
  24. A requested to close the topic has been rejected, as we do not normally close a topic once opened, unless they break forum rules. Any posted topic should expect positive and negative comments. If a post breaks the forum rules, then please use the report button,
  25. A post translating the quote in thai has been removed. @UserC923 Note rule 16. English is the only permitted language anywhere on ASEAN NOW, except within the Thai language forum, where using Thai is allowed. Short Thai translations of technical terms are permitted in specialty forums. While we make allowances for members who do not speak English as their first language, we expect everyone to make an effort to post in a manner that allows others to understand their posts. As an international forum we have members from many countries in the world, and English is not the first language of every poster.
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